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%LAST_UPDATE_F%"05 November 2024 08:54:29 (UTC)"
3rd age amulettrue
3rd age axetrue
3rd age bowtrue
3rd age cloaktrue
3rd age druidic cloaktrue
3rd age druidic robe bottomstrue
3rd age druidic robe toptrue
3rd age druidic stafftrue
3rd age felling axetrue
3rd age full helmettrue
3rd age kiteshieldtrue
3rd age longswordtrue
3rd age mage hattrue
3rd age pickaxetrue
3rd age platebodytrue
3rd age platelegstrue
3rd age plateskirttrue
3rd age range coiftrue
3rd age range legstrue
3rd age range toptrue
3rd age robetrue
3rd age robe toptrue
3rd age vambracestrue
3rd age wandtrue
A powdered wigtrue
Abyssal ashestrue
Abyssal bludgeontrue
Abyssal bracelet(5)true
Abyssal daggertrue
Abyssal dagger (p)true
Abyssal dagger (p+)true
Abyssal dagger (p++)true
Abyssal whiptrue
Accursed sceptre (au)true
Accursed sceptre (u)true
Achey tree logstrue
Adamant 2h swordfalse
Adamant arrowfalse
Adamant arrow(p)true
Adamant arrow(p+)true
Adamant arrow(p++)true
Adamant arrowtipstrue
Adamant axefalse
Adamant battleaxefalse
Adamant boltstrue
Adamant bolts (p)true
Adamant bolts (p+)true
Adamant bolts (p++)true
Adamant bolts(unf)true
Adamant bootstrue
Adamant brutaltrue
Adamant canetrue
Adamant chainbodyfalse
Adamant clawstrue
Adamant crossbowtrue
Adamant crossbow (u)true
Adamant daggerfalse
Adamant dagger(p)true
Adamant dagger(p+)true
Adamant dagger(p++)true
Adamant darttrue
Adamant dart tiptrue
Adamant dart(p)true
Adamant dart(p+)true
Adamant dart(p++)true
Adamant dragon masktrue
Adamant felling axetrue
Adamant full helmfalse
Adamant full helm (g)false
Adamant full helm (t)false
Adamant gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Adamant gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Adamant halberdtrue
Adamant hastatrue
Adamant hasta(p)true
Adamant hasta(p+)true
Adamant hasta(p++)true
Adamant helm (h1)false
Adamant helm (h2)false
Adamant helm (h3)false
Adamant helm (h4)false
Adamant helm (h5)false
Adamant javelintrue
Adamant javelin headstrue
Adamant javelin(p)true
Adamant javelin(p+)true
Adamant javelin(p++)true
Adamant kiteshieldfalse
Adamant kiteshield (g)false
Adamant kiteshield (t)false
Adamant knifetrue
Adamant knife(p)true
Adamant knife(p+)true
Adamant knife(p++)true
Adamant longswordfalse
Adamant macefalse
Adamant med helmfalse
Adamant pickaxefalse
Adamant platebodyfalse
Adamant platebody (g)false
Adamant platebody (h1)false
Adamant platebody (h2)false
Adamant platebody (h3)false
Adamant platebody (h4)false
Adamant platebody (h5)false
Adamant platebody (t)false
Adamant platelegsfalse
Adamant platelegs (g)false
Adamant platelegs (t)false
Adamant plateskirtfalse
Adamant plateskirt (g)false
Adamant plateskirt (t)false
Adamant scimitarfalse
Adamant seedstrue
Adamant set (lg)false
Adamant set (sk)false
Adamant shield (h1)false
Adamant shield (h2)false
Adamant shield (h3)false
Adamant shield (h4)false
Adamant shield (h5)false
Adamant speartrue
Adamant spear(p)true
Adamant spear(p+)true
Adamant spear(p++)true
Adamant sq shieldfalse
Adamant swordfalse
Adamant thrownaxetrue
Adamant trimmed set (lg)false
Adamant trimmed set (sk)false
Adamant warhammerfalse
Adamantite barfalse
Adamantite limbstrue
Adamantite nailstrue
Adamantite orefalse
Admiral pietrue
Agility mix(1)true
Agility mix(2)true
Agility potion(1)true
Agility potion(2)true
Agility potion(3)true
Agility potion(4)true
Ahrim's armour settrue
Ahrim's hoodtrue
Ahrim's hood 0true
Ahrim's robeskirttrue
Ahrim's robeskirt 0true
Ahrim's robetoptrue
Ahrim's robetop 0true
Ahrim's stafftrue
Ahrim's staff 0true
Air battlestafftrue
Air orbtrue
Air runefalse
Air talismanfalse
Air tiarafalse
Airtight pottrue
Ale of the godstrue
Ale yeasttrue
Amethyst arrowtrue
Amethyst arrow(p)true
Amethyst arrow(p+)true
Amethyst arrow(p++)true
Amethyst arrowtipstrue
Amethyst bolt tipstrue
Amethyst broad boltstrue
Amethyst darttrue
Amethyst dart tiptrue
Amethyst dart(p)true
Amethyst dart(p+)true
Amethyst dart(p++)true
Amethyst javelintrue
Amethyst javelin headstrue
Amethyst javelin(p)true
Amethyst javelin(p+)true
Amethyst javelin(p++)true
Amulet mouldfalse
Amulet of accuracyfalse
Amulet of avaricetrue
Amulet of bountytrue
Amulet of chemistrytrue
Amulet of defencefalse
Amulet of defence (t)false
Amulet of eternal glorytrue
Amulet of furytrue
Amulet of glorytrue
Amulet of glory (t)true
Amulet of glory (t4)true
Amulet of glory (t6)true
Amulet of glory(4)true
Amulet of glory(6)true
Amulet of magicfalse
Amulet of magic (t)false
Amulet of powerfalse
Amulet of power (t)false
Amulet of rancourtrue
Amulet of strengthfalse
Amulet of the damned (full)true
Amulet of torturetrue
Amylase crystaltrue
Ancestral hattrue
Ancestral robe bottomtrue
Ancestral robe toptrue
Ancestral robes settrue
Anchovy pizzafalse
Ancient blessingtrue
Ancient bracerstrue
Ancient brew(1)true
Ancient brew(2)true
Ancient brew(3)true
Ancient brew(4)true
Ancient ceremonial bootstrue
Ancient ceremonial glovestrue
Ancient ceremonial legstrue
Ancient ceremonial masktrue
Ancient ceremonial toptrue
Ancient chapstrue
Ancient cloaktrue
Ancient coiftrue
Ancient croziertrue
Ancient crystaltrue
Ancient d'hide bodytrue
Ancient d'hide bootstrue
Ancient d'hide shieldtrue
Ancient dragonhide settrue
Ancient effigytrue
Ancient emblemtrue
Ancient essencetrue
Ancient full helmfalse
Ancient godswordtrue
Ancient hilttrue
Ancient kiteshieldfalse
Ancient macetrue
Ancient medalliontrue
Ancient mitretrue
Ancient mix(1)true
Ancient mix(2)true
Ancient page 1true
Ancient page 2true
Ancient page 3true
Ancient page 4true
Ancient platebodyfalse
Ancient platelegsfalse
Ancient plateskirtfalse
Ancient relictrue
Ancient robe legstrue
Ancient robe toptrue
Ancient rune armour set (lg)false
Ancient rune armour set (sk)false
Ancient stafftrue
Ancient statuettetrue
Ancient stoletrue
Ancient totemtrue
Ancient wyvern shieldtrue
Anguish ornament kittrue
Ankou glovestrue
Ankou masktrue
Ankou sockstrue
Ankou toptrue
Ankou's leggingstrue
Annakarl teleport (tablet)true
Anti-dragon shieldfalse
Anti-poison supermix(1)true
Anti-poison supermix(2)true
Antidote+ mix(1)true
Antidote+ mix(2)true
Antifire mix(1)true
Antifire mix(2)true
Antifire potion(1)true
Antifire potion(2)true
Antifire potion(3)true
Antifire potion(4)true
Antipoison mix(1)true
Antipoison mix(2)true
Ape atoll teleport (tablet)true
Apple mushtrue
Apple piefalse
Apple saplingtrue
Apple tree seedtrue
Apprentice wandtrue
Aranea bootstrue
Araxyte venom sacktrue
Arcane prayer scrolltrue
Arcane sigiltrue
Arcane spirit shieldtrue
Arceuus bannertrue
Arceuus hoodtrue
Arceuus library teleport (tablet)true
Arceuus scarftrue
Archer helmtrue
Archer icontrue
Archers ringtrue
Archery tickettrue
Arctic pine logstrue
Arctic pyre logstrue
Ardougne teleport (tablet)true
Arena booktrue
Armadyl bracerstrue
Armadyl chainskirttrue
Armadyl chapstrue
Armadyl chestplatetrue
Armadyl cloaktrue
Armadyl coiftrue
Armadyl crossbowtrue
Armadyl croziertrue
Armadyl d'hide bodytrue
Armadyl d'hide bootstrue
Armadyl d'hide shieldtrue
Armadyl dragonhide settrue
Armadyl full helmfalse
Armadyl godswordtrue
Armadyl godsword ornament kittrue
Armadyl helmettrue
Armadyl hilttrue
Armadyl kiteshieldfalse
Armadyl mitretrue
Armadyl page 1true
Armadyl page 2true
Armadyl page 3true
Armadyl page 4true
Armadyl platebodyfalse
Armadyl platelegsfalse
Armadyl plateskirtfalse
Armadyl robe legstrue
Armadyl robe toptrue
Armadyl rune armour set (lg)false
Armadyl rune armour set (sk)false
Armadyl stoletrue
Armadylean platetrue
Armageddon cape fabrictrue
Armageddon rugtrue
Armageddon teleport scrolltrue
Armageddon weapon scrolltrue
Arrow shafttrue
Asgarnian alefalse
Asgarnian ale (flatpack)true
Asgarnian ale(4)true
Asgarnian ale(m)true
Asgarnian ale(m4)true
Asgarnian hopstrue
Asgarnian seedtrue
Assorted flowerstrue
Astral runetrue
Asyn remainstrue
Atlatl darttrue
Attack mix(1)true
Attack mix(2)true
Attack potion(1)true
Attack potion(2)true
Attack potion(3)true
Attack potion(4)true
Avantoe potion (unf)true
Avantoe seedtrue
Avernic defender hilttrue
Awakener's orbtrue
Axeman's follytrue
Axeman's folly(4)true
Axeman's folly(m)true
Axeman's folly(m4)true
Baby impling jartrue
Babydragon bonestrue
Bag of salttrue
Bagged bluebellstrue
Bagged daffodilstrue
Bagged dead treetrue
Bagged flowertrue
Bagged magic treetrue
Bagged maple treetrue
Bagged marigoldstrue
Bagged nice treetrue
Bagged oak treetrue
Bagged plant 1true
Bagged plant 2true
Bagged plant 3true
Bagged rosestrue
Bagged sunflowertrue
Bagged willow treetrue
Bagged yew treetrue
Baked potatotrue
Ball of woolfalse
Ballista limbstrue
Ballista springtrue
Banana saplingtrue
Banana stewtrue
Banana tree seedtrue
Bandana eyepatch (blue)true
Bandana eyepatch (brown)true
Bandana eyepatch (red)true
Bandana eyepatch (white)true
Bandit's brewtrue
Bandos bootstrue
Bandos bracerstrue
Bandos chapstrue
Bandos chestplatetrue
Bandos cloaktrue
Bandos coiftrue
Bandos croziertrue
Bandos d'hide bodytrue
Bandos d'hide bootstrue
Bandos d'hide shieldtrue
Bandos dragonhide settrue
Bandos full helmfalse
Bandos godswordtrue
Bandos godsword ornament kittrue
Bandos hilttrue
Bandos kiteshieldfalse
Bandos mitretrue
Bandos page 1true
Bandos page 2true
Bandos page 3true
Bandos page 4true
Bandos platebodyfalse
Bandos platelegsfalse
Bandos plateskirtfalse
Bandos robe legstrue
Bandos robe toptrue
Bandos rune armour set (lg)false
Bandos rune armour set (sk)false
Bandos stoletrue
Bandos tassetstrue
Bandosian componentstrue
Barb bolttipstrue
Barb-tail harpoontrue
Barbarian teleport (tablet)true
Barbed boltstrue
Barley malttrue
Barley seedtrue
Barrows teleport (tablet)true
Basilisk jawtrue
Bastion potion(1)true
Bastion potion(2)true
Bastion potion(3)true
Bastion potion(4)true
Bat bonestrue
Batta tintrue
Battlefront teleport (tablet)true
Battlemage potion(1)true
Battlemage potion(2)true
Battlemage potion(3)true
Battlemage potion(4)true
Bear feetfalse
Bear furfalse
Beer barrel (flatpack)true
Beer glassfalse
Beer tankardtrue
Beginner wandtrue
Belladonna seedtrue
Bellator ringtrue
Berserker helmtrue
Berserker icontrue
Berserker necklacetrue
Berserker necklace ornament kittrue
Berserker ringtrue
Big bonesfalse
Big fishing nettrue
Big pirate hattrue
Binding necklacetrue
Bird housetrue
Bird nest (empty)true
Bird snaretrue
Black 2h swordfalse
Black axefalse
Black battleaxefalse
Black beadfalse
Black berettrue
Black boatertrue
Black bootstrue
Black brutaltrue
Black canetrue
Black capefalse
Black cavaliertrue
Black chainbodyfalse
Black chinchompatrue
Black clawstrue
Black d'hide bodytrue
Black d'hide body (g)true
Black d'hide body (t)true
Black d'hide chapstrue
Black d'hide chaps (g)true
Black d'hide chaps (t)true
Black d'hide shieldtrue
Black d'hide vambracestrue
Black daggerfalse
Black dagger(p)true
Black dagger(p+)true
Black dagger(p++)true
Black darttrue
Black dart(p)true
Black dart(p+)true
Black dart(p++)true
Black demon masktrue
Black desert robetrue
Black desert shirttrue
