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* Adds support for using LESS on MediaWiki and an interface for compiling LESS to CSS
* This script uses a modified version of less.js
* @link <> less.js source
* @link <> less.js documentation
* @author Cqm
* @version 2.6.0
* @copyright © Cqm 2019 <>
* @license GPLv3 <>
* @notes <> native support for this
* @todo Move docs to meta and update
/*jshint bitwise:true, camelcase:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, es3:false,
forin:true, immed:true, indent:4, latedef:true, newcap:true,
noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, plusplus:true, quotmark:single,
undef:true, unused:true, strict:true, trailing:true,
browser:true, devel:false, jquery:true,
/*global less:true */
// disable indent warning
/*jshint -W015*/
;(function (window, location, $, mw, wgl, undefined) {
/*jshint +W015*/
'use strict';
* Cache mw.config values
var conf = mw.config.get([
* Copy of script configuration
targets = window.lessTargets,
config = $.extend({
reload: true,
wrap: true,
allowed: [],
}, window.lessConfig),
* Boolean to check when adding event listeners via mw.hook
* If multiple event listeners are attached, it causes duplicate messages to
* be output to the UI
attachListeners = false,
* Reusable library functions
util = {
* Inserts a line into the interface content area
* If there is an overflow in the content area
* this will also scroll the content down
* @param {text} The text to add to the GUI,
* @param {isError} If the message is an error message or not.
addLine: function (text, isError) {
var $content = $('#less-content'),
$p = $('<p>');
if (isError === true) {
// add error class
// '> text'
$p.html('> ' + text);
if ($content.prop('scrollHeight' ) > $content.prop('clientHeight')) {
// the text is longer than the content
// so scroll down to the bottom
* Functions for parsing the LESS files and updating the target CSS file
* These are typically used once per 'cycle'
* Reusable functions are under util
self = {
* Loading function
* - Validates configuration and check for correct environment to load in
* - Checks if the user can edit MediaWiki pages if applicable
* - Checks for debug mode (skips user checks)
init: function () {
if (conf.wgAction !== 'view') {
if (targets === undefined || !Array.isArray(targets)) {
// incorrect configuration
// check if this page is CSS generated from LESS or is LESS.
target = targets.find( function (e) { return e === conf.wgPageName.replace(new RegExp('\.less$'),'.css' ) } );
if ( target !== undefined ) {
source = target.replace(new RegExp('\.css$'),'.less' );
} else {
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.jqueryMsg', 'ext.less.messages'], function () {
* Inserts update button
addUpdate: function () {
var text = mw.message('less-update-css').escaped();
$('#p-views ul')
.attr('id', 't-updateless')
title: text,
href: '#',
id: 'less-update-button'
.on('click', self.modal)
* Build the GUI
modal: function () {
// TODO: move this to extension assets
var closeImg = conf.wgArticlePath.replace('$1', 'Special:FilePath/Close-x-white.svg'),
if (!$('#less-overlay' ).length) {
// create modal
modal = '<div id="less-overlay"><div id="less-modal">' +
'<div id="less-header">' +
'<span id="less-title">' + mw.message('less-dialog-title').escaped() + '</span>' +
'<span id="less-close" title="' + mw.message('less-dialog-close').escaped() + '"></span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="less-content"></div>' +
// insert CSS
'#less-overlay { display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; position:fixed; height:100vh; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.6); width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index:20000002 }' +
'#less-modal { height:400px; width:650px; border-radius:4px; background:#fff; box-shadow:0 10px 60px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); padding:10px 15px; overflow:hidden; color:#3a3a3a }' +
'#less-header { border-bottom:1px solid #e4eaee; height:50px; width:100%; position:relative; }' +
'#less-title { font-size:24px; line-height:50px; padding-left:10px }' +
'#less-close { background:url(' + closeImg + ') #bdc5cd center no-repeat; height:10px; width:10px; padding:5px; display:block; top:12px; right:5px; position:absolute; cursor:pointer }' +
'#less-content { margin:0 10px 10px 10px; padding-top:10px; overflow:auto; height:330px; }' +
'#less-content p { font-family:monospace; line-height:1.5em; margin:0 }' +
'#less-content p a { color: #327ba7; }' +
'#less-content .error { color:#d22313; font-size:initial; }' +
'#less-content .error a { color:#d22313; text-decoration:underline; }'
// insert into DOM
// add event listeners
$('#less-close, #less-overlay').click(self.closeModal);
$('#less-modal').click(function (e) {
// stop click events bubbling down to overlay
} else {
return false;
* Closes the GUI
* @param {boolean} refresh (optional) Reload the page if true
closeModal: function (refresh) {
// refresh the page on close
if (refresh === true && conf.wgPageName === target) {
return false;
* Gets the .less source page
getSource: function () {
if (conf.debug) {
if (!mw.loader.getState('wgl.less')) {
// @todo: move this to extension/gadget
{}, {}
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-getting-source', source).parse());
dataType: 'text',
error: function (_, error, status) {
// TODO: can we not inspect the HTTP status code?
