Transcript:Mourning's End Part II

From Illerai

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This transcript involves dialogue with Arianwyn, Essylt, Eluned, Thorgel, and the player.

Starting the quest

  • Player: Hello Arianwyn. What are we going to do about the Temple of Light?
  • Arianwyn: First of all, we need to know how close the Iorwerth elves are to finding it. Return to the Mourner Headquarters and gain access to their mine. Once there, see what you can discover about the temple.
  • Player: I’ll head over there right away.
  • Arianwyn: Thank you friend. Don’t forget your disguise.
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to Essylt

  • Player: Do you have the key to the excavation site yet?
  • Essylt: The guard has finally returned. Seems it took him so long because he had ten times more cut than we needed.
  • Player: That’s useful. I’m always losing keys.
  • Essylt: Well I have plenty now.
  • Player: So… You mentioned a task you had for me, something to do with the mines?
  • Essylt: That’s right. One of our dig teams has gone missing while searching for the temple. I need you to find out what happened to them.
  • Player: Sounds easy enough.
  • Essylt: You say that now but the beasts in the mines are deadly, you’ll have to be very careful in there.
  • Player: I’ll be on my guard.
  • Essylt: Good, you will need this.
  • Essylt hands you a newly cut key.
  • Player: Thanks, I’ll get to work.
  • Essylt: Good luck in there.
  • (End of dialogue)

Reaching the temple

  • Player approaches the temple entrance and sees the lifeless bodies of the dig team
  • Player: Well this looks like the dig team, and it seems they managed to find the temple. I’d better let Arianwyn know before the Mourners find out.
  • (End of dialogue)

Returning to Arianwyn

  • Arianwyn: [Player name], what is the latest news?
  • Player: I think I have found the entrance to the temple. It looks like one of the dig crews discovered it. They were killed by some strange shadows though, so the other mourners don’t know about it yet.
  • Arianwyn: This isn’t good, it will only be a matter of time before they discover the temple.
  • Player: So what do we do?
  • Arianwyn: I did some research while you were gone. Apparently, the temple was built with safeguards to prevent all but Seren's chosen from entering.
  • Arianwyn: If there are shadows roaming outside the temple, it means those safeguards have long since decayed. I believe we can still restore them though.
  • Player: How?
  • Arianwyn: The temple guards an ancient altar, one with powers over life and death. I suspect this altar is why Lord Iorwerth is so keen to access the temple.
  • Player: You think he means to use it to summon the Dark Lord?
  • Arianwyn: Indeed. Now, the altar is also key to the safeguards on the temple. We will need to use it to restore them.
  • Arianwyn: First, I need you to return to the temple and find the crystal that is powering the safeguards. As they are no long working, I expect the crystal will be black in colour.
  • Arianwyn: Bring me a sample of this crystal. We will then determine our next steps.
  • Player: Is this it?
  • You show the blackened crystal to Arianwyn.
  • Arianwyn: Yes! Good work.
  • Player: Thanks, I found it on the top floor of the temple.
  • Arianwyn: Well done, with this sample, a good crystal chanter should be able to make a replacement. Just a second, I will summon Eluned.
  • Arianwyn: [sic]
  • Eluned appears next to Arianwyn
  • Arianwyn: Thank you for responding to my summons Eluned.
  • Eluned: Any time Arianwyn, how can I help?
  • Arianwyn: [Player name] here has an old crystal sample, we need you to make a replacement for it.
  • Eluned: Alright, hand it here and I shall take a look.
  • You hand Eluned the blackened crystal.
  • Eluned: Now, let me see… Hmm… Ah, there we go.
  • Eluned gives you a newly formed crystal.
  • Player: Thanks.
  • Eluned: No problem, Arianwyn will tell you what you should do with it. Now I had better get going, see you round.
  • Player: I have the new crystal, now what am I meant to do with it?
  • Arianwyn: You will need to first take the newly formed crystal to the end of the temple and place it on the altar there. This will imbue the crystal with the power it needs to safeguard the temple.
  • Player: This is starting to sound hard.
  • Arianwyn: It should be quite simple. Once you have powered up the newly formed crystal, you will need to return to the blackened crystal and place the new shard with others. This should restore the safeguards.
  • Player: And that’s it?
  • Arianwyn: Yes, that is all.
  • Player: Right then, I’ll get to it.
  • (End of dialogue)