Black dragon leathertrue
Black dragon masktrue
Black dragonhidetrue
Black dragonhide settrue
Black elegant legstrue
Black elegant shirttrue
Black felling axetrue
Black flowerstrue
Black full helmfalse
Black full helm (g)false
Black full helm (t)false
Black gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Black gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Black halberdtrue
Black headbandtrue
Black helm (h1)false
Black helm (h2)false
Black helm (h3)false
Black helm (h4)false
Black helm (h5)false
Black kiteshieldfalse
Black kiteshield (g)false
Black kiteshield (t)false
Black knifetrue
Black knife(p)true
Black knife(p+)true
Black knife(p++)true
Black leprechaun hattrue
Black lockstrue
Black longswordfalse
Black macefalse
Black masktrue
Black mask (10)true
Black med helmfalse
Black nailstrue
Black pickaxefalse
Black platebodyfalse
Black platebody (g)false
Black platebody (h1)false
Black platebody (h2)false
Black platebody (h3)false
Black platebody (h4)false
Black platebody (h5)false
Black platebody (t)false
Black platelegsfalse
Black platelegs (g)false
Black platelegs (t)false
Black plateskirtfalse
Black plateskirt (g)false
Black plateskirt (t)false
Black robefalse
Black salamandertrue
Black scimitarfalse
Black set (lg)false
Black set (sk)false
Black shield (h1)false
Black shield (h2)false
Black shield (h3)false
Black shield (h4)false
Black shield (h5)false
Black skirtfalse
Black skirt (g)false
Black skirt (t)false
Black speartrue
Black spear(p)true
Black spear(p+)true
Black spear(p++)true
Black spiky vambracestrue
Black sq shieldfalse
Black swordfalse
Black tourmaline coretrue
Black toy horseyfalse
Black trimmed set (lg)false
Black trimmed set (sk)false
Black unicorn masktrue
Black warhammerfalse
Black warlock (item)true
Black warlock mix (1)true
Black warlock mix (2)true
Black wizard hat (g)false
Black wizard hat (t)false
Black wizard robe (g)false
Black wizard robe (t)false
Blackbird redtrue
Blacksmith's helmtrue
Blade of saeldor (inactive)true
Blamish bark shelltrue
Blamish blue shell (pointed)true
Blamish blue shell (round)true
Blamish myre shell (pointed)true
Blamish myre shell (round)true
Blamish ochre shell (pointed)true
Blamish ochre shell (round)true
Blamish red shell (pointed)true
Blamish red shell (round)true
Blessed spirit shieldtrue
Blighted ancient ice sacktrue
Blighted anglerfishtrue
Blighted bind sacktrue
Blighted entangle sacktrue
Blighted karambwantrue
Blighted manta raytrue
Blighted overload (1)true
Blighted overload (2)true
Blighted overload (3)true
Blighted overload (4)true
Blighted snare sacktrue
Blighted super restore(4)true
Blighted teleport spell sacktrue
Blighted vengeance sacktrue
Blood essencetrue
Blood moon chestplatetrue
Blood moon chestplate (broken)true
Blood moon helmtrue
Blood moon helm (broken)true
Blood moon tassetstrue
Blood moon tassets (broken)true
Blood pinttrue
Blood runetrue
Blood shardtrue
Blood talismantrue
Blood tiaratrue
Blood'n'tar snelm (pointed)true
Blood'n'tar snelm (round)true
Bloodbark bodytrue
Bloodbark bootstrue
Bloodbark gauntletstrue
Bloodbark helmtrue
Bloodbark legstrue
Bloody bracertrue
Blue berettrue
Blue boatertrue
Blue bootstrue
Blue capefalse
Blue d'hide bodytrue
Blue d'hide body (g)true
Blue d'hide body (t)true
Blue d'hide chapstrue
Blue d'hide chaps (g)true
Blue d'hide chaps (t)true
Blue d'hide shieldtrue
Blue d'hide vambracestrue
Blue dark bow painttrue
Blue dragon leathertrue
Blue dragon masktrue
Blue dragon scaletrue
Blue dragonhidetrue
Blue dragonhide settrue
Blue dyefalse
Blue elegant blousetrue
Blue elegant legstrue
Blue elegant shirttrue
Blue elegant skirttrue
Blue feathertrue
Blue firelightertrue
Blue flowerstrue
Blue halloween maskfalse
Blue hattrue
Blue headbandtrue
Blue moon chestplatetrue
Blue moon chestplate (broken)true
Blue moon helmtrue
Blue moon helm (broken)true
Blue moon speartrue
Blue moon tassetstrue
Blue moon tassets (broken)true
Blue partyhatfalse
Blue robe bottomstrue
Blue robe toptrue
Blue skirtfalse
Blue skirt (g)false
Blue skirt (t)false
Blue spiky vambracestrue
Blue wizard hatfalse
Blue wizard hat (g)false
Blue wizard hat (t)false
Blue wizard robefalse
Blue wizard robe (g)false
Blue wizard robe (t)false
Blurberry specialtrue
Bob's black shirttrue
Bob's blue shirttrue
Bob's green shirttrue
Bob's purple shirttrue
Bob's red shirttrue
Body runefalse
Body talismanfalse
Body tiarafalse
Bolt mouldtrue
Bolt of clothtrue
Bolt racktrue
Bone boltstrue
Bone clubtrue
Bone daggertrue
Bone dagger (p)true
Bone dagger (p+)true
Bone dagger (p++)true
Bone fragmentsfalse
Bone speartrue
Bones to bananas (tablet)true
Bones to peaches (tablet)true
Book of balance page settrue
Book of darkness page settrue
Book of law page settrue
Book of war page settrue
Bookcase (flatpack)true
Boots of brimstonetrue
Boots of darknesstrue
Boots of stonetrue
Botanical pietrue
Bottle of winetrue
Bottled dragonbreathtrue
Bottled dragonbreath (unpowered)true
Bottomless compost buckettrue
Bow of faerdhinen (inactive)true
Bow stringtrue
Bowl of hot watertrue
Bowl of waterfalse
Bowl wigtrue
Box traptrue
Bracelet mouldtrue
Bracelet of claytrue
Bracelet of ethereum (uncharged)true
Bracelet of slaughtertrue
Brass keyfalse
Brass necklacefalse
Bread doughfalse
Brimstone ringtrue
Brine sabretrue
Broad arrowheadstrue
Broad boltstrue
Broken bark snelmtrue
Broken dragon hastatrue
Broken zombie axetrue
Bronze 2h swordfalse
Bronze arrowfalse
Bronze arrow(p)true
Bronze arrow(p+)true
Bronze arrow(p++)true
Bronze arrowtipstrue
Bronze axefalse
Bronze barfalse
Bronze battleaxefalse
Bronze boltsfalse
Bronze bolts (p)true
Bronze bolts (p+)true
Bronze bolts (p++)true
Bronze bolts (unf)true
Bronze bootstrue
Bronze brutaltrue
Bronze chainbodyfalse
Bronze clawstrue
Bronze crossbowtrue
Bronze crossbow (u)true
Bronze daggerfalse
Bronze dagger(p)true
Bronze dagger(p+)true
Bronze dagger(p++)true
Bronze darttrue
Bronze dart tiptrue
Bronze dart(p)true
Bronze dart(p+)true
Bronze dart(p++)true
Bronze dragon masktrue
Bronze felling axetrue
Bronze full helmfalse
Bronze full helm (g)false
Bronze full helm (t)false
Bronze gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Bronze gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Bronze halberdtrue
Bronze hastatrue
Bronze hasta(p)true
Bronze hasta(p+)true
Bronze hasta(p++)true
Bronze javelintrue
Bronze javelin headstrue
Bronze javelin(p)true
Bronze javelin(p+)true
Bronze javelin(p++)true
Bronze kiteshieldfalse
Bronze kiteshield (g)false
Bronze kiteshield (t)false
Bronze knifetrue
Bronze knife(p)true
Bronze knife(p+)true
Bronze knife(p++)true
Bronze limbstrue
Bronze lockstrue
Bronze longswordfalse
Bronze macefalse
Bronze med helmfalse
Bronze nailstrue
Bronze pickaxefalse
Bronze platebodyfalse
Bronze platebody (g)false
Bronze platebody (t)false
Bronze platelegsfalse
Bronze platelegs (g)false
Bronze platelegs (t)false
Bronze plateskirtfalse
Bronze plateskirt (g)false
Bronze plateskirt (t)false
Bronze scimitarfalse
Bronze set (lg)false
Bronze set (sk)false
Bronze speartrue
Bronze spear(p)true
Bronze spear(p+)true
Bronze spear(p++)true
Bronze sq shieldfalse
Bronze swordfalse
Bronze thrownaxetrue
Bronze trimmed set (lg)false
Bronze trimmed set (sk)false
Bronze warhammerfalse
Bronze wiretrue
Broodoo shield (10) (combat)true
Broodoo shield (10) (disease)true
Broodoo shield (10) (poison)true
Broodoo shield (combat)true
Broodoo shield (disease)true
Broodoo shield (poison)true
Brown apronfalse
Brown headbandtrue
Brown toy horseyfalse
Bruise blue snelm (pointed)true
Bruise blue snelm (round)true
Bryophyta's essencefalse
Bryophyta's staff (uncharged)false
Bucket helmtrue
Bucket helm (g)true
Bucket of milkfalse
Bucket of sandtrue
Bucket of saptrue
Bucket of waterfalse
Bucket of waxtrue
Bullseye lanterntrue
Bullseye lantern (empty)true
Bullseye lantern (unf)true
Burning amulet(5)true
Burning clawtrue
Burning clawstrue
Burnt bonesfalse
Burnt pagetrue
Butterfly jartrue
Butterfly nettrue
Cabbage round shieldtrue
Cabbage seedtrue
Cactus seedtrue
Cactus spinetrue
Cadantine blood potion (unf)true
Cadantine potion (unf)true
Cadantine seedtrue
Cadava berriesfalse
Cadavaberry seedtrue
Cake tinfalse
Calcified mothtrue
Calquat fruittrue
Calquat kegtrue
Calquat saplingtrue
Calquat tree seedtrue
Camelot teleport (tablet)true
Candle lantern (black)true
Candle lantern (white)true
Cannon barrelstrue
Cannon basetrue
Cannon furnacetrue
Cannon standtrue
Cape of skullstrue
Carrallanger teleport (tablet)true
Carved oak bench (flatpack)true
Carved oak magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Carved oak table (flatpack)true
Carved teak bench (flatpack)true
Carved teak magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Carved teak table (flatpack)true
Castle wars bracelet(3)false
Cat masktrue
Catalytic talismantrue
Catalytic tiaratrue
Catherby teleport (tablet)true
Cavalier masktrue
Cave eeltrue
Cave goblin wiretrue
Celastrus barktrue
Celastrus saplingtrue
Celastrus seedtrue
Cemetery teleport (tablet)true
Chaos runefalse
Chaos talismantrue
Chaos tiaratrue
Charge dragonstone jewellery scrolltrue
Cheese+tom battatrue
Chef's delighttrue
Chef's delight (flatpack)true
Chef's delight(4)true
Chef's delight(m)true
Chef's delight(m4)true
Chef's hatfalse
Chichilihui rosétrue
Chilhuac redtrue
Chilli con carnetrue
Chilli potatotrue
Choc saturdaytrue
Chocchip crunchiestrue
Chocolate barfalse
Chocolate bombtrue
Chocolate cakefalse
Chocolate dustfalse
Chopped garlictrue
Chopped oniontrue
Chopped tomatotrue
Chopped tunatrue
Chopped ugthankitrue
Christmas crackerfalse
Chromium ingottrue
Chugging barrel (disassembled)true
Cider barrel (flatpack)true
Circular hidetrue
Citizen shoestrue
Citizen toptrue
Citizen trouserstrue
Civitas illa fortis teleporttrue
Claws of callistotrue
Cleaning clothtrue
Climbing bootstrue
Climbing boots (g)true
Clothes pouchtrue
Clothes pouch blueprinttrue
Clue boxtrue
Cocktail glasstrue
Cocktail guidetrue
Cocktail shakertrue
Coconut milktrue
Colossal wyrm teleport scrolltrue
Combat bracelettrue
Combat bracelet(4)true
Combat bracelet(6)true
Combat mix(1)true
Combat mix(2)true
Combat potion settrue
Combat potion(1)true
Combat potion(2)true
Combat potion(3)true
Combat potion(4)true
Common kebbit furtrue
Common tenchtrue
Comp ogre bowtrue
Compost potion(1)true
Compost potion(2)true
Compost potion(3)true
Compost potion(4)true
Condensed goldtrue
Cooked barb-tailed kebbittrue
Cooked chickenfalse
Cooked chompytrue
Cooked chompy (roasted)true
Cooked crab meattrue
Cooked dashing kebbittrue
Cooked graahktrue
Cooked jubblytrue
Cooked karambwantrue
Cooked kyatttrue
Cooked larupiatrue
Cooked meatfalse
Cooked moonlight antelopetrue
Cooked mystery meattrue
Cooked oomlie wraptrue
Cooked pyre foxtrue
Cooked rabbittrue
Cooked slimy eeltrue
Cooked sunlight antelopetrue
Cooked sweetcorntrue
Cooked wild kebbittrue
Cooking applefalse
Copper orefalse
Corrupted armadyl godswordtrue
Corrupted dark bowtrue
Corrupted dragon clawstrue