if (status === 'Not Found') {
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-page-not-found').escaped(), true);
} else {
// TODO: output error to gui
console.log(error, status);
type: 'GET',
url: mw.util.wikiScript()
data: {
action: 'raw',
maxage: '0',
smaxage: '0',
title: source.replace(/ /g, '_')
success: function (data) {
* Gets some standard mixins for use in LESS files
* @param {string} data
getMixins: function (data) {
data: {
action: 'raw',
maxage: '0',
smaxage: '0',
title: 'MediaWiki:Gadget-LessMixins.less'
url: '',
success: function (content) {
mw.log('getMixins::content', content);
mw.loader.using( ['wgl.less'], function () {
// Monkey patch in a filepath function that takes a wiki file name and generates the url to it.
less.tree.Filepath = function ( fileName, width ) {
var f = fileName.value.replace(' ', '_'),
url = '/images/';
if ( arguments.length < 2 ) {
url += f;
} else {
url += width.value + 'px-' + f;
url += "?11111"
return new(less.tree.URL)(new(less.tree.Anonymous)(url));
self.parseLess(content + '\n' + data);
* Attempts to parse content of source file
* @param {string} toparse Content to parse
parseLess: function (toParse) {
var importErrs = 0;
// attempt to parse less
if (!attachListeners) {
// attach listeners for ajax requests here
// so we can react to imports independent of if they're successful or not
// if there's an import error, less.js will throw an error at the end parsing
// not as soon as it encounters them
mw.hook('less.200').add(function (url) {
var uri = new mw.Uri( url ),
path = uri.path.replace('/w/', '');
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-import-success', path).parse());
mw.hook( 'less.404' ).add(function (url) {
var uri = new mw.Uri(url),
path = uri.path.replace('/w/', '');
importErrs += 1;
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-import-error', path).parse(), true);
attachListeners = true;
less.render(toParse, {}, function (err, root) {
var css,
if (!err) {
try {
css = root.css;
} catch (exc) {
} else {
if (err.filename === 'input') {
// replace filename with our source file
err.filename = source;
// fix line number for sassparams and mixins
lines = toParse.split('\n');
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
if (lines[i].trim().includes('// end of mixins')) {
// add 1 here as i refers to the mixins still
// not the start of the source file
err.line = err.line - (i + 1);
} else {
err.filename = new mw.Uri(err.filename).path.replace('/w/', '');
if (importErrs > 0) {
// we have an import error
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-check-imports').escaped(), true);
} else {
* Handle a syntax error.
* @param {Exception} exc Exception to handle.
handleSyntaxError: function (exc) {
// log the raw error as well
// convert URI to pagename
var uri = new mw.Uri(exc.filename),
path = uri.path.replace('/w/', '');
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-parse-error-file', exc.line, path).parse(), true);
// output the problem text
util.addLine(exc.extract[1].trim(), true);
// LESS doesn't have i18n so this will have to be english
util.addLine(exc.message, true);
* Formats resulting CSS so it's readable after parsing
* @param {string} css CSS to format
formatCss: function (css) {
// be careful with these regexes
// everything in them does something even if it's not obvious
css = css
// strip block comments
// @source <>
// after parsing, block comments are unlikely to be anywhere near
// the code they're commenting, so remove them to prevent confusion
// inline comments are stripped during parsing
// [\n\s]* at the start of this regex is to stop whitespace leftover
// from removing comments within rules
.replace(/[\n\s]*\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\//g, '')
// add consistent newlines between rules
.replace(/(\})\n+/g, '$1\n\n')
// 4 space indentation
// do it this way to account for rules inside media queries, keyframes, etc.
// the 8 space indent replace should never really be used
// but is there just in case
// the 6 space indent is for something like keyframes in media queries
.replace(/\n {8}([\s\S])/g, '\n $1')
.replace(/\n {6}([\s\S])/g, '\n $1')
.replace(/\n {4}([\s\S])/g, '\n $1')
.replace(/\n {2}([\s\S])/g, '\n $1')
// @font-face
// this just aligns each value for the src property
function (_, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
return '@font-face { ' +
p1 +
p2 +
'src: ' + p3.split(', ').join(',\n' + p2 + ' ') + ';' +
// trim outer whitespace
* If set in config, wraps the css in pre tags
* @param {string} css CSS to wrap in pre tags
wrap: function (css) {
if (config.wrap) {
// you only need the opening pre tag to stop redlinks, etc.
css = '/* <pre> */\n' + css;
* Edits the target page with the new CSS
* @param {string} text Content to update the target page with
postCss: function (text) {
var token = mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken'),
summary = mw.message('less-dialog-edit-summary', source).plain(),
params = {
action: 'edit',
summary: summary,
token: token,
title: target,
text: text
// safe guard for debugging
// as mw.Api isn't loaded for anons
if (!conf.wgUserName) {
mw.log('User is not logged in');
// use mw.Api as it escapes all out params for us as required
api = new mw.Api();
.done(function (data) {
if (data.edit && data.edit.result === 'Success') {
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-edit-success', target).parse());
/*window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);*/
} else if (data.error) {
util.addLine(data.error.code + ': ' +, true);
mw.message('error-persist', 'meta:MediaWiki talk:Gadget-Less-core.js').parse(),
} else {
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-unknown-error').escaped(), true);
util.addLine(mw.message('less-dialog-error-persist').escaped(), true);
if (conf.debug) {
wgl.less = self;
} else {
wgl.less = self.init;
}(this, this.location, this.jQuery, this.mediaWiki, this.wgl = this.wgl || {}));