Clan Settings

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Clan Settings are accessed by clicking the "Settings" button in the "Your Clan" tab of the chat-channel panel. In this interface players can change various settings of their clan (providing they have the appropriate rank to do so), such as changing the ranks of clan members, the permissions various ranks have, and creating events.

Main settings

The main settings, where players can edit the clan's public profile

The main settings displays the size of the clan, the owner, and the date the clan was founded. In addition, it displays several general settings.


The name of the clan is displayed here. The owner can change the name of the clan here, while non-owners can choose to report the clan name as offensive.

WARNING: If the owner changes the name of the clan, the original clan name will be immediately opened for anyone to take. There's also a 7 day cooldown for each name change!

Home World

Players can input the home world of the clan. If an invalid world is selected (such as 35) the player is asked to input a valid world.

Players can view a list of valid worlds in the world switching interface.


Only visible to the owner, this is where owners resign and, after a 7 day wait period, transfer ownership to the oldest member of the clan with an Administrator rank or above, and who has been active within the past 90 days. This decision cannot be reversed after the 7 day wait period.

If the player is the last clan member, players are prompted whether they wish to delete the clan. The player would still need to wait a 7 day wait period if this is the case.


Players can select interests for the clan, which help prospective clan members to make their decision whether to join the player's clan.

Clan Interests
F2P Newbie-friendly
Socialising Diversity
Pure PvP
Boss-hunting Raiding
Slayer Skilling
Role-playing Iron players
Ultimate Iron players Hardcore Iron players
Castle Wars Soul Wars

Talk in chat

Players can choose which ranks are able to speak in the clan chat.

Guests may listen in chat

Players can toggle whether to block guests from viewing the clan chat.

Clan motif

The icon customisation interface to edit the clan motif.

Players can customise their clan's motif by clicking the clan motif on the right side of the main settings interface.

The clan motif determines the appearance of the clan cloak and clan vexillum.


Players can choose from one of the following eight colours for their clan motif.

Black Orange Blue Red Green Yellow Light blue Purple
Black Orange Blue Red Green Yellow Light blue Purple


Players can choose two icons from the following 27 icons for their clan motif. Players can also leave the icons empty should they wish to do so.

Icon Name Description
Dragon med helm Timelessly fashionable. The helmet of a champion.
Compass Not all who wander are lost.
Axe and pickaxe A good tool improves the way you work. A great tool improves the way you think.
Party hat Party time! Excellent.
Bones Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Bones to experience.
Wizard hat It is our choices that show us what we truly are. Far more than our abilities.
Holy star of Saradomin Go in peace in the name of Saradomin; may his glory shine upon you like the sun.
Fish Give a noob a fish and they will leave you alone. Teach a noob to fish and they will inflate the fish market.
Tragedy Life's biggest tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.
Heart Follow it. You'll be happier.
Robin hat Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.
Unholy symbol of Zamorak May your bloodthirst never be sated, and may all your battles be glorious. Zamorak bring you strength.
Rake and spade Life is a garden. You reap what you sow.
Comedy A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Swords If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword.
Arrows Aim steady. Perfection is unattainable, but one should always strive for it.
Icon of Guthix May you walk the path, and never fall, for Guthix walks beside thee on thy journey. May Guthix bring you peace.
Hunter Pawschamp?
Bob Cats are easily as tough as sheep. Cats were the second thing Guthix brought here, after sheep of course.
Mask Stand and deliver!
Defence The shield that guards the realms of men.
Cabbage Brassica Prime. Thy Name be Vegetable, thy land be soil. Plant in us thy seeds of faith, that we may grow beyond allotments. Forever, your crops. Cabbage.
Rose A rose in the grey.
Ring You must really like your clan if you put a ring on it.
Skull A risky life, to be marked by Him. Though a skulled adventurer need not fear when their clan is near.
Iron By the way.
Ultimate iron Ultimately, you stand alone.


The events settings.

The Events settings allows players to view upcoming events for the clan.

Players can enter Edit Mode to create or change an existing event.


There are four types to choose from, which will change the choice of Activity players can select whilst creating an event.

  • Bossing
  • Skilling
  • PvP
  • Social


The subtype can be chosen to further specify the details of the event.