Corrupted scythe of vitur (uncharged)true
Corrupted tumeken's shadow (uncharged)true
Corrupted twisted bowtrue
Corrupted voidwakertrue
Corrupted volatile nightmare stafftrue
Cosmic runefalse
Cosmic talismantrue
Cosmic tiaratrue
Craw's bow (u)true
Cream bootstrue
Cream hattrue
Cream robe bottomstrue
Cream robe toptrue
Crier belltrue
Crier coattrue
Crier hattrue
Crossbow stringtrue
Crude chair (flatpack)true
Crunchy traytrue
Crushed nesttrue
Crushed superior dragon bonestrue
Crystal 2h axefalse
Crystal 2h axe (inactive)false
Crystal armour seedtrue
Crystal ball (flatpack)true
Crystal grailtrue
Crystal keytrue
Crystal of power (flatpack)true
Crystal tool seedtrue
Crystal weapon seedtrue
Cup of hot watertrue
Cup of teatrue
Cup of watertrue
Cured yak-hidetrue
Curry leaftrue
Curry saplingtrue
Curry tree seedtrue
Cursed amulet of magicfalse
Cyclops headtrue
Dagannoth bonestrue
Dagannoth hidetrue
Dagon'hai hattrue
Dagon'hai robe bottomtrue
Dagon'hai robe toptrue
Dagon'hai robes settrue
Damaged monkey tailtrue
Dareeyak teleport (tablet)true
Dark bowtrue
Dark bow tietrue
Dark cavaliertrue
Dark crabtrue
Dark fishing baittrue
Dark infinity colour kittrue
Dark kebbit furtrue
Dark trouserstrue
Dark tuxedo cuffstrue
Dark tuxedo jackettrue
Dark tuxedo shoestrue
Dashing kebbit furtrue
Death runefalse
Death talismantrue
Death tiaratrue
Defence mix(1)true
Defence mix(2)true
Defence potion(1)true
Defence potion(2)true
Defence potion(3)true
Defence potion(4)true
Demon feetfalse
Desert bootstrue
Desert camo legstrue
Desert camo legs (equipped)true
Desert camo toptrue
Desert camo top (equipped)true
Desert devil furtrue
Desert goat horntrue
Desert legstrue
Desert robetrue
Desert robestrue
Desert shirttrue
Desert toptrue
Desert top (overcoat)true
Devout bootstrue
Dexterous prayer scrolltrue
Dharok's armour settrue
Dharok's greataxetrue
Dharok's greataxe 0true
Dharok's helmtrue
Dharok's helm 0true
Dharok's platebodytrue
Dharok's platebody 0true
Dharok's platelegstrue
Dharok's platelegs 0true
Diamond amuletfalse
Diamond amulet (u)false
Diamond bolt tipstrue
Diamond boltstrue
Diamond bolts (e)true
Diamond bracelettrue
Diamond dragon boltstrue
Diamond dragon bolts (e)true
Diamond necklacefalse
Diamond ringfalse
Digsite teleporttrue
Dinh's bulwarktrue
Disk of returningfalse
Divine bastion potion(1)true
Divine bastion potion(2)true
Divine bastion potion(3)true
Divine bastion potion(4)true
Divine battlemage potion(1)true
Divine battlemage potion(2)true
Divine battlemage potion(3)true
Divine battlemage potion(4)true
Divine magic potion(1)true
Divine magic potion(2)true
Divine magic potion(3)true
Divine magic potion(4)true
Divine ranging potion(1)true
Divine ranging potion(2)true
Divine ranging potion(3)true
Divine ranging potion(4)true
Divine super attack potion(1)true
Divine super attack potion(2)true
Divine super attack potion(3)true
Divine super attack potion(4)true
Divine super combat potion(1)true
Divine super combat potion(2)true
Divine super combat potion(3)true
Divine super combat potion(4)true
Divine super defence potion(1)true
Divine super defence potion(2)true
Divine super defence potion(3)true
Divine super defence potion(4)true
Divine super strength potion(1)true
Divine super strength potion(2)true
Divine super strength potion(3)true
Divine super strength potion(4)true
Dodgy necklacetrue
Doogle leavestrue
Dorgeshuun crossbowtrue
Double eye patchtrue
Draconic visagetrue
Dragon 2h swordtrue
Dragon armour set (lg)true
Dragon armour set (sk)true
Dragon arrowtrue
Dragon arrow(p)true
Dragon arrow(p+)true
Dragon arrow(p++)true
Dragon arrowtipstrue
Dragon axetrue
Dragon battleaxetrue
Dragon bittertrue
Dragon bitter (flatpack)true
Dragon bitter(4)true
Dragon bitter(m)true
Dragon bitter(m4)true
Dragon boltstrue
Dragon bolts (p)true
Dragon bolts (p+)true
Dragon bolts (p++)true
Dragon bolts (unf)true
Dragon bonestrue
Dragon bootstrue
Dragon boots ornament kittrue
Dragon canetrue
Dragon chainbodytrue
Dragon chainbody ornament kittrue
Dragon clawstrue
Dragon crossbowtrue
Dragon crossbow (u)true
Dragon daggertrue
Dragon dagger(p)true
Dragon dagger(p+)true
Dragon dagger(p++)true
Dragon darttrue
Dragon dart tiptrue
Dragon dart(p)true
Dragon dart(p+)true
Dragon dart(p++)true
Dragon defender ornament kittrue
Dragon felling axetrue
Dragon full helmtrue
Dragon full helm ornament kittrue
Dragon halberdtrue
Dragon harpoontrue
Dragon hastatrue
Dragon hasta(p)true
Dragon hasta(p+)true
Dragon hasta(p++)true
Dragon hunter crossbowtrue
Dragon hunter lancetrue
Dragon hunter wandtrue
Dragon impling jartrue
Dragon javelintrue
Dragon javelin headstrue
Dragon javelin(p)true
Dragon javelin(p+)true
Dragon javelin(p++)true
Dragon kiteshieldtrue
Dragon kiteshield ornament kittrue
Dragon knifetrue
Dragon knife(p)true
Dragon knife(p+)true
Dragon knife(p++)true
Dragon legs/skirt ornament kittrue
Dragon limbstrue
Dragon longswordtrue
Dragon macetrue
Dragon med helmtrue
Dragon metal lumptrue
Dragon metal shardtrue
Dragon metal slicetrue
Dragon necklacetrue
Dragon pickaxetrue
Dragon pickaxe upgrade kittrue
Dragon platebodytrue
Dragon platebody ornament kittrue
Dragon platelegstrue
Dragon plateskirttrue
Dragon scale dusttrue
Dragon scimitartrue
Dragon scimitar ornament kittrue
Dragon speartrue
Dragon spear(p)true
Dragon spear(p+)true
Dragon spear(p++)true
Dragon sq shieldtrue
Dragon sq shield ornament kittrue
Dragon swordtrue
Dragon thrownaxetrue
Dragon warhammertrue
Dragonbone necklacetrue
Dragonfire shieldtrue
Dragonfire wardtrue
Dragonfruit pietrue
Dragonfruit saplingtrue
Dragonfruit tree seedtrue
Dragonstone amulettrue
Dragonstone amulet (u)true
Dragonstone armour settrue
Dragonstone bolt tipstrue
Dragonstone boltstrue
Dragonstone bolts (e)true
Dragonstone bootstrue
Dragonstone bracelettrue
Dragonstone dragon boltstrue
Dragonstone dragon bolts (e)true
Dragonstone full helmfalse
Dragonstone gauntletstrue
Dragonstone platebodyfalse
Dragonstone platelegsfalse
Dragonstone ringtrue
Drake bonestrue
Drake's clawtrue
Drake's toothtrue
Draynor manor teleport (tablet)true
Drift nettrue
Druid's robetrue
Druid's robe toptrue
Drunk dragontrue
Dual macuahuitltrue
Dual saitrue
Dust battlestafftrue
Dust runetrue
Dwarf cannon settrue
Dwarf weedtrue
Dwarf weed potion (unf)true
Dwarf weed seedtrue
Dwarven helmettrue
Dwarven stoutfalse
Dwarven stout(4)true
Dwarven stout(m)true
Dwarven stout(m4)true
Dwellberry seedtrue
Earth battlestafftrue
Earth impling jartrue
Earth orbtrue
Earth runefalse
Earth talismanfalse
Earth tiarafalse
Easter eggfalse
Echo crystaltrue
Eclectic impling jartrue
Eclipse atlatltrue
Eclipse moon chestplatetrue
Eclipse moon chestplate (broken)true
Eclipse moon helmtrue
Eclipse moon helm (broken)true
Eclipse moon tassetstrue
Eclipse moon tassets (broken)true
Eclipse redtrue
Edible seaweedtrue
Efaritay's aidtrue
Efh salttrue
Egg and tomatotrue
Egg potatotrue
Egg whisktrue
Elder chaos hoodtrue
Elder chaos robetrue
Elder chaos toptrue
Elder maultrue
Eldritch orbtrue
Elemental helmettrue
Elemental shieldtrue
Elemental sphere (flatpack)true
Elemental talismantrue
Elemental tiaratrue
Elidinis' wardtrue
Elven bootstrue
Elven dawntrue
Elven glovestrue
Elven legwearfalse
Elven signettrue
Elven skirt (white)false
Elven skirt (yellow)false
Elven top (white vest)false
Elven top (white)false
Elven top (yellow vest)false
Elven top (yellow)false
Elysian sigiltrue
Elysian spirit shieldtrue
Emerald amuletfalse
Emerald amulet (u)false
Emerald bolt tipstrue
Emerald boltstrue
Emerald bolts (e)true
Emerald bracelettrue
Emerald dragon boltstrue
Emerald dragon bolts (e)true
Emerald necklacefalse
Emerald ringfalse
Empty candle lanterntrue
Empty cuptrue
Empty fishbowltrue
Empty oil lamptrue
Empty oil lanterntrue
Empty plant pottrue
Empty sacktrue
Enchant diamondtrue
Enchant dragonstonetrue
Enchant emerald or jadetrue
Enchant onyxtrue
Enchant ruby or topaztrue
Enchant sapphire or opaltrue
Enchanted hattrue
Enchanted robetrue
Enchanted toptrue
Energy mix(1)true
Energy mix(2)true
Energy potion(1)false
Energy potion(2)false
Energy potion(3)false
Energy potion(4)false
Enhanced crystal teleport seedtrue
Enhanced crystal weapon seedtrue
Enhanced quetzal whistle blueprinttrue
Ensouled abyssal headtrue
Ensouled aviansie headtrue
Ensouled bear headtrue
Ensouled bloodveld headtrue
Ensouled chaos druid headtrue
Ensouled dagannoth headtrue
Ensouled demon headtrue
Ensouled dog headtrue
Ensouled dragon headtrue
Ensouled elf headtrue
Ensouled giant headtrue
Ensouled goblin headtrue
Ensouled hellhound headtrue
Ensouled horror headtrue
Ensouled imp headtrue
Ensouled kalphite headtrue
Ensouled minotaur headtrue
Ensouled monkey headtrue
Ensouled ogre headtrue
Ensouled scorpion headtrue
Ensouled troll headtrue
Ensouled tzhaar headtrue
Ensouled unicorn headtrue
Equa leavestrue
Essence impling jartrue
Eternal bootstrue
Eternal crystaltrue
Eternal gemtrue
Evil chicken feettrue
Evil chicken headtrue
Evil chicken legstrue
Evil chicken wingstrue
Expeditious bracelettrue
Explorer backpacktrue
Extended anti-venom+(1)true
Extended anti-venom+(2)true
Extended anti-venom+(3)true
Extended anti-venom+(4)true
Extended antifire mix(1)true
Extended antifire mix(2)true
Extended antifire(1)true
Extended antifire(2)true
Extended antifire(3)true
Extended antifire(4)true
Extended super antifire mix(1)true
Extended super antifire mix(2)true
Extended super antifire(1)true
Extended super antifire(2)true
Extended super antifire(3)true
Extended super antifire(4)true
Eye of newtfalse
Fake beardtrue
Falador teleport (tablet)true
Fancy hedge (bagged)true
Fancy teak dresser (flatpack)true
Fancy tiaratrue
Fangs of venenatistrue
Farseer helmtrue
Fat snailtrue
Fat snail meattrue
Fayrg bonestrue
Feldip hills teleporttrue
Feldip weasel furtrue
Felling axe handletrue
Fenkenstrain's castle teleport (tablet)true
Fibula piecetrue
Fiendish ashesfalse
Filled plant pottrue
Fine clothtrue
Fire battlestafftrue
Fire orbtrue
Fire runefalse
Fire talismanfalse
Fire tiarafalse
Fish chunkstrue
Fish foodfalse
Fish offcutstrue
Fish pietrue
Fishing baitfalse
Fishing guild teleport (tablet)true
Fishing mix(1)true
Fishing mix(2)true
Fishing potion(1)true
Fishing potion(2)true
Fishing potion(3)true
Fishing potion(4)true
Fishing rodfalse
Fiyr remainstrue
Flamtaer bracelettrue
Flamtaer hammertrue
Flared trouserstrue
Flattened hidetrue
Flighted ogre arrowtrue
Fly fishing rodfalse
Forester's rationtrue
Forgotten brew(1)true
Forgotten brew(2)true
Forgotten brew(3)true
Forgotten brew(4)true
Four-poster bed (flatpack)true
Fox furtrue
Fremennik beige shirttrue
Fremennik black cloaktrue
Fremennik blue cloaktrue
Fremennik blue shirttrue
Fremennik bootstrue
Fremennik brown cloaktrue
Fremennik brown shirttrue
Fremennik cyan cloaktrue
Fremennik glovestrue
Fremennik green cloaktrue
Fremennik grey cloaktrue
Fremennik grey shirttrue
Fremennik hattrue
Fremennik kilttrue
Fremennik pink cloaktrue
Fremennik purple cloaktrue
