
From Illerai
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New Objects

New Objects
name id actions
Cauldron 55410(1) [Drink-from, None, None, None, None]
Reward Cart 55411(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Reward Cart 55412(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Reward Cart 55413(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Reward Cart 55414(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Reward Cart 55415(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Reward Cart 55416(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Rockslide 55417(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
Rockslide 55418(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
Rockslide 55419(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
null 55420(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
null 55421(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
null 55422(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
null 55423(1) [Search, Check, Big-Search, None, None]
Grape storage 55424(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
Grape storage 55425(1) [None, None, None, None, None]
Grape storage 55426(1) [None, None, None, None, None]

Removed Objects

Removed Objects
name id actions

Diff Objects


New Enums

New Enums
id defaultValue map
5584(1) -1 {'0': -1, '1': 20702, '2': 20701, '3': 20700, '4': 20699}
5585(1) First item in tab {'0': 'First item in tab', '1': 'Digit (1, 2, 3)', '2': 'Roman numeral (I, II, III)'}
5586(1) First item in tab {'0': 'First item in tab', '1': 'Digit (1, 2, 3)', '2': 'Roman numeral (I, II, III)', '3': 'Hide tab bar'}

Removed Enums

Removed Enums
id defaultValue map

Diff Enums


New Npcs

New Npcs
name id combatLevel actions
Blue dragon 14103(1) 111 [None, Attack, None, None, None]
Blue dragon 14104(1) 111 [None, Attack, None, None, None]
Baby blue dragon 14105(1) 48 [None, Attack, None, None, None]
Baby blue dragon 14106(1) 48 [None, Attack, None, None, None]

Removed Npcs

Removed Npcs
name id combatLevel actions
Baby blue dragon 13794(1) 48 [None, Attack, None, None, None]

Diff Npcs


New Items

New Items
name id examine isMembers isGrandExchangable isStackable noteLinkedItem inventoryActions placeholderLinkedItem price weight

Removed Items

Removed Items
name id examine isMembers isGrandExchangable isStackable noteLinkedItem inventoryActions placeholderLinkedItem price weight

Diff Items


New Sprites

New Sprites
id width height

Removed Sprites

Removed Sprites
id width height

Diff Sprites