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Content2021 Easter event

Tracks 2021 Easter event progression.


Not started.
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: *sigh* Hi there... Happy Easter... I guess...
Set when Gregg says: Humans only care about rabbits for Easter decorations, right? Well, what if we give these people something else to celebrate with?
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Humans only care about rabbits for Easter decorations, right? Well, what if we give these people something else to celebrate with?
Set when Gregg says: "What do you say, human? Do you want to help?"
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: What do you say, human? Do you want to help?
Set when Gregg says: ... Oh. Well, I'll be here if you change your mind, I guess. (if the player chooses "No" to "Start the Easter event?".)
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Have you changed your mind, human?
Set when Gregg says: Eggcellent! This is going to be the best Easter ever! Now, where to start...
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Eggcellent! This is going to be the best Easter ever! Now, where to start...
Set when Gregg says: Couldn't hurt to ask, I guess. If I give you some flowers to use as ingredients, can you ask her for some paint?
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from the four options, of which the first one is: I'll speak to Aggie, give me the ingredients.
Set when the player sees: Gregg hands you a bunch of pastel-coloured flowers and an IOU for 5 coins.[note 1]
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from the four options, of which the first one is replaced with: Do you have any more ingredients?
Aggie's dialogue options change: Ask about the Easter event. is added.
When the player asks Aggie about the Easter event: Hello, I have a pigment problem I was told you might be able to help with.
Set when the player sees: You swap the flowers and Gregg's IOU for a bottle of thickened dye.
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Gregg, I have something we can use as paint!
When the player asks Aggie about the Easter event:
The player thanks Aggie for the thick dye, if the player has a thick dye in inventory.
Aggie will give the player a new thick dye if the player's inventory doesn't have one.
Ned's dialogue options change: Ask about the Easter event. is added.
When the player asks Ned about the Easter event: Hello, this is going to sound strange but can I paint your door?[note 2]
Set when the player sees: You give Gregg the thickened dye.
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Now we just need a door to paint...
Aggie will no longer give the player a new thick dye if the player's inventory doesn't have one.
When the player asks Aggie about the Easter event: I just wanted to say thanks again for the dye., from now on until the very end (1000).
When the player asks Ned about the Easter event: Thanks for painting me door, but I think it's missing something.[note 3]
Set when Ned's door is painted cyan and the camera starts fading back into view. This changes RS:Varbit/11956 from 0 to 1.
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: I don't mean to be a critic, but I had imagined it looking more... inspired.
The Cook's dialogue options change: Ask about the Easter event. is added.[note 4]
When the player asks the Cook about the Easter event: The eggs you gave Gregg were just rotten ones, weren't they. and the Cook tells to go to find Gregg at Draynor.[note 5]
Set when Gregg says: Sounds great! I can either teleport us there now, or I can meet you there if you'd prefer. This changes RS:Varbit/11952 from 0 to 1.
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Have you changed your mind about teleporting to Lumbridge with me?
Gregg appears in the Lumbridge Kitchens. null (10646) is replaced with Gregg (10639).
The Cook becomes aware of Gregg's presence in the kitchen. Talking to the Cook or Gregg at the kitchen will progress this value to 25.
This step is optional and may be skipped.
Set if the player takes Gregg's teleport to Lumbridge, when the teleport has finished and the player has visibly moved (sometimes in conjuction with the player saying: ... hat!).
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor starts from: Hello human![note 6]
I think we were going to the Lumbridge Kitchens to talk to a cook about some eggs.
Set when the Cook says: Oh, what a cute bunny! I didn't realize it was Easter already!
The dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: Oh, what a cute bunny! I didn't realize it was Easter already!
Set when the player sees: The Cook digs around the back of his cupboards and produces several colourful eggs, giving them to Gregg.
The dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: Well, we have some eggs now. What's next?
Set when Gregg says: That sounds perfect! I'll meet you there, human! This changes RS:Varbit/11953 from 0 to 1.
I think we were going to the sheep pen north of Lumbridge to get some wool.
The dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: Oh, you're still in here.[note 7]
Gregg appears at the Lumbridge sheep pen. null (10647) is replaced with Gregg (10640).
Set when Gregg says: Human, what is that? This changes RS:Varbit/11952 from 1 to 0.
Gregg disappears from the Lumbridge Kitchens. Gregg (10639) is replaced with null (10646).
The dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: The eggs you gave Gregg were just rotten ones, weren't they. and ends in I think he said he was going to the sheep pen north of here.[note 8]
This value is not optional.[note 9]
Set when Gregg (10640) checks the player's inventory for shears, until Gregg has noticed the player has had shears at least once (52).
If the player's inventory is full and the player does not have shears, Gregg says: I'd give you these shears but you appear to be a little overloaded.