Fremennik red cloaktrue
Fremennik red shirttrue
Fremennik robetrue
Fremennik skirttrue
Fremennik teal cloaktrue
Fremennik yellow cloaktrue
Fried mushroomstrue
Fried onionstrue
Frog slippersfalse
Frog-leather bodytrue
Frog-leather bootstrue
Frog-leather chapstrue
Frozen teartrue
Frozen whip mixtrue
Fruit battatrue
Fruit blasttrue
Frying pantrue
Fury ornament kittrue
Games necklace(8)true
Garden pietrue
Gardening bootstrue
Gardening troweltrue
Garlic powdertrue
Ghorrock teleport (tablet)true
Ghrazi rapiertrue
Gianne doughtrue
Gianne's cook booktrue
Giant boottrue
Giant egg sac(full)true
Giant frog legstrue
Giant seaweedtrue
Gilded 2h swordfalse
Gilded armour set (lg)false
Gilded armour set (sk)false
Gilded axefalse
Gilded bench (flatpack)true
Gilded bootstrue
Gilded cape rack (flatpack)true
Gilded chainbodyfalse
Gilded clock (flatpack)true
Gilded coiftrue
Gilded d'hide bodyfalse
Gilded d'hide chapsfalse
Gilded d'hide vambracesfalse
Gilded dragonhide setfalse
Gilded dresser (flatpack)true
Gilded four-poster (flatpack)true
Gilded full helmfalse
Gilded hastatrue
Gilded kiteshieldfalse
Gilded magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Gilded med helmfalse
Gilded pickaxefalse
Gilded platebodyfalse
Gilded platelegsfalse
Gilded plateskirtfalse
Gilded scimitarfalse
Gilded spadefalse
Gilded speartrue
Gilded sq shieldfalse
Gilded wardrobe (flatpack)true
Glacial temotlitrue
Glassblowing pipetrue
Gloves of darknesstrue
Gloves of silencetrue
Gnome gogglestrue
Gnome scarftrue
Gnome spicetrue
Gnomebowl mouldtrue
Gnomish firelightertrue
Goading potion(1)true
Goading potion(2)true
Goading potion(3)true
Goading potion(4)true
Goat horn dusttrue
Goblin booktrue
Goblin mailfalse
Goblin masktrue
Godsword bladetrue
Godsword shard 1true
Godsword shard 2true
Godsword shard 3true
Gold amuletfalse
Gold amulet (u)false
Gold barfalse
Gold bracelettrue
Gold elegant blousetrue
Gold elegant legstrue
Gold elegant shirttrue
Gold elegant skirttrue
Gold headbandtrue
Gold leaftrue
Gold lockstrue
Gold necklacefalse
Gold orefalse
Gold ringfalse
Gold sealtrue
Gold tiaratrue
Golden apronfalse
Golden chef's hatfalse
Golden scarabtrue
Golden statuettetrue
Golovanova fruit toptrue
Gourmet impling jartrue
Gout tubertrue
Graahk furtrue
Graahk headdresstrue
Graahk legstrue
Graahk toptrue
Grand seed podtrue
Granite (2kg)true
Granite (500g)true
Granite (5kg)true
Granite bodytrue
Granite bootstrue
Granite clamptrue
Granite glovestrue
Granite hammertrue
Granite helmtrue
Granite legstrue
Granite longswordtrue
Granite maultrue
Granite ringtrue
Granite shieldtrue
Grape seedtrue
Greater demon masktrue
Greater sirentrue
Green boatertrue
Green bootstrue
Green capefalse
Green d'hide bodyfalse
Green d'hide body (g)false
Green d'hide body (t)false
Green d'hide chapsfalse
Green d'hide chaps (g)false
Green d'hide chaps (t)false
Green d'hide shieldtrue
Green d'hide vambracesfalse
Green dark bow painttrue
Green dragon leathertrue
Green dragon masktrue
Green dragonhidetrue
Green dragonhide setfalse
Green dyefalse
Green elegant blousetrue
Green elegant legstrue
Green elegant shirttrue
Green elegant skirttrue
Green firelightertrue
Green halloween maskfalse
Green hattrue
Green headbandtrue
Green partyhatfalse
Green robe bottomstrue
Green robe toptrue
Green spiky vambracestrue
Greenman's aletrue
Greenman's ale (flatpack)true
Greenman's ale(m)true
Greenmans ale(4)true
Greenmans ale(m4)true
Grey bootsfalse
Grey glovesfalse
Grey hattrue
Grey robe bottomstrue
Grey robe toptrue
Grey toy horseyfalse
Grey wolf furtrue
Grimy avantoetrue
Grimy cadantinetrue
Grimy dwarf weedtrue
Grimy guam leaftrue
Grimy harralandertrue
Grimy huascatrue
Grimy irit leaftrue
Grimy kwuarmtrue
Grimy lantadymetrue
Grimy marrentilltrue
Grimy ranarr weedtrue
Grimy snapdragontrue
Grimy tarromintrue
Grimy toadflaxtrue
Grimy torstoltrue
Ground guamtrue
Grubby keytrue
Guam leaftrue
Guam potion (unf)true
Guam seedtrue
Guam tartrue
Guardian bootstrue
Guthan's armour settrue
Guthan's chainskirttrue
Guthan's chainskirt 0true
Guthan's helmtrue
Guthan's helm 0true
Guthan's platebodytrue
Guthan's platebody 0true
Guthan's warspeartrue
Guthan's warspear 0true
Guthix armour set (lg)false
Guthix armour set (sk)false
Guthix balance(1)true
Guthix balance(2)true
Guthix balance(3)true
Guthix balance(4)true
Guthix bracerstrue
Guthix chapstrue
Guthix cloaktrue
Guthix coiftrue
Guthix croziertrue
Guthix d'hide bodytrue
Guthix d'hide bootstrue
Guthix d'hide shieldtrue
Guthix dragonhide settrue
Guthix full helmfalse
Guthix kiteshieldfalse
Guthix mitretrue
Guthix mjolnirtrue
Guthix page 1true
Guthix page 2true
Guthix page 3true
Guthix page 4true
Guthix platebodyfalse
Guthix platelegsfalse
Guthix plateskirtfalse
Guthix rest(1)true
Guthix rest(2)true
Guthix rest(3)true
Guthix rest(4)true
Guthix robe legstrue
Guthix robe toptrue
Guthix stoletrue
Guthixian temple teleporttrue
Half full wine jugfalse
Half moon spectaclestrue
Halloween mask setfalse
Ham bootstrue
Ham cloaktrue
Ham glovestrue
Ham hoodtrue
Ham jointfalse
Ham logotrue
Ham robetrue
Ham shirttrue
Hammerstone hopstrue
Hammerstone seedtrue
Hard leatherfalse
Hard leather shieldtrue
Hardleather bodyfalse
Harmonised orbtrue
Harmony island teleport (tablet)true
Harralander potion (unf)true
Harralander seedtrue
Harralander tartrue
Hat eyepatchtrue
Headless arrowtrue
Heavy ballistatrue
Heavy frametrue
Helm of neitiznottrue
Highwayman masktrue
Hill giant clubfalse
Holy blessingtrue
Holy book page settrue
Holy elixirtrue
Holy mouldfalse
Holy sandalstrue
Holy symbolfalse
Holy wrapstrue
Honourable blessingtrue
Hood of darknesstrue
Hosidius bannertrue
Hosidius hoodtrue
Hosidius scarftrue
Huasca potion (unf)true
Huasca seedtrue
Hueycoatl hidetrue
Hueycoatl hide bodytrue
Hueycoatl hide chapstrue
Hueycoatl hide coiftrue
Hueycoatl hide vambracestrue
Hunter potion(1)true
Hunter potion(2)true
Hunter potion(3)true
Hunter potion(4)true
Hunter spear tipstrue
Hunter's speartrue
Hunters' crossbowtrue
Hunters' sunlight crossbowtrue
Hunting mix(1)true
Hunting mix(2)true
Hydra bonestrue
Hydra leathertrue
Hydra tailtrue
Hydra's clawtrue
Ice plateau teleport (tablet)true
Icy basalttrue
Imbued hearttrue
Immature tecu salamandertrue
Imp masktrue
Imperial rosétrue
Impling jartrue
Incomplete heavy ballistatrue
Incomplete light ballistatrue
Infernal ashestrue
Infinity bootstrue
Infinity bottomstrue
Infinity glovestrue
Infinity hattrue
Infinity toptrue
Initiate cuissetrue
Initiate harness mtrue
Initiate hauberktrue
Initiate sallettrue
Inoculation bracelettrue
Inquisitor's armour settrue
Inquisitor's great helmtrue
Inquisitor's hauberktrue
Inquisitor's macetrue
Inquisitor's plateskirttrue
Insect repellenttrue
Insulated bootstrue
Iorwerth camp teleporttrue
Irit leaftrue
Irit potion (unf)true
Irit seedtrue
Irit tartrue
Iron 2h swordfalse
Iron arrowfalse
Iron arrow(p)true
Iron arrow(p+)true
Iron arrow(p++)true
Iron arrowtipstrue
Iron axefalse
Iron barfalse
Iron battleaxefalse
Iron boltstrue
Iron bolts (p)true
Iron bolts (p+)true
Iron bolts (p++)true
Iron bolts (unf)true
Iron bootstrue
Iron brutaltrue
Iron chainbodyfalse
Iron clawstrue
Iron crossbowtrue
Iron crossbow (u)true
Iron daggerfalse
Iron dagger(p)true
Iron dagger(p+)true
Iron dagger(p++)true
Iron darttrue
Iron dart (p)true
Iron dart tiptrue
Iron dart(p+)true
Iron dart(p++)true
Iron dragon masktrue
Iron felling axetrue
Iron full helmfalse
Iron full helm (g)false
Iron full helm (t)false
Iron gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Iron gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Iron halberdtrue
Iron hastatrue
Iron hasta(p)true
Iron hasta(p+)true
Iron hasta(p++)true
Iron javelintrue
Iron javelin headstrue
Iron javelin(p)true
Iron javelin(p+)true
Iron javelin(p++)true
Iron kiteshieldfalse
Iron kiteshield (g)false
Iron kiteshield (t)false
Iron knifetrue
Iron knife(p)true
Iron knife(p+)true
Iron knife(p++)true
Iron limbstrue
Iron longswordfalse
Iron macefalse
Iron med helmfalse
Iron nailstrue
Iron orefalse
Iron pickaxefalse
Iron platebodyfalse
Iron platebody (g)false
Iron platebody (t)false
Iron platelegsfalse
Iron platelegs (g)false
Iron platelegs (t)false
Iron plateskirtfalse
Iron plateskirt (g)false
Iron plateskirt (t)false
Iron scimitarfalse
Iron set (lg)false
Iron set (sk)false
Iron speartrue
Iron spear(p)true
Iron spear(p+)true
Iron spear(p++)true
Iron spittrue
Iron sq shieldfalse
Iron swordfalse
Iron thrownaxetrue
Iron trimmed set (lg)false
Iron trimmed set (sk)false
Iron warhammerfalse
Ivory combtrue
Ixcoztic whitetrue
Jade amulettrue
Jade amulet (u)true
Jade bolt tipstrue
Jade bracelettrue
Jade dragon boltstrue
Jade dragon bolts (e)true
Jade machetetrue
Jade necklacetrue
Jade ringtrue
Jaguar furtrue
Jangerberry seedtrue
Jar of chemicalstrue
Jar of darknesstrue
Jar of decaytrue
Jar of dirttrue
Jar of dreamstrue
Jar of eyestrue
Jar of miasmatrue
Jar of sandtrue
Jar of smoketrue
Jar of soulstrue
Jar of spiritstrue
Jar of stonetrue
Jar of swamptrue
Javelin shafttrue
Jerboa tailtrue
Jester capefalse
Jogre bonestrue
Jug of waterfalse
Jug of winefalse
Jungle camo legstrue
Jungle camo legs (equipped)true
Jungle camo toptrue
Jungle camo top (equipped)true
Jungle demon masktrue
Justiciar armour settrue
Justiciar chestguardtrue
Justiciar faceguardtrue
Justiciar legguardstrue
Jute fibretrue
Jute seedtrue
Karambwan vesseltrue
Karambwan vessel (baited)true
Karidian disguisetrue
Karil's armour settrue
Karil's coiftrue
Karil's coif 0true
Karil's crossbowtrue
Karil's crossbow 0true
Karil's leatherskirttrue
Karil's leatherskirt 0true
Karil's leathertoptrue
Karil's leathertop 0true
Kebab mixtrue
Kebbit boltstrue
Kebbit clawstrue
Kebbit spiketrue
Kebbit teethtrue
Kebbit teeth dusttrue
Keg of beertrue
Kharidian headpiecetrue
Kharyrll teleport (tablet)true
Khazard teleport (tablet)true
King wormtrue
Kitchen knifetrue
Kitchen table (flatpack)true
Kodai insigniatrue
Kodai wandtrue
Kourend castle teleport (tablet)true
Kovac's grogtrue
Kraken tentacletrue
Krandorian hopstrue
Krandorian seedtrue
Kwuarm potion (unf)true
Kwuarm seedtrue
Kyatt furtrue
Kyatt hattrue
Kyatt legstrue
Kyatt toptrue
Lantadyme potion (unf)true
Lantadyme seedtrue
Lantern lenstrue
Large oak bed (flatpack)true
Large teak bed (flatpack)true
Larran's keytrue
Larupia furtrue
Larupia hattrue
Larupia legstrue
Larupia toptrue
Lassar teleport (tablet)true
Lava battlestafftrue
Lava dragon bonestrue
Lava dragon masktrue
Lava runetrue
Lava scaletrue
Lava scale shardtrue
Lava staff upgrade kittrue
Law runefalse
Leaf-bladed battleaxetrue
Leaf-bladed swordtrue
Lean snailtrue
Lean snail meattrue
Leaping salmontrue
Leaping sturgeontrue
Leaping trouttrue
Leather bodyfalse
Leather body (g)false
Leather bootsfalse
Leather chapsfalse
Leather chaps (g)false
Leather cowlfalse
Leather glovesfalse
Leather vambracesfalse
Left eye patchtrue
Lemon chunkstrue
Lemon slicestrue
Leprechaun hattrue
Lesser demon masktrue
Light ballistatrue
Light bow tietrue
