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Calculator:Skill calc/Template |
General notes
- Importing your Old School RuneScape stats will use your experience by default instead of your level for greater accuracy.
- Setting numbers greater than 99 with the Level selection will internally work like experience.
- If you find an issue, please leave comments on calculator talk page or join our Discord.
- Experience is calculated based on combining harvest experience (with yield assumed or calculated), plant experience, compost experience, and checking health.
- The cost of the compost used is NOT calculated in the cost.
- The estimated yield listed below is calculated at current level only. This does not account for leveling up along the way. This is a feature being worked on soon.
- Allotment, herbs, hops, giant seaweed have estimated yields and calculated to generate experience at the player's current level. The formula used to generate the estimated yield is as follows:
- The following have assumed yields that are used to calculate total experience for that type:
- Bushes - 4
- Grapes - 10
- Cactus spine - 3
- Potato cactus - 6
- Celastrus tree - 6
template=Calculator:Skill calc/Template form=FarmingCalc result=FarmingResults name = param = name|Name||hs|current,20,2;currentToggle,Experience param = currentToggle|Current: Level or Experience?|Experience|select|Level,Experience param = current|Current (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000 param = goalToggle|Goal: Level or Experience?|Level|select|Level,Experience param = goal|Goal (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000 param = method|Method|All|select|All,Allotment,Bush,Flower,Fruit tree,Herb,Hops,Special,Tree param = dataCriteria|Hide inaccessible methods|Show All|buttonselect|Show All,Hide,Greyed out param = diary|Diary Reward|None|select|None,Medium Kandarin,Hard Kandarin,Elite Kandarin,Hard Kourend param = compost|Compost|None|select|None,Compost,Supercompost,Ultracompost param = head|Farmer's strawhat (0.4%)|false|check param = body|Farmer's jacket (0.8%)|false|check param = legs|Farmer's boro trousers (0.6%)|false|check param = boots|Farmer's boots (0.2%)|false|check param = secateurs|Magic secateurs|false|check param = farmingCape|Farming cape|false|check param = attas|Attas plant|false|check param = skill|Skill|Farming|hidden autosubmit = enabled
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