Meeting Thorgel

  • Player steps through the light barrier after solving the puzzle and is met with a dwarf standing next to the Death Altar
  • Thorgel: ‘Ere… How’d you get in ‘ere?
  • Player: Funny, I was just going to ask you the same thing.
  • Thorgel: Well I asked first.
  • Player: Well I battled my way through hordes of shadows, whilst trying to solve a huge maze that I had to bounce a light beam around. Now your turn.
  • Thorgel: I came in through this hole in the back.
  • Player: You mean there’s an easy way?
  • Thorgel: Not easy as such. A few of the boys and me set up an outpost at the other end of the tunnel, at the bottom of a huge cavern. The only way to get there is through caves riddled with traps.
  • Player: Hang on, this sounds familiar. Is the name of one of your companions Klank?
  • Thorgel: Yes, how did you know that?
  • Player: He’s a friend of mine, he made me a great pair of gauntlets.
  • Thorgel: Wait… You must be [player name]!
  • Player: That’s right. How did you know that?
  • Thorgel: Klank told me about you, told me how you got rid of that Iban fellow. As it’s you, I’ll make you an offer, I’ll trade you a Death Talisman. You’ll need it if you want to access this altar.
  • If the player has a death talisman in their inventory:
    • Player: Thanks, but I have one.
    • Thorgel: Well if you wanna ‘nother, just come back and I’ll tell you what I need.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the player does not have a death talisman:
    • Player: Great… Wait, what for?
    • Thorgel: I just need a few things, here I’ll make you a list.
    • The Dwarf writes on a scrap of paper and hands it to you.
    • Player: Right I’d better get started, see you soon.
    • (End of dialogue)

Retrieving items for Thorgel

  • Thorgel: Hi again, how’re you doing with those items we need?
  • I’ve got some of them with me.
    • Player: I’ve got some of them with me.
    • Thorgel: Great, can I take everything I need?
    • Yeah sure.
    • If the player still has items to turn in:
      • Player: Yeah sure.
      • Thorgel: Thanks, I've updated your list for you.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • After the player has turned in all the items:
      • Thorgel: Great, thank you so much for getting all that for us! Here take this Death Talisman as a reward. Anytime you want another one of those Talismans come see me and I'll sort you out with another list.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • I'd rather you didn't.
      • (Transcript missing. edit)
  • Do you have another copy of the list?
    • (Transcript missing. edit)
  • What do you need all this stuff for?
    • (Transcript missing. edit)
  • No, I'd better get looking for them.
    • (Transcript missing. edit)

Informing Arianwyn

  • Player: Good news Arianwyn, I’ve repaired the safeguards on the Temple of Light.
  • Arianwyn: This is good news indeed, [player name]. That should stop anyone from entering for another thousand years.
  • Player: Erm… not quite. It seems some dwarves have managed to tunnel through to the back of the temple.
  • Arianwyn: Some dwarves?
  • Player: Yes. They’ve set up an outpost in the Underground Pass.
  • Arianwyn: This is interesting news. I will send an envoy down to speak with them. We must ensure all access into the temple is secure.
  • Arianwyn: Even still, I can’t see Lord Iorwerth discovering this tunnel any time soon. For now, he should have no way to summon the Dark Lord.
  • Player: So what happens next?
  • Arianwyn: This isn’t the end by any means. The Iorwerth forces are still at large and we are not strong enough to stop them. However, with the temple secure, the main threat has been dealt with.
  • Arianwyn: I will let you know if there are any further developments. For now though, your work is done.
  • Arianwyn: I can’t offer much of a reward I’m afraid. However, I did have Eluned make this for you. It should allow you to bypass the defences on the temple.
  • Congratulations! Quest complete!