Light frametrue
Light infinity colour kittrue
Light orbtrue
Light trouserstrue
Light tuxedo cuffstrue
Light tuxedo jackettrue
Light tuxedo shoestrue
Lily of the sandstrue
Lime chunkstrue
Lime slicestrue
Limestone bricktrue
Limpwurt rootfalse
Limpwurt seedtrue
Lizardman fangtrue
Loar remainstrue
Lobster potfalse
Locust meattrue
Log bracetrue
Long kebbit boltstrue
Long kebbit spiketrue
Longbow (u)true
Loop half of keytrue
Looting bag notetrue
Lovakengj bannertrue
Lovakengj hoodtrue
Lovakengj scarftrue
Lumberyard teleporttrue
Lumbridge teleport (tablet)true
Lunar isle teleporttrue
M. treasure chest (flatpack)true
Mage's booktrue
Magic bird housetrue
Magic boxtrue
Magic cape rack (flatpack)true
Magic comp bowtrue
Magic essence mix(1)true
Magic essence mix(2)true
Magic fangtrue
Magic leavestrue
Magic logstrue
Magic longbowtrue
Magic longbow (u)true
Magic mix(1)true
Magic mix(2)true
Magic potion(1)true
Magic potion(2)true
Magic potion(3)true
Magic potion(4)true
Magic pyre logstrue
Magic rootstrue
Magic saplingtrue
Magic seedtrue
Magic shieldtrue
Magic shortbowtrue
Magic shortbow (u)true
Magic shortbow scrolltrue
Magic stafffalse
Magic stocktrue
Magic stonetrue
Magic stringtrue
Magpie impling jartrue
Magus ringtrue
Mahogany armchair (flatpack)true
Mahogany armour case (flatpack)true
Mahogany bench (flatpack)true
Mahogany bird housetrue
Mahogany bookcase (flatpack)true
Mahogany cape rack (flatpack)true
Mahogany dresser (flatpack)true
Mahogany fancy dress box (flatpack)true
Mahogany logstrue
Mahogany magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Mahogany planktrue
Mahogany pyre logstrue
Mahogany saplingtrue
Mahogany seedtrue
Mahogany stocktrue
Mahogany table (flatpack)true
Mahogany toy box (flatpack)true
Mahogany wardrobe (flatpack)true
Malediction shard 1true
Malediction shard 2true
Malediction shard 3true
Malediction wardtrue
Malicious ashestrue
Manta raytrue
Maple bird housetrue
Maple blackjacktrue
Maple blackjack(d)true
Maple blackjack(o)true
Maple leavestrue
Maple logsfalse
Maple longbowfalse
Maple longbow (u)true
Maple pyre logstrue
Maple rootstrue
Maple saplingtrue
Maple seedtrue
Maple shieldtrue
Maple shortbowfalse
Maple shortbow (u)true
Maple stocktrue
Marble blocktrue
Marble cape rack (flatpack)true
Marble magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Marigold seedtrue
Marrentill potion (unf)true
Marrentill seedtrue
Marrentill tartrue
Mask of ranultrue
Masori armour set (f)true
Masori bodytrue
Masori body (f)true
Masori chapstrue
Masori chaps (f)true
Masori masktrue
Masori mask (f)true
Master scroll book (empty)true
Master wandtrue
Mature cidertrue
Mature wmbtrue
Meat piefalse
Meat pizzafalse
Meat tenderisertrue
Menaphite purple hattrue
Menaphite purple kilttrue
Menaphite purple robetrue
Menaphite purple toptrue
Menaphite red hattrue
Menaphite red kilttrue
Menaphite red robetrue
Menaphite red toptrue
Menaphite remedy(1)true
Menaphite remedy(2)true
Menaphite remedy(3)true
Menaphite remedy(4)true
Merfolk tridenttrue
Metztonalli whitetrue
Minced meattrue
Mind altar teleport (tablet)true
Mind bomb(4)true
Mind bomb(m4)true
Mind helmettrue
Mind runefalse
Mind shieldtrue
Mind talismanfalse
Mind tiarafalse
Mining helmettrue
Mint caketrue
Mirror shieldtrue
Mist battlestafftrue
Mist runetrue
Mith grappletrue
Mith grapple (unf)true
Mith grapple tiptrue
Mithril 2h swordfalse
Mithril arrowfalse
Mithril arrow(p)true
Mithril arrow(p+)true
Mithril arrow(p++)true
Mithril arrowtipstrue
Mithril axefalse
Mithril barfalse
Mithril battleaxefalse
Mithril boltstrue
Mithril bolts (p)true
Mithril bolts (p+)true
Mithril bolts (p++)true
Mithril bolts (unf)true
Mithril bootstrue
Mithril brutaltrue
Mithril chainbodyfalse
Mithril clawstrue
Mithril crossbowtrue
Mithril crossbow (u)true
Mithril daggerfalse
Mithril dagger(p)true
Mithril dagger(p+)true
Mithril dagger(p++)true
Mithril darttrue
Mithril dart tiptrue
Mithril dart(p)true
Mithril dart(p+)true
Mithril dart(p++)true
Mithril dragon masktrue
Mithril felling axetrue
Mithril full helmfalse
Mithril full helm (g)false
Mithril full helm (t)false
Mithril gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Mithril gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Mithril halberdtrue
Mithril hastatrue
Mithril hasta(p)true
Mithril hasta(p+)true
Mithril hasta(p++)true
Mithril javelintrue
Mithril javelin headstrue
Mithril javelin(p)true
Mithril javelin(p+)true
Mithril javelin(p++)true
Mithril kiteshieldfalse
Mithril kiteshield (g)false
Mithril kiteshield (t)false
Mithril knifetrue
Mithril knife(p)true
Mithril knife(p+)true
Mithril knife(p++)true
Mithril limbstrue
Mithril longswordfalse
Mithril macefalse
Mithril med helmfalse
Mithril nailstrue
Mithril orefalse
Mithril pickaxefalse
Mithril platebodyfalse
Mithril platebody (g)false
Mithril platebody (t)false
Mithril platelegsfalse
Mithril platelegs (g)false
Mithril platelegs (t)false
Mithril plateskirtfalse
Mithril plateskirt (g)false
Mithril plateskirt (t)false
Mithril scimitarfalse
Mithril seedstrue
Mithril set (lg)false
Mithril set (sk)false
Mithril speartrue
Mithril spear(p)true
Mithril spear(p+)true
Mithril spear(p++)true
Mithril sq shieldfalse
Mithril swordfalse
Mithril thrownaxetrue
Mithril trimmed set (lg)false
Mithril trimmed set (sk)false
Mithril warhammerfalse
Mixed flowerstrue
Mixed hide basetrue
Mixed hide bootstrue
Mixed hide capetrue
Mixed hide legstrue
Mixed hide toptrue
Mole clawtrue
Mole skintrue
Mole slippersfalse
Molten glasstrue
Monk's robefalse
Monk's robe (g)false
Monk's robe (t)false
Monk's robe topfalse
Monk's robe top (g)false
Monk's robe top (t)false
Monkey bartrue
Monkey bonesfalse
Monkey nutstrue
Monkey tailtrue
Moonclan teleport (tablet)true
Moonlight antelope antlertrue
Moonlight antelope furtrue
Moonlight antler boltstrue
Moonlight meadtrue
Moonlight mead(4)true
Moonlight mead(m)true
Moonlight mead(m4)true
Moonlight moth (item)true
Moonlight moth mix (1)true
Moonlight moth mix (2)true
Morrigan's javelintrue
Morrigan's throwing axetrue
Mort myre fungustrue
Mort myre peartrue
Mort myre stemtrue
Mort'ton teleporttrue
Mos le'harmless teleporttrue
Mottled eeltrue
Mud battlestafftrue
Mud pietrue
Mud runetrue
Muddy keyfalse
Mummy's bodytrue
Mummy's feettrue
Mummy's handstrue
Mummy's headtrue
Mummy's legstrue
Mushroom & oniontrue
Mushroom pietrue
Mushroom potatotrue
Mushroom sporetrue
Musketeer hattrue
Musketeer pantstrue
Musketeer tabardtrue
Myre snelm (pointed)true
Myre snelm (round)true
Mystic air stafftrue
Mystic bootstrue
Mystic boots (dark)true
Mystic boots (dusk)true
Mystic boots (light)true
Mystic dust stafftrue
Mystic earth stafftrue
Mystic fire stafftrue
Mystic glovestrue
Mystic gloves (dark)true
Mystic gloves (dusk)true
Mystic gloves (light)true
Mystic hattrue
Mystic hat (dark)true
Mystic hat (dusk)true
Mystic hat (light)true
Mystic lava stafftrue
Mystic mist stafftrue
Mystic mud stafftrue
Mystic robe bottomtrue
Mystic robe bottom (dark)true
Mystic robe bottom (dusk)true
Mystic robe bottom (light)true
Mystic robe toptrue
Mystic robe top (dark)true
Mystic robe top (dusk)true
Mystic robe top (light)true
Mystic set (blue)true
Mystic set (dark)true
Mystic set (dusk)true
Mystic set (light)true
Mystic smoke stafftrue
Mystic steam stafftrue
Mystic water stafftrue
Nail beast nailstrue
Nardah teleporttrue
Nasturtium seedtrue
Nature impling jartrue
Nature offeringstrue
Nature runefalse
Nature talismantrue
Nature tiaratrue
Navy cavaliertrue
Necklace mouldfalse
Necklace of anguishtrue
Necklace of faithtrue
Necklace of passage(5)true
Neitiznot shieldtrue
Nice hedge (bagged)true
Nightmare stafftrue
Nihil dusttrue
Nihil horntrue
Nihil shardtrue
Ninja impling jartrue
Noose wandtrue
Nose pegtrue
Not meattrue
Noxious halberdtrue
Oak armchair (flatpack)true
Oak armour case (flatpack)true
Oak bed (flatpack)true
Oak bench (flatpack)true
Oak bird housetrue
Oak blackjack(d)true
Oak blackjack(o)true
Oak bookcase (flatpack)true
Oak cape rack (flatpack)true
Oak chair (flatpack)true
Oak clock (flatpack)true
Oak dining table (flatpack)true
Oak drawers (flatpack)true
Oak dresser (flatpack)true
Oak fancy dress box (flatpack)true
Oak kitchen table (flatpack)true
Oak leavestrue
Oak logsfalse
Oak longbowfalse
Oak longbow (u)true
Oak magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Oak planktrue
Oak pyre logstrue
Oak rootstrue
Oak saplingtrue
Oak shaving stand (flatpack)true
Oak shieldtrue
Oak shortbowfalse
Oak shortbow (u)true
Oak stocktrue
Oak toy box (flatpack)true
Oak treasure chest (flatpack)true
Oak wardrobe (flatpack)true
Obsidian armour settrue
Obsidian capetrue
Obsidian cape (r)true
Obsidian helmettrue
Obsidian platebodytrue
Obsidian platelegstrue
Occult necklacetrue
Occult ornament kittrue
Ochre snelm (pointed)true
Ochre snelm (round)true
Odium shard 1true
Odium shard 2true
Odium shard 3true
Odium wardtrue
Ogre arrowtrue
Ogre arrow shafttrue
Ogre coffin keytrue
Oil lamptrue
Oil lanterntrue
Oil lantern frametrue
Old demon masktrue
Old school bondfalse
Olive oil(1)true
Olive oil(2)true
Olive oil(3)true
Olive oil(4)true
Onion & tomatotrue
Onion seedtrue
Onyx amulettrue
Onyx amulet (u)true
Onyx bolt tipstrue
Onyx boltstrue
Onyx bolts (e)true
Onyx bracelettrue
Onyx dragon boltstrue
Onyx dragon bolts (e)true
Onyx necklacetrue
Onyx ringtrue
Opal amulettrue
Opal amulet (u)true
Opal bolt tipstrue
Opal boltstrue
Opal bolts (e)true
Opal bracelettrue
Opal dragon boltstrue
Opal dragon bolts (e)true
Opal machetetrue
Opal necklacetrue
Opal ringtrue
Opulent table (flatpack)true
Orange boatertrue
Orange capefalse
Orange chunkstrue
Orange dyefalse
Orange feathertrue
Orange flowerstrue
Orange salamandertrue
Orange saplingtrue
Orange slicestrue
Orange tree seedtrue
Ornate maul handletrue
Osman's reportfalse
Osmumten's fangtrue
Ourania teleport (tablet)true
Ourg bonestrue
Oyster pearltrue
Oyster pearlstrue
Paddewwa teleport (tablet)true
Palm saplingtrue
Palm tree seedtrue
Papaya fruittrue
Papaya saplingtrue
Papaya tree seedtrue
Partyhat & specstrue
Partyhat setfalse
Pastry doughfalse
Pat of buttertrue
Peaceful blessingtrue
Pearl bolt tipstrue
Pearl boltstrue
Pearl bolts (e)true
Pearl dragon boltstrue
Pearl dragon bolts (e)true
Pegasian bootstrue
Pegasian crystaltrue
Penguin masktrue
Perfected quetzal whistle blueprinttrue
Pest control teleporttrue
Pestle and mortartrue
Pharaoh's sceptre (uncharged)true
Phoenix necklacetrue
Phrin remainstrue
Pie dishfalse
Pie recipe booktrue
Pie shellfalse
Pile of salttrue
Pineapple chunkstrue
Pineapple pizzatrue
Pineapple punchtrue
Pineapple ringtrue
Pineapple saplingtrue
Pineapple seedtrue
Pink boatertrue
Pink bootstrue
Pink capetrue
Pink elegant blousetrue
Pink elegant legstrue
Pink elegant shirttrue
Pink elegant skirttrue
Pink hattrue
Pink headbandtrue
Pink robe bottomstrue
Pink robe toptrue
Pink skirtfalse
Pirate bandana (blue)true
Pirate bandana (brown)true
Pirate bandana (red)true
Pirate bandana (white)true
Pirate bootstrue
Pirate hat & patchtrue
