Transcript:Fur Merchant
Standard Dialogue
- Fur Merchant: Hello there. Want to trade some furs?
- Select an Option
- Yes please.
- Player: Yes please.
- (Fortis Fur Stall interface opens.)
- What furs do you have?
- Player: What furs do you have?
- Fur Merchant: I have a selection of both rare and common furs from all across the kingdom. Also, if you happen to have any furs you've brought from the east, I'd be pretty keen to buy some.
- Fur Merchant: So, want to trade?
- (Shows initial options)
- No thanks.
- Player: No thanks.
- Fur Merchant: Tetamo! If you change your mind, you know where to find me.
- (End of dialogue)
If the player has recently stolen from their stall
- Fur Merchant: You're the one who stole from me! Guards! Guards!