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Templates used
Calculator:Skill calc/Template

General notes

  • Importing your Old School RuneScape stats will use your experience by default instead of your level for greater accuracy.
  • Setting numbers greater than 99 with the Level selection will internally work like experience.
  • If you find an issue, please leave comments on calculator talk page or join our Discord.


  • This calculator assumes that every cooking activity is successful, resulting in zero burned food. This is only practical for pies which can be cooked with Bake Pie.
    • For pies cooked with the bake pie spell, this calculator assumes that the player has a staff providing unlimited water runes and fire runes.
  • Sacred eel experience is assumed at median value of what can be produced.


template=Calculator:Skill calc/Template
name =
param = name|Name||hs|current,8,2;currentToggle,Experience
param = currentToggle|Current: Level or Experience?|Experience|select|Level,Experience
param = current|Current (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000
param = goalToggle|Goal: Level or Experience?|Level|select|Level,Experience
param = goal|Goal (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000
param = f2pMembersToggle|Show|All|buttonselect|All,Free-to-play,Members
param = method|Method|All|select|All,Baked,Brewing,Gnome drink, Gnome food,Meat,Other,Vegetable
param = stepLimit|Show recipes w/ exactly N steps|Show All|buttonselect|Show All,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
param = dataCriteria|Hide inaccessible methods|Show All|buttonselect|Show All,Hide,Greyed out
param = skill|Skill|Cooking|hidden
autosubmit = enabled
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