Calculator:Prayer/Ensouled heads

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Ensouled heads

Magic Level Ensouled head Required runes Total cost Prayer XP Prayer XP/hr GP/XP
Head Price Runes Price
16 351 4Body 2Nature 246 597 130 28,600 -4.59
556 802 182 40,040 -4.41
2,000 2,246 286 62,920 -7.85
626 872 364 80,080 -2.40
724 970 454 99,880 -2.14
1,059 1,305 480 105,600 -2.72
1,188 1,434 494 108,680 -2.90
41 2,319 4Body 3Nature 1Soul 526 2,845 520 114,400 -5.47
705 1,231 584 128,480 -2.11
912 1,438 650 143,000 -2.21
1,369 1,895 716 157,520 -2.65
1,737 2,263 754 165,880 -3.00
1,609 2,135 780 171,600 -2.74
1,937 2,463 832 183,040 -2.96
72 1,882 1Blood 3Nature 2Soul 881 2,763 884 194,480 -3.13
2,295 3,176 936 205,920 -3.39
2,979 3,860 1040 228,800 -3.71
3,602 4,483 1104 242,880 -4.06
4,201 5,082 1170 257,400 -4.34
5,579 6,460 1200 264,000 -5.38
90 4,887 2Blood 4Nature 4Soul 1,548 6,435 1234 271,480 -5.21
5,265 6,813 1300 286,000 -5.24
7,713 9,261 1560 343,200 -5.94