Pirate leggings (beige)true
Pirate leggings (blue)true
Pirate leggings (brown)true
Pirate leggings (red)true
Pirate's hattrue
Pirate's hooktrue
Piscarilius bannertrue
Piscarilius hoodtrue
Piscarilius scarftrue
Piscatoris teleporttrue
Pith helmettrue
Pitta breadtrue
Pizza basefalse
Plain pizzafalse
Plant curetrue
Poison (item)false
Poison chalicetrue
Poison ivy berriestrue
Poison ivy seedtrue
Polar camo legstrue
Polar camo legs (equipped)true
Polar camo toptrue
Polar camo top (equipped)true
Polar kebbit furtrue
Polished buttonstrue
Pot lidtrue
Pot of cornflourtrue
Pot of creamtrue
Pot of flourfalse
Potato cactustrue
Potato cactus seedtrue
Potato seedtrue
Potato with buttertrue
Potato with cheesetrue
Pottery scarabtrue
Pottery statuettetrue
Prayer mix(1)true
Prayer mix(2)true
Prayer potion(1)true
Prayer potion(2)true
Prayer potion(3)true
Prayer potion(4)true
Prayer regeneration potion(1)true
Prayer regeneration potion(2)true
Prayer regeneration potion(3)true
Prayer regeneration potion(4)true
Premade blurb' sp.true
Premade c+t battatrue
Premade ch' crunchtrue
Premade choc bombtrue
Premade choc s'dytrue
Premade dr' dragontrue
Premade fr' blasttrue
Premade fr't battatrue
Premade p' punchtrue
Premade s'y crunchtrue
Premade sggtrue
Premade t'd battatrue
Premade t'd crunchtrue
Premade ttltrue
Premade veg balltrue
Premade veg battatrue
Premade w'm battatrue
Premade w'm crun'true
Premade wiz blz'dtrue
Premade worm holetrue
Priest gown (bottom)false
Priest gown (top)false
Primordial bootstrue
Primordial crystaltrue
Proselyte cuissetrue
Proselyte harness ftrue
Proselyte harness mtrue
Proselyte hauberktrue
Proselyte sallettrue
Proselyte tassettrue
Pure essencefalse
Purple boatertrue
Purple bootsfalse
Purple capefalse
Purple dyefalse
Purple elegant blousetrue
Purple elegant legstrue
Purple elegant shirttrue
Purple elegant skirttrue
Purple firelightertrue
Purple flowerstrue
Purple glovesfalse
Purple hattrue
Purple partyhatfalse
Purple robe bottomstrue
Purple robe toptrue
Purple sweetstrue
Pyre logstrue
Quetzal feedtrue
Rabbit foottrue
Rabbit snaretrue
Rain bowtrue
Rainbow fishtrue
Ranarr potion (unf)true
Ranarr seedtrue
Ranarr weedtrue
Ranger bootstrue
Ranger glovestrue
Rangers' tightstrue
Rangers' tunictrue
Ranging mix(1)true
Ranging mix(2)true
Ranging potion(1)true
Ranging potion(2)true
Ranging potion(3)true
Ranging potion(4)true
Raurg bonestrue
Raw admiral pietrue
Raw anchoviesfalse
Raw anglerfishtrue
Raw barb-tailed kebbittrue
Raw basstrue
Raw bear meatfalse
Raw beast meattrue
Raw beeffalse
Raw bird meattrue
Raw boar meatfalse
Raw cave eeltrue
Raw chickenfalse
Raw chompytrue
Raw codtrue
Raw dark crabtrue
Raw dashing kebbittrue
Raw fish pietrue
Raw garden pietrue
Raw graahktrue
Raw herringfalse
Raw jubblytrue
Raw karambwantrue
Raw kyatttrue
Raw larupiatrue
Raw lobsterfalse
Raw mackereltrue
Raw manta raytrue
Raw monkfishtrue
Raw moonlight antelopetrue
Raw mud pietrue
Raw mystery meattrue
Raw oomlietrue
Raw pikefalse
Raw pyre foxtrue
Raw rabbittrue
Raw rainbow fishtrue
Raw rat meatfalse
Raw salmonfalse
Raw sardinefalse
Raw sea turtletrue
Raw sharktrue
Raw shrimpsfalse
Raw slimy eeltrue
Raw summer pietrue
Raw sunlight antelopetrue
Raw swordfishfalse
Raw troutfalse
Raw tunafalse
Raw ugthanki meattrue
Raw wild kebbittrue
Raw wild pietrue
Raw yak meattrue
Red beadfalse
Red berettrue
Red boatertrue
Red bootsfalse
Red capefalse
Red cavaliertrue
Red chinchompatrue
Red d'hide bodytrue
Red d'hide body (g)true
Red d'hide body (t)true
Red d'hide chapstrue
Red d'hide chaps (g)true
Red d'hide chaps (t)true
Red d'hide shieldtrue
Red d'hide vambracestrue
Red dragon leathertrue
Red dragon masktrue
Red dragonhidetrue
Red dragonhide settrue
Red dyefalse
Red elegant blousetrue
Red elegant legstrue
Red elegant shirttrue
Red elegant skirttrue
Red feathertrue
Red firelightertrue
Red flowerstrue
Red glovesfalse
Red halloween maskfalse
Red hattrue
Red headbandtrue
Red partyhatfalse
Red robe bottomstrue
Red robe toptrue
Red salamandertrue
Red spiders' eggsfalse
Red spiky vambracestrue
Red topaztrue
Red topaz machetetrue
Redberry piefalse
Redberry seedtrue
Redwood bird housetrue
Redwood logstrue
Redwood pyre logstrue
Redwood saplingtrue
Redwood shieldtrue
Redwood tree seedtrue
Regen bracelettrue
Relicym's balm(1)true
Relicym's balm(2)true
Relicym's balm(3)true
Relicym's balm(4)true
Relicym's mix(1)true
Relicym's mix(2)true
Restore mix(1)true
Restore mix(2)true
Restore potion(1)true
Restore potion(2)true
Restore potion(3)true
Restore potion(4)true
Revenant cave teleporttrue
Revenant ethertrue
Ribcage piecetrue
Right eye patchtrue
Ring mouldfalse
Ring of 3rd agefalse
Ring of coinsfalse
Ring of dueling(8)true
Ring of endurance (uncharged)true
Ring of forgingfalse
Ring of lifetrue
Ring of naturefalse
Ring of pursuittrue
Ring of recoiltrue
Ring of returning(5)true
Ring of stonetrue
Ring of sufferingtrue
Ring of the elementstrue
Ring of the godstrue
Ring of wealthtrue
Ring of wealth (5)true
Ring of wealth scrolltrue
Ritual mulchtrue
Riyl remainstrue
Roast beast meattrue
Roast bird meattrue
Roast rabbittrue
Robe bottom of darknesstrue
Robe top of darknesstrue
Robin hood hattrue
Rock hammertrue
Rock thrownhammertrue
Rock-climbing bootstrue
Rock-shell bootstrue
Rock-shell chunktrue
Rock-shell glovestrue
Rock-shell helmtrue
Rock-shell legstrue
Rock-shell platetrue
Rock-shell shardtrue
Rock-shell splintertrue
Rocking chair (flatpack)true
Rolling pintrue
Rosemary seedtrue
Royal crowntrue
Royal gown bottomtrue
Royal gown toptrue
Royal sceptretrue
Ruby amuletfalse
Ruby amulet (u)false
Ruby bolt tipstrue
Ruby boltstrue
Ruby bolts (e)true
Ruby bracelettrue
Ruby dragon boltstrue
Ruby dragon bolts (e)true
Ruby harvest (item)true
Ruby harvest mix (1)true
Ruby harvest mix (2)true
Ruby necklacefalse
Ruby ringfalse
Rune 2h swordfalse
Rune armour set (lg)false
Rune armour set (sk)false
Rune arrowtrue
Rune arrow(p)true
Rune arrow(p+)true
Rune arrow(p++)true
Rune arrowtipstrue
Rune axefalse
Rune battleaxefalse
Rune bootstrue
Rune brutaltrue
Rune canetrue
Rune chainbodyfalse
Rune clawstrue
Rune crossbowtrue
Rune daggerfalse
Rune dagger(p)true
Rune dagger(p+)true
Rune dagger(p++)true
Rune darttrue
Rune dart tiptrue
Rune dart(p)true
Rune dart(p+)true
Rune dart(p++)true
Rune defender ornament kittrue
Rune dragon masktrue
Rune essencefalse
Rune felling axetrue
Rune full helmfalse
Rune full helm (g)false
Rune full helm (t)false
Rune gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Rune gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Rune halberdtrue
Rune hastatrue
Rune hasta(p)true
Rune hasta(p+)true
Rune hasta(p++)true
Rune helm (h1)false
Rune helm (h2)false
Rune helm (h3)false
Rune helm (h4)false
Rune helm (h5)false
Rune javelintrue
Rune javelin headstrue
Rune javelin(p)true
Rune javelin(p+)true
Rune javelin(p++)true
Rune kiteshieldfalse
Rune kiteshield (g)false
Rune kiteshield (t)false
Rune knifetrue
Rune knife(p)true
Rune knife(p+)true
Rune knife(p++)true
Rune longswordfalse
Rune macefalse
Rune med helmfalse
Rune nailstrue
Rune pickaxefalse
Rune platebodyfalse
Rune platebody (g)false
Rune platebody (h1)false
Rune platebody (h2)false
Rune platebody (h3)false
Rune platebody (h4)false
Rune platebody (h5)false
Rune platebody (t)false
Rune platelegsfalse
Rune platelegs (g)false
Rune platelegs (t)false
Rune plateskirtfalse
Rune plateskirt (g)false
Rune plateskirt (t)false
Rune pouch notetrue
Rune scimitarfalse
Rune scimitar ornament kit (guthix)false
Rune scimitar ornament kit (saradomin)false
Rune scimitar ornament kit (zamorak)false
Rune shield (h1)false
Rune shield (h2)false
Rune shield (h3)false
Rune shield (h4)false
Rune shield (h5)false
Rune speartrue
Rune spear(p)true
Rune spear(p+)true
Rune spear(p++)true
Rune sq shieldfalse
Rune swordfalse
Rune thrownaxetrue
Rune trimmed set (lg)false
Rune trimmed set (sk)false
Rune warhammerfalse
Runescroll of bloodbarktrue
Runescroll of swampbarktrue
Runite barfalse
Runite boltstrue
Runite bolts (p)true
Runite bolts (p+)true
Runite bolts (p++)true
Runite bolts (unf)true
Runite crossbow (u)true
Runite limbstrue
Runite orefalse
Sacred oil(1)true
Sacred oil(2)true
Sacred oil(3)true
Sacred oil(4)true
Sagacious spectaclestrue
Salve graveyard teleport (tablet)true
Samurai bootstrue
Samurai glovestrue
Samurai greavestrue
Samurai kasatrue
Samurai shirttrue
Sandstone (10kg)true
Sandstone (1kg)true
Sandstone (2kg)true
Sandstone (5kg)true
Sandwich lady bottomfalse
Sandwich lady hatfalse
Sandwich lady topfalse
Sanfew serum(1)true
Sanfew serum(2)true
Sanfew serum(3)true
Sanfew serum(4)true
Sanguinesti staff (uncharged)true
Santa hatfalse
Sapphire amuletfalse
Sapphire amulet (u)false
Sapphire bolt tipstrue
Sapphire boltstrue
Sapphire bolts (e)true
Sapphire bracelettrue
Sapphire dragon boltstrue
Sapphire dragon bolts (e)true
Sapphire glacialis (item)true
Sapphire glacialis mix (1)true
Sapphire glacialis mix (2)true
Sapphire necklacefalse
Sapphire ringfalse
Sarachnis cudgeltrue
Saradomin armour set (lg)false
Saradomin armour set (sk)false
Saradomin bracerstrue
Saradomin brew(1)true
Saradomin brew(2)true
Saradomin brew(3)true
Saradomin brew(4)true
Saradomin chapstrue
Saradomin cloaktrue
Saradomin coiftrue
Saradomin croziertrue
Saradomin d'hide bodytrue
Saradomin d'hide bootstrue
Saradomin d'hide shieldtrue
Saradomin dragonhide settrue
Saradomin full helmfalse
Saradomin godswordtrue
Saradomin godsword ornament kittrue
Saradomin hilttrue
Saradomin kiteshieldfalse
Saradomin mitretrue
Saradomin mjolnirtrue
Saradomin page 1true
Saradomin page 2true
Saradomin page 3true
Saradomin page 4true
Saradomin platebodyfalse
Saradomin platelegsfalse
Saradomin plateskirtfalse
Saradomin robe legstrue
Saradomin robe toptrue
Saradomin stoletrue
Saradomin swordtrue
Saradomin's lighttrue
Saradomin's teartrue
Saturated hearttrue
Sawmill vouchertrue
Scaly blue dragonhidetrue
Scrambled eggtrue
Scythe of vitur (uncharged)true
Sea turtletrue
Searing pagetrue
Seasoned sardinetrue
Seaweed sporetrue
Secateurs attachmenttrue
Secateurs bladetrue
Security bookfalse
Seed dibbertrue
Seers icontrue
Seers ringtrue
Senntisten teleport (tablet)true
Serpentine helm (uncharged)true
Serpentine visagetrue
Serum 207 (1)true
Serum 207 (2)true
Serum 207 (3)true
Serum 207 (4)true
Shade robefalse
Shade robe topfalse
Shaikahan bonestrue
Shaman maskfalse
Shantay pass (item)true
Shattered bannertrue
Shattered boots (t1)true
Shattered boots (t2)true
Shattered boots (t3)true
Shattered canetrue
Shattered cannon ornament kittrue
Shattered hood (t1)true
Shattered hood (t2)true
Shattered hood (t3)true
Shattered relic hunter (t1) armour settrue
Shattered relic hunter (t2) armour settrue
Shattered relic hunter (t3) armour settrue
Shattered relics mystic ornament kittrue
Shattered relics variety ornament kittrue
Shattered relics void ornament kittrue
Shattered teleport scrolltrue
Shattered top (t1)true
Shattered top (t2)true
Shattered top (t3)true
