Transcript:Nelta of Ralos
Standard Dialogue
- Nelta of Ralos: Nilsal, traveller.
- Select an Option
- Can you heal me? I'm injured.
- Player: Can you heal me? I'm injured.
- If the player is at full hitpoints:
- Nelta of Ralos: Sorry, but I cannot.
- (Shows initial options)
- If the player is wounded:
- Nelta of Ralos: Of course.
- The nelta whispers a prayer and you suddenly feel a bit better.
- (Shows initial options)
- So what do you do?
- Player: So what do you do?
- Nelta of Ralos: I am a nelta in service to Ralos.
- Player: What's a nelta?
- Nelta of Ralos: We are the faithful servants of Ralos. We serve in a variety of roles across the Church of Ralos.
- Player: So kind of like a priest?
- Nelta of Ralos: Yes, I believe that would be the closest comparison to the Church of Saradomin, though I am no expert on their practices.
- Nelta of Ralos: Above us mere neltas are the teoki, leaders of the key temples across the kingdom. And of course, above them you have the Teokan himself.
- (Shows initial options)
- In the Teomat:
- What is this place?
- Player: What is this place?
- Nelta of Ralos: This is the Teomat, home to both the Church of Ralos and the Sect of Ranul. The first and only time that Ralos appeared to us, he did so here on Ralos' Rise. The Teomat was built here as a result.
- (Shows initial options)
- I'd best get going.
- Player: I'd best get going.
- Nelta of Ralos: May the sun light your way.
- (End of dialogue)