If the player has brought their own shears or Gregg can give the player shears into a free inventory slot, this value is set to 51 and immediately incremented to 52 in the same game tick.
Enables the "fresh" wool counter.[note 10]
Gregg's dialogue at the sheep pen starts from one of the following things:
If the player has not sheared sheep for "fresh" wool[note 11] and the player's inventory doesn't have wool,[note 12] start the conversation from: Could I have some shears, please?
If the player has sheared sheep for "fresh" wool[note 13] and the player has wool[note 12] in their inventory, the value is first incremented to 52 and then immediately the next appropriate value for the total amount of "fresh" wool given to Gregg in the same game tick. The "fresh" wool counter will be decremented by the same amount.
"Use" wool on Gregg doesn't work: Nothing interesting happens.,[note 14] but talking to Gregg with "fresh" wool in the inventory works.
This value is not optional.
Set when Gregg has noticed the player has had shears at least once so far.[note 15]
I see you brought your own shears! Wonderful!
Gregg hands you a pair of shears.
Enables "Use" wool on Gregg.[note 14][note 16]
Gregg has 0 "fresh" wool.
Gregg's dialogue at the sheep pen starts from one of the following things:
If the player has not sheared sheep for "fresh" wool[note 11] and the player's inventory doesn't have wool,[note 12] start the conversation from the three or four options.[note 17]
If the player has not sheared sheep for "fresh" wool[note 11] and the player's inventory has wool[note 12], Gregg says: Human, I don't think that wool is fresh.
If the player has sheared sheep for "fresh" wool[note 13] and the player has wool[note 12] in their inventory, increment this varbit's value by the number of pieces of wool given to Gregg. The "fresh" wool counter will be decremented by the same amount.
This step is optional and may be skipped.
Set when the player sees: You hand Gregg 1 piece of wool.
Gregg has been given 1 "fresh" wool in total.
Gregg says: Thanks, human! But we still need 2 more wool!
Otherwise, the same as 52.
This step is optional and may be skipped.
Set when the player sees: You hand Gregg [2/1] piece[s] of wool.
Gregg has been given 2 "fresh" wool in total.
Gregg says: Thanks, human! But we still need 1 more wool!
Otherwise, the same as 52.
Set when the player sees: You hand Gregg [3/2/1] piece[s] of wool.
Gregg has been given 3 "fresh" wool in total.
Gregg dialogue starts from: That's all the wool we need! Thanks a lot, human! You're a big help.
If the player attempts to "Use" more wool on Gregg at the sheep pen, Gregg says: Thanks, human, but I don't think we need any more wool.[note 16]
Gregg's dialogue now mentions "small rabbits" in Tirannwn. Using a raw rabbit or a cooked rabbit (from Tirannwn) on Gregg at this point (and earlier) is undescribed.
Set when Gregg says: Well, that's better than nothing! We'll go to Thessalia's! This changes RS:Varbit/11954 from 0 to 1.
I think we were going to the clothes shop in the middle of Varrock to get some ribbons.
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Are you ready to go to Varrock, human?
Thessalia's dialogue options change: Ask about the Easter event. is added.
Gregg appears at Thessalia's Fine Clothes.. null (10647) is replaced with Gregg (10641).
No changes to the Cook's dialogue from the previous are observed.[note 18]
This step is optional and may be skipped.
Set if the player takes Gregg's teleport to Varrock, when the teleport has finished and the player has visibly moved (sometimes in conjuction with the player saying: ... boots!). This changes RS:Varbit/11952 from 1 to 0.
Gregg disappears from the Lumbridge sheep pen. Gregg (10640) is replaced with null (10647).
The dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: The eggs you gave Gregg were just rotten ones, weren't they. and ends in How should I know? You should check in Draynor, maybe you'll find him there.[note 19]
Set when Thessalia says: Oh my, aren't you just the cutest little thing! As before, this changes RS:Varbit/11952 from 1 to 0.
As before (57), Gregg has disappeared from the Lumbridge sheep pen. Gregg (10640) was replaced with null (10648).
As before (57), the dialogue at the kitchen about the Easter event starts from: The eggs you gave Gregg were just rotten ones, weren't they. and ends in How should I know? You should check in Draynor, maybe you'll find him there.[note 19]
Set when the player sees: Thessalia starts gathering up several offcuts of fabric.
The dialogue at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. about the Easter event starts from: Wait a second... what's that?!
Set when the player sees: Gregg puts the hat away.
The dialogue at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. about the Easter event starts from: Anyway, here are the offcuts.
Set when the player sees: Thessalia hands Gregg a box full of offcuts and spare fabric.
The dialogue at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. about the Easter event starts from: So what do we do now?
