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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Sandbox/User:Fire/test/doc

local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price

local p = {}

local herbs = {"Guam leaf", "Marrentill", "Tarromin", "Harralander",
	"Ranarr weed", "Toadflax", "Irit leaf", "Avantoe", "Kwuarm", "Snapdragon",
	"Cadantine", "Lantadyme", "Dwarf weed" , "Torstol"}

function p.showTable(frame)
	local herbTable = "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" \n"
	herbTable = herbTable .. "|- \n"
	herbTable = herbTable .. "! Herb !! Grimy Price !! Clean Price !! Profit \n"
	for _, herb in ipairs(herbs) do
    	herbTable = herbTable .. addRow(frame, herb)
	herbTable = herbTable .. "|}"
	return herbTable

function addRow(frame, herb)
    local grimyPrice = frame:expandTemplate{title='coins', args={gePrice("Grimy "..string.lower(herb))}}
    local cleanPrice = frame:expandTemplate{title='coins', args={gePrice(herb)}}
    local profit = frame:expandTemplate{title='coins', args={gePrice(herb) - gePrice("Grimy "..string.lower(herb))}}
	local row = "|-\n"
	row = row .. "|[[".. herb .."]]||".. grimyPrice .."||".. cleanPrice .."||".. profit .. "\n"
	return row

return p