Money making guide/High alching rings of visibility

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High alching rings of visibility
Magic 55
  • Partially completed Desert Treasure I.
  • NOT completed Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire.
  • Other
    ProfitExperience gained
    61,800, after taxMagic 39,000
    Inputs (64,200)Outputs (126,000, after tax)
    600 × Nature rune (64,200)600 × Ring of visibility (0)600 × Coins (126,000)

    The maximum amount of casts of High Alchemy per hour is 1,200. You can obtain rings of visibility from Rasolo for free, but only one at a time, so you may only effectively alch up to 600/hr. Rings have a high alchemy value of 210 coins, therefore netting you a profit as long as the price of 1 nature rune is less than that (currently 107).

    Use a staff of fire to increase profit by not using fire runes.

    Players who plan on doing this method to go from 55 Magic to 200m Magic XP should keep in mind that using Bryophyta's staff is only profitable once you reach 100,975,786 XP.