Shattered trousers (t1)true
Shattered trousers (t2)true
Shattered trousers (t3)true
Shaving stand (flatpack)true
Shayzien bannertrue
Shayzien hoodtrue
Shayzien scarftrue
Shield left halftrue
Shield right halftrue
Ship tickettrue
Shirt (brown)true
Shirt (lilac)true
Shirt (yellow)true
Shoe box (flatpack)true
Short green guytrue
Shortbow (u)true
Shorts (blue)true
Shorts (brown)true
Shorts (yellow)true
Shoulder parrotfalse
Shrunk ogleroottrue
Sickle mouldtrue
Sigil of adroittrue
Sigil of aggressiontrue
Sigil of agile fortunetrue
Sigil of arcane swiftnesstrue
Sigil of barrowstrue
Sigil of bindingtrue
Sigil of consistencytrue
Sigil of deceptiontrue
Sigil of deft strikestrue
Sigil of devotiontrue
Sigil of enhanced harvesttrue
Sigil of escapingtrue
Sigil of exaggerationtrue
Sigil of faithtrue
Sigil of finalitytrue
Sigil of fortificationtrue
Sigil of freedomtrue
Sigil of garmentstrue
Sigil of gunslingertrue
Sigil of hoardingtrue
Sigil of last recalltrue
Sigil of lithetrue
Sigil of meticulousnesstrue
Sigil of mobilitytrue
Sigil of naturetrue
Sigil of onslaughttrue
Sigil of pious protectiontrue
Sigil of precisiontrue
Sigil of preservationtrue
Sigil of prosperitytrue
Sigil of rampagetrue
Sigil of ramparttrue
Sigil of remote storagetrue
Sigil of resiliencetrue
Sigil of resistancetrue
Sigil of restorationtrue
Sigil of revoked limitationtrue
Sigil of slaughtertrue
Sigil of specialised strikestrue
Sigil of staminatrue
Sigil of storagetrue
Sigil of supreme staminatrue
Sigil of sustenancetrue
Sigil of swashbucklertrue
Sigil of the abysstrue
Sigil of the alchemaniactrue
Sigil of the alchemisttrue
Sigil of the augmented thralltrue
Sigil of the barbarianstrue
Sigil of the bloodhoundtrue
Sigil of the cheftrue
Sigil of the craftsmantrue
Sigil of the dwarvestrue
Sigil of the elvestrue
Sigil of the eternal jewellertrue
Sigil of the feral fightertrue
Sigil of the fletchertrue
Sigil of the food mastertrue
Sigil of the foragertrue
Sigil of the formidable fightertrue
Sigil of the fortune farmertrue
Sigil of the gnomestrue
Sigil of the guardian angeltrue
Sigil of the huntertrue
Sigil of the infernal cheftrue
Sigil of the infernal smithtrue
Sigil of the lightbearertrue
Sigil of the menacing magetrue
Sigil of the meticulous magetrue
Sigil of the ninjatrue
Sigil of the porcupinetrue
Sigil of the potion mastertrue
Sigil of the rigorous rangertrue
Sigil of the ruthless rangertrue
Sigil of the serpenttrue
Sigil of the skillertrue
Sigil of the smithtrue
Sigil of the treasure huntertrue
Sigil of the well-fedtrue
Sigil of titaniumtrue
Sigil of versatilitytrue
Sigil of woodcrafttrue
Silver barfalse
Silver boltstrue
Silver bolts (p)true
Silver bolts (p+)true
Silver bolts (p++)true
Silver bolts (unf)true
Silver dusttrue
Silver lockstrue
Silver orefalse
Silver sickletrue
Sinister keytrue
Skeletal bootstrue
Skeletal bottomstrue
Skeletal glovestrue
Skeletal helmtrue
Skeletal toptrue
Skeletal visagetrue
Skewer sticktrue
Skills necklacetrue
Skills necklace(4)true
Skills necklace(6)true
Skirt (blue)true
Skirt (brown)true
Skirt (lilac)true
Skull of vet'iontrue
Skull piecetrue
Slayer belltrue
Slayer's enchantmenttrue
Slayer's respitetrue
Slayer's respite(4)true
Slayer's respite(m)true
Slayer's respite(m4)true
Slayer's stafftrue
Sleeping captrue
Sliced bananafalse
Sliced mushroomstrue
Small box hedge (bagged)true
Small fishing netfalse
Smoke battlestafftrue
Smoke runetrue
Smouldering stonetrue
Snake hidetrue
Snake hide (swamp)true
Snakeskin bandanatrue
Snakeskin bodytrue
Snakeskin bootstrue
Snakeskin chapstrue
Snakeskin shieldtrue
Snakeskin vambracestrue
Snapdragon potion (unf)true
Snapdragon seedtrue
Snape grasstrue
Snape grass seedtrue
Snowy knight (item)true
Snowy knight mix (1)true
Snowy knight mix (2)true
Soaked pagetrue
Soda ashtrue
Soft clayfalse
Soiled pagetrue
Soul runetrue
Soulreaper axetrue
Spectral sigiltrue
Spectral spirit shieldtrue
Spicy crunchiestrue
Spicy minced meattrue
Spicy saucetrue
Spicy tomatotrue
Spider carcasstrue
Spider cave teleporttrue
Spider on shafttrue
Spider on sticktrue
Spiked bootstrue
Spiked manaclestrue
Spiky vambracestrue
Spinach rollfalse
Spined bodytrue
Spined bootstrue
Spined chapstrue
Spined glovestrue
Spined helmtrue
Spiny helmettrue
Spirit shieldtrue
Split logtrue
Splitbark bodytrue
Splitbark bootstrue
Splitbark gauntletstrue
Splitbark helmtrue
Splitbark legstrue
Spotted capetrue
Spotted kebbit furtrue
Spottier capetrue
Staff of airfalse
Staff of balancetrue
Staff of bob the cattrue
Staff of earthfalse
Staff of firefalse
Staff of lighttrue
Staff of the deadtrue
Staff of waterfalse
Stale baguettefalse
Stamina mix(1)true
Stamina mix(2)true
Stamina potion(1)true
Stamina potion(2)true
Stamina potion(3)true
Stamina potion(4)true
Statius's warhammertrue
Steam battlestafftrue
Steam runetrue
Steam staff upgrade kittrue
Steamforge brewtrue
Steel 2h swordfalse
Steel arrowfalse
Steel arrow(p)true
Steel arrow(p+)true
Steel arrow(p++)true
Steel arrowtipstrue
Steel axefalse
Steel barfalse
Steel battleaxefalse
Steel boltstrue
Steel bolts (p)true
Steel bolts (p+)true
Steel bolts (p++)true
Steel bolts (unf)true
Steel bootstrue
Steel brutaltrue
Steel chainbodyfalse
Steel clawstrue
Steel crossbowtrue
Steel crossbow (u)true
Steel daggerfalse
Steel dagger(p)true
Steel dagger(p+)true
Steel dagger(p++)true
Steel darttrue
Steel dart tiptrue
Steel dart(p)true
Steel dart(p+)true
Steel dart(p++)true
Steel dragon masktrue
Steel felling axetrue
Steel full helmfalse
Steel full helm (g)false
Steel full helm (t)false
Steel gold-trimmed set (lg)false
Steel gold-trimmed set (sk)false
Steel halberdtrue
Steel hastatrue
Steel hasta(p)true
Steel hasta(p+)true
Steel hasta(p++)true
Steel javelintrue
Steel javelin headstrue
Steel javelin(p)true
Steel javelin(p+)true
Steel javelin(p++)true
Steel kiteshieldfalse
Steel kiteshield (g)false
Steel kiteshield (t)false
Steel knifetrue
Steel knife(p)true
Steel knife(p+)true
Steel knife(p++)true
Steel limbstrue
Steel lockstrue
Steel longswordfalse
Steel macefalse
Steel med helmfalse
Steel nailsfalse
Steel pickaxefalse
Steel platebodyfalse
Steel platebody (g)false
Steel platebody (t)false
Steel platelegsfalse
Steel platelegs (g)false
Steel platelegs (t)false
Steel plateskirtfalse
Steel plateskirt (g)false
Steel plateskirt (t)false
Steel scimitarfalse
Steel set (lg)false
Steel set (sk)false
Steel speartrue
Steel spear(p)true
Steel spear(p+)true
Steel spear(p++)true
Steel sq shieldfalse
Steel studstrue
Steel swordfalse
Steel thrownaxetrue
Steel trimmed set (lg)false
Steel trimmed set (sk)false
Steel warhammerfalse
Stone scarabtrue
Stone sealtrue
Stone statuettetrue
Stony basalttrue
Strange fruittrue
Strange old lockpick (full)true
Strawberry seedtrue
Strength amulet (t)false
Strength mix(1)true
Strength mix(2)true
Strength potion(1)false
Strength potion(2)false
Strength potion(3)false
Strength potion(4)false
Stretched hidetrue
Stripy feathertrue
Stripy pirate shirt (beige)true
Stripy pirate shirt (blue)true
Stripy pirate shirt (brown)true
Stripy pirate shirt (red)true
Stronghold notesfalse
Strung rabbit foottrue
Studded bodyfalse
Studded body (g)false
Studded body (t)false
Studded chapsfalse
Studded chaps (g)false
Studded chaps (t)false
Sturdy harnesstrue
Sulliuscep captrue
Sulphur bladestrue
Summer pietrue
Sunbeam aletrue
Sunfire fanatic armour settrue
Sunfire fanatic chaussestrue
Sunfire fanatic cuirasstrue
Sunfire fanatic helmtrue
Sunfire runetrue
Sunfire splinterstrue
Sunlight antelope antlertrue
Sunlight antelope furtrue
Sunlight antler boltstrue
Sunlight moth (item)true
Sunlight moth mix (1)true
Sunlight moth mix (2)true
Super antifire mix(1)true
Super antifire mix(2)true
Super antifire potion(1)true
Super antifire potion(2)true
Super antifire potion(3)true
Super antifire potion(4)true
Super attack(1)true
Super attack(2)true
Super attack(3)true
Super attack(4)true
Super combat potion(1)true
Super combat potion(2)true
Super combat potion(3)true
Super combat potion(4)true
Super def. mix(1)true
Super def. mix(2)true
Super defence(1)true
Super defence(2)true
Super defence(3)true
Super defence(4)true
Super energy mix(1)true
Super energy mix(2)true
Super energy(1)true
Super energy(2)true
Super energy(3)true
Super energy(4)true
Super kebabtrue
Super potion settrue
Super restore mix(1)true
Super restore mix(2)true
Super restore(1)true
Super restore(2)true
Super restore(3)true
Super restore(4)true
Super str. mix(1)true
Super str. mix(2)true
Super strength(1)true
Super strength(2)true
Super strength(3)true
Super strength(4)true
Superattack mix(1)true
Superattack mix(2)true
Superior dragon bonestrue
Swamp lizardtrue
Swamp pastetrue
Swamp tartrue
Swamp toad (item)true
Swamp weedtrue
Swampbark bodytrue
Swampbark bootstrue
Swampbark gauntletstrue
Swampbark helmtrue
Swampbark legstrue
Sweetcorn (bowl)true
Sweetcorn seedtrue
Swift bladefalse
Tai bwo wannai teleporttrue
Tall box hedge (bagged)true
Tall fancy hedge (bagged)true
Tan cavaliertrue
Tangled toad's legstrue
Tanzanite fangtrue
Target teleporttrue
Target teleport scrolltrue
Tarromin potion (unf)true
Tarromin seedtrue
Tarromin tartrue
Tatty graahk furtrue
Tatty kyatt furtrue
Tatty larupia furtrue
Te salttrue
Teacher wandtrue
Teak armchair (flatpack)true
Teak armour case (flatpack)true
Teak bed (flatpack)true
Teak bird housetrue
Teak cape rack (flatpack)true
Teak clock (flatpack)true
Teak dining bench (flatpack)true
Teak drawers (flatpack)true
Teak dresser (flatpack)true
Teak fancy dress box (flatpack)true
Teak kitchen table (flatpack)true
Teak logstrue
Teak magic wardrobe (flatpack)true
Teak planktrue
Teak pyre logstrue
Teak saplingtrue
Teak seedtrue
Teak stocktrue
Teak table (flatpack)true
Teak toy box (flatpack)true
Teak treasure chest (flatpack)true
Teak wardrobe (flatpack)true
Teal bootsfalse
Teal glovesfalse
Teal hattrue
Teal robe bottomstrue
Teal robe toptrue
Team cape ifalse
Team cape xfalse
Team cape zerofalse
Team-1 capefalse
Team-10 capefalse
Team-11 capefalse
Team-12 capefalse
Team-13 capefalse
Team-14 capefalse
Team-15 capefalse
Team-16 capefalse
Team-17 capefalse
Team-18 capefalse
Team-19 capefalse
Team-2 capefalse
Team-20 capefalse
Team-21 capefalse
Team-22 capefalse
Team-23 capefalse
Team-24 capefalse
Team-25 capefalse
Team-26 capefalse
Team-27 capefalse
Team-28 capefalse
Team-29 capefalse
Team-3 capefalse
Team-30 capefalse
Team-31 capefalse
Team-32 capefalse
Team-33 capefalse
Team-34 capefalse
Team-35 capefalse
Team-36 capefalse
Team-37 capefalse
Team-38 capefalse
Team-39 capefalse
Team-4 capefalse
Team-40 capefalse
Team-41 capefalse
Team-42 capefalse
Team-43 capefalse
Team-44 capefalse
Team-45 capefalse
Team-46 capefalse
Team-47 capefalse
Team-48 capefalse
Team-49 capefalse
Team-5 capefalse
Team-50 capefalse
Team-6 capefalse
Team-7 capefalse
Team-8 capefalse
Team-9 capefalse
Teasing sticktrue
Tecu salamandertrue
Teleport anchoring scrolltrue
Teleport cardfalse
Teleport to house (tablet)true
