Illerai:General disclaimer
This wiki is not responsible for all postings or links to external sites. Any that are deemed inappropriate will be removed as soon as possible. While this wiki is officially affiliated with Jagex, they hold the copyrights and trademarks for Old School RuneScape.
The nature of a wiki means that almost all the content here is user-generated. Whilst the community as a whole generally has an interest in keeping the information accurate and up-to-date, anyone can add, remove or change the content of any page. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information given here. Where possible, sources may be cited for claims made, but it is users' responsibility to ensure they check that sources are reliable, and that they verify the information given.
No information can be taken as definitive just because it appears on this website. In particular, the volunteers at this wiki are not responsible for the loss of any items due to any correct or incorrect information on this site that may lead to being scammed or to a character's death.
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As the Old School RuneScape Wiki is an online encyclopaedia, it makes no effort to hide or prevent "spoilers". Those who browse the wiki accept the risk of having plot and/or ending details of quests given away. However, the wiki does not attempt to intentionally spoil anything. Content is written in as neutral a manner as possible.