None Mass Wilderness
Risky Serious Chill
Meta Competition Rewards


Players can input the number of days until the event starts. The maximum is 30.

Once players input a date, it will be displayed in DD-Mon-YYYY format.


Players can select a number of activities for the event, depending on the type chosen.


Bossing activities
Abyssal Sire Alchemical Hydra Artio Barrows Callisto Calvar'ion
Cerberus Chambers of Xeric Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode Chaos Elemental Chaos Fanatic Commander Zilyana
Corporeal Beast Crazy Archaeologist Dagannoth Kings Deranged Archaeologist Duke Sucellus Fight Caves
Gauntlet General Graardor Giant Mole Grotesque Guardians Inferno K'ril Tsutsaroth
Kalphite Queen King Black Dragon Kraken Kree'arra Leviathan Nex
Nightmare Revenant Maledictus Sarachnis Scorpia Spindel Tempoross
Theatre of Blood Thermy Tombs of Amascut Tombs of Amascut: Entry mode Tombs of Amascut: Expert mode Vardorvis
Venenatis Vet'ion Vorkath Whisperer Wintertodt Zalcano


Skilling activities
Agility Combat Construction Cooking
Crafting Farming Firemaking Fishing
Fletching Herblore Hunter Mining
Prayer Runecrafting Slayer Smithing
Thieving Woodcutting


PvP activities
1 Defence Berserker Camelot Castle Wars
Chaos Altar Deep Wilderness Dharoks Edgeville
Free to play Grand Exchange Last Man Standing Lumbridge
Med-Level Revenants Rimmington Soul Wars


Social activities
Bank Standing Barbarian Assault Clan Hall Gathering
Clues FashionScape Games Room
Hide and Seek House party Questing


Players can input the time that the event is scheduled to start, using the 24-hour clock.

Players cannot set time zones for events, though the in-game clock uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Any clan member that logs in 24 hours before the event starts will be notified of the upcoming event; this occurs for the player once per day.

Join Rank

Players can set the rank for which players can participate in the event, ranging from Guest to Owner, alongside any customised ranks the player has set in the Titles settings


Players can input the world in which the event is planned to take place.

If an invalid world is selected (such as 73) the player is asked to input a valid world. Players can view a list of valid worlds in the world switching interface.

Duration (Days)

Players can input the number of days in which the event takes place. The maximum is 30.

Member list

The clan's list of members.

The Members settings displays a list of clan members. Players can use the drop-down menus on the top to choose what player data to see, display a range of ranks on the bottom, and search for player names.

  • Rank - The rank of the clan member. Players can change their rank from here.
  • Joined - The date in which the clan member joined the clan, displayed in DD-Mon-YYYY format.
  • Last seen - The date in which the clan member last logged in. This data is only stored for those with Administrator rank or above.
  • Skill total - The total level of the clan member. Only displayed for players on the same world as the one viewing the member list.
  • Combat level - The combat level of the clan member. Only displayed for players on the same world as the one viewing the member list.
  • Highscores - Displays a link to the clan member's HiScores.
  • Expel - Expels the clan member. A confirmation message will pop up asking if players would like to proceed.


The clan's list of applicants.

The Applicants interface is where players can open up their clan for recruitment and view players who have applied to join the clan.

Players can click the "Invite applications" button on the top left to enable recruitment. Players can also set a minimum combat and total level required to apply.

The left side of the interface displays a list of applicants, and can be clicked on to display their skill levels on the right. Players can then accept or decline the application.

Players must stop inviting applications before being able to enter the Clan Hall and enter Edit Mode for events.

Clan Hall

The Clan Hall settings allows players to toggle the following. To change which ranks can enter and edit the clan hall, players must view the Permissions settings instead.

  • Home world - Choose whether or not to restrict accessibility of the Clan Hall to the clan's home world.
  • Lock hall - Choose whether or not to lock the Clan Hall to additional players. Players inside the Clan Hall when this setting is changed will not be kicked out.
  • Player count - Choose the amount of players that are allowed inside the Clan Hall. The maximum is 2,000.


The permissions settings.