Set when Thessalia says: If you want planks, your best best[sic] is heading to the lumberyard and talking to the sawmill operator. This changes RS:Varbit/11955 from 0 to 1.
I think we were going to the lumberyard to the north-east of Varrock to get some planks.
The dialogue at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. about the Easter event starts from: Can I help you with anything else?
Gregg appears at the lumberyard. null (10649) is replaced with Gregg (10642).[note 20]
Set when Gregg says: Well, here we are. Now all we need to do is get some planks. This changes RS:Varbit/11954 from 1 to 0.
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Well, here we are. Now all we need to do is get some planks.
Thessalia's dialogue starts from: Thanks for helping us with the easter decorations.[note 21]
Gregg disappears from Thessalia's Fine Clothes.. Gregg (10641) is replaced with null (10648).
Set when Gregg says: No thank you, Human[sic]. You've done enough already. You sit back and relax. I'll be back in a moment!"
Gregg's dialogue starts from: No thank you, Human[sic]. You've done enough already. You sit back and relax. I'll be back in a moment!"
May technically determine the dialogue for Gregg (10643) seen in the cutscene.[note 22]
Set when Gregg says: Not nice kitty! Not nice kitty!
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Woah, are you alright?
Set when the player sees Time passes... the second time and the camera starts fading back into view.
Gregg's dialogue starts from: ... And I think we're done!
Set when Gregg says: Well, if you like it, it's bound to go down well! Let's head back to Draynor and get this put up! This changes RS:Varbit/11956 from 1 to 2.[note 23]
When the player asks Ned about the Easter event: You did some excellent work on the decorations![note 24]
Gregg's dialogue at the lumberyard starts from: Hey human! Are you ready to go to Draynor?[note 25]
Gregg's dialogue at Draynor changes: Talking to him will now progress the value to 125, instead of Hello human![note 26]
This value is optional and may be skipped.
Set if the player takes Gregg's teleport to Draynor, when the teleport has finished and the player has visibly moved (sometimes in conjuction with the player saying: ... sense!). This changes RS:Varbit/11955 from 1 to 0.
The dialogue at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. about the Easter event ends in: Hopefully he's back where you started working on some nice decorations.[note 21]
Gregg disappears from the lumberyard. Gregg (10642) is replaced with null (10649).
As before (104), talking to Gregg at Draynor will now progress the value to 125, instead of Hello human![note 26]
Set when the player says to Gregg: Oh, I see you put the door in already. This plays Easter Jig and unlocks the song.[note 27]
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Oh, I see you put the door in already.
If the player skipped 105, RS:Varbit/11955 will not be changed from 1 to 0, leading to the Thessalia dialogue bug.[note 21] However, Gregg will have disappeared from the Lumberyard anyway.
As before (105), Gregg has disappeared from the lumberyard (even if Thessalia thinks otherwise).[note 21]
May technically determine the dialogue for Gregg (10643) and Wise Old Man (2113) seen in the cutscene.[note 22]
Set when the camera starts to fade to black in the Draynor cutscene at the end, after the Wise Old Man's phrase Have a good Easter, [name]! And you too strange rabbit! disappears.
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Human, did you hear that...?
Easter Jig is no longer played when Gregg is talked to.
The Wise Old Man's dialogue options change: Ask about the Easter event. is added.
When the player asks the Wise Old Man about the Easter event: So how did you decorate the entirity[sic] of Draynor so fast?
Set when the player says to Gregg: Well, I'm glad I could try and help at least.
Gregg's dialogue starts from: Thanks for everything, human!
Set when the player sees: Gregg gives you the decorated door and his garish hat.[note 1][note 28]
The Rabbit Hop emote is unlocked. This is RS:Varbit/2055 being set to 1.
The Funny Bunnies music track is unlocked. This is RS:Varplayer/662 changing from 0 to 4194304.
The Bunny's Sugar Rush music track is unlocked. This is RS:Varplayer/464 changing from 0 to 1.
Gregg's dialogue starts from one of the following things:
If the player is wearing a propeller hat: Wow, human, that hat looks great on you!
If the player is not wearing a propeller hat: Merry Easter, human! Did you want anything?
When the player asks the Cook about the Easter event, the player will no longer sigh to ask where Gregg has gone.
Thessalia's dialogue will remain unchanged.[note 21]
When the player asks Aggie about the Easter event: Happy Easter to you, [name]! Do you like the decorations?[note 29]
Adds Gregg's eastdoor and the propeller hat to a toy box. Diango will also replace them for the player.
The previous Easter event rewards will also be added to toy boxes and Diango.
Congratulations, Event complete!


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 If the player's inventory is full, the player will not see this message and the varbit won't be incremented.
  2. ^ This happens too early. The player should have no idea yet at this point in time Ned's door will be painted.