Thammaron's sceptre (au)true
Thammaron's sceptre (u)true
Thatch spar densetrue
Thatch spar lighttrue
Thatch spar medtrue
Thieving bagtrue
Thin snailtrue
Thin snail meattrue
Thorny hedge (bagged)true
Tiara mouldfalse
Timber beamtrue
Tin orefalse
Toad battatrue
Toad crunchiestrue
Toad's legstrue
Toadflax potion (unf)true
Toadflax seedtrue
Tomato seedtrue
Tome of earth (empty)true
Tome of fire (empty)true
Tome of water (empty)true
Tonalztics of ralos (uncharged)true
Tonameyo whitetrue
Tooth half of keytrue
Top hattrue
Top hat & monocletrue
Topaz amulettrue
Topaz amulet (u)true
Topaz bolt tipstrue
Topaz boltstrue
Topaz bolts (e)true
Topaz bracelettrue
Topaz dragon boltstrue
Topaz dragon bolts (e)true
Topaz necklacetrue
Topaz ringtrue
Topiary hedge (bagged)true
Torag's armour settrue
Torag's hammerstrue
Torag's hammers 0true
Torag's helmtrue
Torag's helm 0true
Torag's platebodytrue
Torag's platebody 0true
Torag's platelegstrue
Torag's platelegs 0true
Tormented bracelettrue
Tormented ornament kittrue
Tormented synapsetrue
Torn prayer scrolltrue
Torstol potion (unf)true
Torstol seedtrue
Tortoise shelltrue
Torture ornament kittrue
Torva full helmtrue
Torva full helm (damaged)true
Torva platebodytrue
Torva platebody (damaged)true
Torva platelegstrue
Torva platelegs (damaged)true
Toxic blowpipe (empty)true
Toxic staff (uncharged)true
Toy cattrue
Toy dolltrue
Toy doll (wound)true
Toy mousetrue
Toy mouse (wound)true
Toy soldiertrue
Toy soldier (wound)true
Trading stickstrue
Trailblazer bannertrue
Trailblazer boots (t1)true
Trailblazer boots (t2)true
Trailblazer boots (t3)true
Trailblazer canetrue
Trailblazer globetrue
Trailblazer graceful ornament kittrue
Trailblazer hood (t1)true
Trailblazer hood (t2)true
Trailblazer hood (t3)true
Trailblazer relic hunter (t1) armour settrue
Trailblazer relic hunter (t2) armour settrue
Trailblazer relic hunter (t3) armour settrue
Trailblazer reloaded alchemy scrolltrue
Trailblazer reloaded bannertrue
Trailblazer reloaded blowpipe ornament kittrue
Trailblazer reloaded boots (t1)true
Trailblazer reloaded boots (t2)true
Trailblazer reloaded boots (t3)true
Trailblazer reloaded bulwark ornament kittrue
Trailblazer reloaded death scrolltrue
Trailblazer reloaded headband (t1)true
Trailblazer reloaded headband (t2)true
Trailblazer reloaded headband (t3)true
Trailblazer reloaded home teleport scrolltrue
Trailblazer reloaded rejuvenation pool scrolltrue
Trailblazer reloaded relic hunter (t1) armour settrue
Trailblazer reloaded relic hunter (t2) armour settrue
Trailblazer reloaded relic hunter (t3) armour settrue
Trailblazer reloaded top (t1)true
Trailblazer reloaded top (t2)true
Trailblazer reloaded top (t3)true
Trailblazer reloaded torchtrue
Trailblazer reloaded trousers (t1)true
Trailblazer reloaded trousers (t2)true
Trailblazer reloaded trousers (t3)true
Trailblazer reloaded vengeance scrolltrue
Trailblazer rugtrue
Trailblazer teleport scrolltrue
Trailblazer tool ornament kittrue
Trailblazer top (t1)true
Trailblazer top (t2)true
Trailblazer top (t3)true
Trailblazer trousers (t1)true
Trailblazer trousers (t2)true
Trailblazer trousers (t3)true
Trapper's tippletrue
Treasonous ringtrue
Triangle sandwichfalse
Tribal mask (combat)true
Tribal mask (disease)true
Tribal mask (poison)true
Tribal top (blue)true
Tribal top (brown)true
Tribal top (pink)true
Tribal top (yellow)true
Trident of the seas (full)true
Trinket of advanced weaponrytrue
Trinket of fairiestrue
Trinket of undeadtrue
Trinket of vengeancetrue
Trousers (blue)true
Trousers (brown)true
Trousers (lilac)true
Trouver parchmenttrue
Tumeken's shadow (uncharged)true
Tuna and corntrue
Tuna potatotrue
Turquoise bootstrue
Turquoise hattrue
Turquoise robe bottomstrue
Turquoise robe toptrue
Twisted bannertrue
Twisted blueprintstrue
Twisted boots (t1)true
Twisted boots (t2)true
Twisted boots (t3)true
Twisted bowtrue
Twisted bucklertrue
Twisted canetrue
Twisted coat (t1)true
Twisted coat (t2)true
Twisted coat (t3)true
Twisted hat (t1)true
Twisted hat (t2)true
Twisted hat (t3)true
Twisted hornstrue
Twisted relic hunter (t1) armour settrue
Twisted relic hunter (t2) armour settrue
Twisted relic hunter (t3) armour settrue
Twisted teleport scrolltrue
Twisted trousers (t1)true
Twisted trousers (t2)true
Twisted trousers (t3)true
Tyrannical ringtrue
Tyras helmtrue
Tzhaar-ket-om ornament kittrue
Ugthanki & oniontrue
Ugthanki & tomatotrue
Ugthanki kebabtrue
Ugthanki meattrue
Ultor ringtrue
Unblessed symbolfalse
Uncharged toxic tridenttrue
Uncharged toxic trident (e)true
Uncharged tridenttrue
Uncharged trident (e)true
Uncooked apple piefalse
Uncooked berry piefalse
Uncooked botanical pietrue
Uncooked dragonfruit pietrue
Uncooked eggtrue
Uncooked meat piefalse
Uncooked mushroom pietrue
Uncut diamondfalse
Uncut dragonstonetrue
Uncut emeraldfalse
Uncut jadetrue
Uncut onyxtrue
Uncut opaltrue
Uncut red topaztrue
Uncut rubyfalse
Uncut sapphirefalse
Uncut zenytetrue
Unfinished broad boltstrue
Unfinished potiontrue
Unfired bowlfalse
Unfired cuptrue
Unfired pie dishfalse
Unfired plant pottrue
Unfired potfalse
Unfired pot lidtrue
Unholy blessingtrue
Unholy book page settrue
Unholy symboltrue
Unicorn horntrue
Unicorn horn dusttrue
Unlit bug lanterntrue
Unlit torchtrue
Unpowered orbtrue
Unpowered symboltrue
Unstrung comp bowtrue
Unstrung emblemtrue
Unstrung heavy ballistatrue
Unstrung light ballistatrue
Unstrung symbolfalse
Uri's hattrue
Urium remainstrue
Ursine chainmace (u)true
Urt salttrue
Vampyre dusttrue
Varlamorian kebabtrue
Varrock teleport (tablet)true
Veg balltrue
Vegetable battatrue
Venator bow (uncharged)true
Venator ringtrue
Venator shardtrue
Verac's armour settrue
Verac's brassardtrue
Verac's brassard 0true
Verac's flailtrue
Verac's flail 0true
Verac's helmtrue
Verac's helm 0true
Verac's plateskirttrue
Verac's plateskirt 0true
Vesta's longswordtrue
Vesta's speartrue
Vial of bloodtrue
Vial of waterfalse
Viggora's chainmace (u)true
Vile ashesfalse
Villager armband (blue)true
Villager armband (brown)true
Villager armband (pink)true
Villager armband (yellow)true
Villager hat (blue)true
Villager hat (brown)true
Villager hat (pink)true
Villager hat (yellow)true
Villager robe (blue)true
Villager robe (brown)true
Villager robe (pink)true
Villager robe (yellow)true
Villager sandals (blue)true
Villager sandals (brown)true
Villager sandals (pink)true
Villager sandals (yellow)true
Virtus masktrue
Virtus robe bottomtrue
Virtus robe toptrue
Voidwaker bladetrue
Voidwaker gemtrue
Voidwaker hilttrue
Volatile orbtrue
Volcanic ashtrue
Volcanic whip mixtrue
Vyrewatch legstrue
Vyrewatch shoestrue
Vyrewatch toptrue
War blessingtrue
Ward upgrade kittrue
Warped sceptretrue
Warped sceptre (uncharged)true
Warrior helmtrue
Warrior icontrue
Warrior ringtrue
Watchtower teleport (tablet)true
Water battlestafftrue
Water orbtrue
Water runefalse
Water talismanfalse
Water tiarafalse
Waterbirth teleport (tablet)true
Watering cantrue
Watermelon seedtrue
Watermelon slicetrue
Watson teleporttrue
Weapon poisontrue
Weapon poison(+)true
Weapon poison(++)true
Webweaver bow (u)true
West ardougne teleport (tablet)true
White 2h swordtrue
White apronfalse
White battleaxetrue
White beadfalse
White berettrue
White berriestrue
White boatertrue
White bootstrue
White cavaliertrue
White chainbodytrue
White clawstrue
White daggertrue
White dagger(p)true
White dagger(p+)true
White dagger(p++)true
White dark bow painttrue
White elegant blousetrue
White elegant skirttrue
White firelightertrue
White flowerstrue
White full helmtrue
White glovestrue
White halberdtrue
White headbandtrue
White kiteshieldtrue
White lilytrue
White lily seedtrue
White longswordtrue
White macetrue
White magic stafftrue
White med helmtrue
White partyhatfalse
White platebodytrue
White platelegstrue
White plateskirttrue
White scimitartrue
White sq shieldtrue
White swordtrue
White toy horseyfalse
White unicorn masktrue
White warhammertrue
Whiteberry seedtrue
Wild pietrue
Wildblood hopstrue
Wildblood seedtrue
Wilderness crabs teleporttrue
Willow bird housetrue
Willow blackjacktrue
Willow blackjack(d)true
Willow blackjack(o)true
Willow branchtrue
Willow comp bowfalse
Willow leavestrue
Willow logsfalse
Willow longbowfalse
Willow longbow (u)true
Willow pyre logstrue
Willow rootstrue
Willow saplingtrue
Willow seedtrue
Willow shieldtrue
Willow shortbowfalse
Willow shortbow (u)true
Willow stocktrue
Wine of zamorakfalse
Wizard blizzardtrue
Wizard bootstrue
Wizard hatfalse
Wizard's mind bombfalse
Woad leaffalse
Woad seedtrue
Wolf bonestrue
Wolf cloakfalse
Wolf masktrue
Wolfbone arrowtipstrue
Wood camo legstrue
Wood camo legs (equipped)true
Wood camo toptrue
Wood camo top (equipped)true
Wood dining table (flatpack)true
Wooden bed (flatpack)true
Wooden bench (flatpack)true
Wooden cattrue
Wooden chair (flatpack)true
Wooden shieldfalse
Wooden shield (g)false
Wooden spoontrue
Wooden stocktrue
Worm battatrue
Worm crunchiestrue
Worm holetrue
Woven top (blue)true
Woven top (brown)true
Woven top (yellow)true
Wrapped oomlietrue
Wrath runetrue
Wrath talismantrue
Wrath tiaratrue
Wyrm bonestrue
Wyrmling bonestrue
Wyvern bonestrue
Wyvern visagetrue
Xerician fabrictrue
Xerician hattrue
Xerician robetrue
Xerician toptrue
Yak-hide armour (legs)true
Yak-hide armour (top)true
Yanillian hopstrue
Yanillian seedtrue
Yellow beadfalse
Yellow bootsfalse
Yellow capefalse
Yellow dark bow painttrue
Yellow dyefalse
Yellow feathertrue
Yellow flowerstrue
Yellow glovesfalse
Yellow hattrue
Yellow partyhatfalse
Yellow robe bottomstrue
Yellow robe toptrue
Yew bird housetrue
Yew comp bowtrue
Yew leavestrue
Yew logsfalse
Yew longbowtrue
Yew longbow (u)true
Yew pyre logstrue
Yew rootstrue
Yew saplingtrue
Yew seedtrue
Yew shieldtrue
Yew shortbowtrue
Yew shortbow (u)true
Yew stocktrue
Young impling jartrue
Zalcano shardtrue
Zamorak armour set (lg)false
Zamorak armour set (sk)false
Zamorak bracerstrue
Zamorak brew(1)true
Zamorak brew(2)true
Zamorak brew(3)true
Zamorak brew(4)true
Zamorak chapstrue
Zamorak cloaktrue
Zamorak coiftrue
Zamorak croziertrue
Zamorak d'hide bodytrue
Zamorak d'hide bootstrue
Zamorak d'hide shieldtrue
Zamorak dragonhide settrue
Zamorak full helmfalse
Zamorak godswordtrue
Zamorak godsword ornament kittrue
Zamorak hilttrue
Zamorak kiteshieldfalse
Zamorak mitretrue
Zamorak mix(1)true
Zamorak mix(2)true
Zamorak mjolnirtrue
Zamorak monk bottomfalse
Zamorak monk topfalse
Zamorak page 1true
Zamorak page 2true
Zamorak page 3true
Zamorak page 4true
Zamorak platebodyfalse
Zamorak platelegsfalse
Zamorak plateskirtfalse
Zamorak robe legstrue
Zamorak robe toptrue
Zamorak stoletrue
Zamorak's grapestrue
Zamorakian hastatrue
Zamorakian speartrue
Zaryte crossbowtrue
Zaryte vambracestrue
Zenyte amulettrue
Zenyte amulet (u)true
Zenyte bracelettrue
Zenyte necklacetrue
Zenyte ringtrue
Zenyte shardtrue
Zogre bonestrue
Zombie axetrue
Zombie head (Treasure Trails)true
Zombie pirate keytrue
Zul-andra teleporttrue
Zulrah's scalestrue
Zuriel's stafftrue