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ContentStealing artefacts

Tracks what the player's current task is in the Stealing artefacts activity.


Value Description
0 The player has no task, and can talk to Captain Khaled to receive one
1 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the northern house
2 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the south-eastern house
3 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the southern house
4 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the south-western house
5 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the western house
6 The player is tasked to steal an artefact from the north-western house
7 The player has been caught by one of the guards, and must return to Captain Khaled for a new task
8 The player has successfully retrieved the artefact, and should now return to Captain Khaled