  3. ^ This happens too early. Ned's door hasn't been painted yet, despite of what Ned suggests. At this point in time, Gregg asks the player if Ned would mind having his door being painted. See the previous.
  4. ^ The Cook checks if Draynor has been decorated in any way, and Ned's cyan door counts for decorations. It seems like the Cook checks for RS:Varbit/11956 > 0, although this behaviour is incorrect or was inadvertently made incorrect with changes to the script late in the development.
  5. ^ Gregg has not been given any eggs yet, nor has he been at the kitchen. This is the Cook's default Easter event dialogue, as long as Ask about the Easter event. is available. The Cook's dialogue logic is detailed at Transcript:Cook (Lumbridge)#Learning the truth of colourful eggs from the Cook.
  6. ^ This will now go on until Draynor is fully decorated (until RS:Varbit/11956 is set to 2). In other words, > 10 and < 125. Talking to Gregg at Draynor with a value of 104 will change the value to 125 before the dialogue is processed.
  7. ^ It's possible or likely the Cook checks both RS:Varbit/11952 and RS:Varbit/11953 values to be 1, which may be easier to understand from the source code than this varbit's >= 27 && < 50 or == 27. There would be little or no reason for the other varbits to exist otherwise, while they can be beneficial for a programmer to split event state into smaller testable pieces during the development.
  8. ^ The Cook sees RS:Varbit/11952 is 0 and RS:Varbit/11953 is 1. The Cook does not programmatically check knowledge whether Gregg is at Thessalia's Fine Clothes. by comparison against RS:Varbit/11954's value, even if Gregg is at both the sheep pen and Thessalia's. The Cook only knows about the sheep pen, and if Gregg is at neither the sheep pen and the kitchen he says he doesn't know and tells to check up on Gregg at Draynor.
  9. ^ With a varbit inspector, the value 51 is always seen. The value 51 is not optional or skipped: 5052 is not seen, it is always 505152 even if on the same game tick. In contrast, 1025 can be seen by skipping the optional 11 value. A likely guess is that a subroutine visits 51 to enable the "fresh" wool counter first.
  10. ^ RS:Varbit/11957. This counter will remain enabled indefinitely, up to 3.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 RS:Varbit/11957 == 0.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Balls of wool do not work. Golden fleece and golden wool are undescribed.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 RS:Varbit/11957 > 0.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 It can be seen as a little bizarre this is not enabled earlier at 51.
  15. ^ For clarification, if the player drops the shears, this value does not decrement to 51.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Using wool only works on Gregg (10640) at the sheep pen.
  17. ^ Three if the player has shears in their inventory, add a fourth one to the top for I need a new pair of shears. if the player doesn't have one in their inventory.
  18. ^ This can be explained because RS:Varbit/11953 is still set to 1 (Gregg can still be found at the sheep pen).
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 The Cook's dialogue will remain like this, until the player claims the rewards at the end when the player stops asking the Cook about where Gregg has gone.
  20. ^ Using planks works on only the lumberyard Gregg (10642) for the "XP waste" message. 79 is the earliest opportunity to try it.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 The last phrase in Thessalia's dialogue is determined by RS:Varbit/11955's value. As of 29 March 2021, there is a glitch where 11955 can get stuck at value 1, which can prevent Thessalia from knowing when Gregg has left the lumberyard.
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 It can be noted that the Gregg which appears in the lumberyard cutscene is the same cutscene NPC (10645) as in the Draynor cutscene later, with different dialogue. There can be other reasons when Jagex sometimes decides copy-paste NPCs to create a new, identical looking NPC with a new NPC ID for each new dialogue. Here some existing NPCs are re-used without copy-paste. In the Draynor cutscene, Aggie (10645) will be new.
  23. ^ Draynor changes to full decorations.
  24. ^ It's possible Ned checks if RS:Varbit/11956 is set to 2. However it can be a little bit of a mystery why his dialogue earlier in the story does not check if the value is 1, and checks the value of 11951 instead.
  25. ^ This is the last chance to use a plank on Gregg at the lumberyard for the "XP waste" message. After the next step, Gregg will be gone from the lumberyard.
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 It's possible that Gregg at Draynor checks if the RS:Varbit/11956's value is 2 to drop his Hello human! behaviour.
  27. ^ RS:Varplayer/906 (0134217728).
  28. ^ The reward message is sometimes not strictly correct, per se. The player only needs one free inventory space to receive two noted easter eggs and to see the reward message.
  29. ^ Her dialogue has a purpose to tell the player to check up on Gregg in front of Ned's house until the player has claimed the rewards, so up until now the player has been thanking Aggie for the thick dye. Thus her dialogue only changes very late, after claiming the rewards.