Players can set the permission access to an existing rank here, which allows the minimum rank set to edit the permissions for various features in the clan settings.


There are six management settings. All but recruitment require a minimum of Administrator to change.

  • Edit rank titles - Sets the rank required to add or change the titles used for ranks.
  • Assign member ranks - Sets the rank required to assign ranks to lower ranked clan members. Players cannot edit the rank of a higher ranked clan member, nor can they edit their own rank to be higher than their current one.
  • Recruitment - Sets the rank required to invite other players into the clan and open up the clan for recruitment in the Applicants interface.
  • Expel members - Sets the rank required to expel lower ranked clan members from the clan.
  • Edit public profile - Sets the rank required to edit the main settings (ex. clan interests and home world)
  • Icons - Sets the rank required to edit the clan motif.


There are eight chat settings:

  • Talk in chat - Sets the rank required to talk in the clan chat.
  • Kick from chat - Sets the rank required to kick guests from the clan chat.
  • Ban from chat - Sets the rank required to ban and unban guests from the clan chat. Only available for ranks Administrator and above.
  • Guests may listen in chat - Choose whether to block guests from viewing the clan chat.
  • Guest minimum combat - Sets the minimum combat level for guests to join the clan chat. If changed, existing guests will not be kicked out.
  • Guest minimum skill total - Sets the minimum total level for guests to join the clan chat. If changed, existing guests will not be kicked out.
  • Guest minimum QP - Sets the minimum amount of quest points for guests to join the clan chat. If changed, existing guests will not be kicked out.
  • Guest Iron status - Sets the type of iron status for guests to join (Any Iron player, UIM only, or HCIM only). If changed, existing guests will not be kicked out.


There are two events settings:

  • Organise events - Sets the rank required to enter Edit Mode for events.
  • Initiate Clan Wars - Sets the rank required to send and receive challenges in Clan Wars.


There are two coffer settings:

  • Deposit into coffer - Sets the rank required to deposit coins into the Clan Coffer.
  • Withdraw from coffer - Sets the rank required to withdraw coins from the Clan Coffer.

Clan Hall

There are five Clan Hall settings:

  • Enter clan hall - Sets the rank required to enter the Clan Hall.
  • Edit clan hall - Sets the rank required to edit aspects of the Clan Hall in the clan hall settings further above this section.
  • Deposit in the party chest - Sets the rank required to permanently deposit items into the party chest.
  • Pull the lever for the party chest - Sets the rank required to pull the lever for a drop party.
  • Get drops from party balloons - Sets the rank required to be eligible to receive items from popping balloons during a drop party.



  • Joining/Leaving clan - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member joins or leaves the clan.
  • Quest broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member completes a quest.
  • Achievement diary broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member completes a tier of any Achievement Diary.
  • Collection log broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member receives a new item in the collection log.
  • Hardcore death broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member playing hardcore ironman mode dies and loses their status.
  • Personal best broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member achieve a new personal best time in various content.


  • Level-up broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member reaches milestone levels.
  • Level-up increments of X - Broadcast notifications for every 10th, 5th, and every level gained by a clan member, where players can set a value for when the broadcast is triggered.
  • Post-99 XP broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member reaches experience milestones.
  • Post-99 XP broadcast intervals - Sets the threshold for broadcast for every multiple of a given XP value above 99.


  • Loot broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member acquires a valuable drop or pet.
  • Loot broadcast value - Sets a threshold for the loot broadcasts setting. The maximum value is 2,147,483,647 coins.
  • Combat Achievement tier broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member completes a set of Combat Achievements.
  • Combat Achievement task broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member completes a Combat Achievements task.
  • Combat Achievement task threshold - Sets a threshold for the minimum task tier to have broadcast notifications.


  • PK broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member defeats another player.
  • PK broadcast value - Sets a threshold for the PK broadcasts setting. The maximum value is 2,147,483,647 coins.
  • Player defeat broadcasts - Sets the rank required to have broadcast notifications when a clan member is defeated by another player.
  • Loot key broadcasts - Sets the rank required to receive notifications when clan members open a loot key.
  • Loot key broadcast value - Sets a threshold for the loot key broadcast setting. The maximum value is 2,147,483,647 coins.

Rank Titles

The rank title settings.

Clans have a number of ranks which can be assigned to individual members of that clan through the clan settings.

Rank Description
Jagex Moderator Jagex Moderators have full access to every clan.
Owner The player who owns the clan, typically the person who created it.
Deputy Owner The player(s) who act as deputy owners, assigned by the owner.
Up to 9 customisable ranks from the table below
Administrator The player(s) who typically manage the clan.
Up to 15 customisable ranks from the table below
Guest Guests who have not joined the clan.

24 ranks within a clan have a customisable name and corresponding icon, and can be any of the following 264 ranks:

List of customisable ranks
Army ranks 1
Dogsbody Minion Recruit Pawn Private Corporal Novice Sergeant
Army ranks 2
Page Noble Adept Legionnaire Lieutenant Proselyte Captain Major
General Master
Army ranks 3
Officer Commander Colonel Brigadier Admiral Marshal
Opal Jade Red Topaz Sapphire Emerald Ruby Diamond Dragonstone
Onyx Zenyte
Kitten Bob Wily Hellcat Skulled Goblin Beast Imp
Gnome Child Gnome Elder Short Green Guy
Misthalinian Karamjan Asgarnian Kharidian Morytanian Wild Kandarin Fremennik
Brassican Saradominist Guthixian Zamorakian Serenist Bandosian Zarosian Armadylean
Rune symbols
Air Mind Water Earth Fire Body Cosmic Chaos
Nature Law Death Astral Blood Soul Wrath
Diseased Pine Wintumber Oak Willow Maple Yew Blisterwood
Attacker Enforcer Defender Ranger Priest Magician Runecrafter Medic
Athlete Herbologist Thief Crafter Fletcher Miner Smith Fisher
Cook Firemaker Lumberjack Slayer Farmer Constructor Hunter Skiller
Holy Unholy Natural Sage Destroyer Mediator Legend Myth
TzTok TzKal Maxed
Anchor Apothecary Merchant Feeder Harpoon Carry
Archer Battlemage Artillery Infantry Smiter Looter Saviour Sniper
Crusader Spellcaster
Miscellaneous 1
Mentor Prefect Leader Supervisor Superior Executive Senator Monarch
Scavenger Labourer Worker Forager Hoarder Prospector Gatherer Collector
Bronze Iron Steel Gold Mithril Adamant Rune Dragon
Protector Bulwark Justiciar Sentry Guardian Warden Vanguard Templar
Squire Duellist Striker Ninja Inquisitor Expert Knight Paladin
Goon Brawler Bruiser Scourge Fighter Warrior Barbarian Berserker
Staff Crew Helper Moderator Sheriff
Miscellaneous 2
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink Grey
Wizard Trickster Illusionist Summoner Necromancer Warlock Witch Seer
Assassin Cutpurse Bandit Scout Burglar Rogue Smuggler Brigand
Oracle Pure Champion Epic Mystic Hero Trialist Defiler
Scholar Councillor Recruiter Learner Scribe Assistant Teacher Coordinator
Walker Speed-Runner Wanderer Pilgrim Vagrant Record-chaser Racer Strider
Doctor Nurse Druid Healer Zealot Cleric Shaman Therapist
Gamer Adventurer Explorer Achiever Quester Raider Completionist Elite
Firestarter Specialist Burnt Pyromancer Prodigy Ignitor Artisan Legacy

Ban list

The clan ban list.

Players can view the clan's ban list here. It displays all current players that are banned from joining the clan's chat or entering the Clan Hall as a guest. Clan members can search for specific banned players by clicking the search icon in the bottom right, or to exit the search results.

Clan members with the ranks Administrator and above can add players to be banned, or to unban a player from the clan.

Players can only be banned if they are not currently in the clan. In order to ban a player, you must first expel them by going to the Member List, changing the "Rank" drop-down option to "Expel", and then expelling the player.

The ban list can only contain 100 usernames.

Leave Clan

This prompts a confirmation message on whether players truly wish to leave the clan or not. Players who leave the clan cannot rejoin again unless someone with the rank to recruit players invites them back.

Clan Owners must resign via the main settings before leaving the clan.