Module:Swimming calculator

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Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Swimming calculator/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Swimming calculator requires Module:Experience.

This template should be used when there is no documentation for a Module or Template.

local p = {}
local levelAtXp = require('Module:Experience').level_at_xp_unr
local xpAtLevel = require('Module:Experience').xp_at_level_unr
 function p.main(frame)
 	local args = frame:getParent().args
 	thievingXP = tonumber(args.thievingXP)
 	thievingLvl = tonumber(args.thievingLvl)
 	thievingType = args.thievingType
 	agilityXP = tonumber(args.agilityXP) 
 	agilityLvl =tonumber(args.agilityLvl)
 	agilityType = args.agilityType
 	tearsHr = tonumber(args.Tears)
 	goalToggle = args.goalToggle
 	goal =tonumber(args.goal)
 	leagueMultiplier = tonumber(args.leagueMultiplier)
	-----Handle 200m exception----
	if goal == 127 then goalXP = 200000000 else goalXP = xpAtLevel({args = {goal}}) end
	if thievingType == "Level" then 
		if thievingLvl == 127 then thievingXP = 200000000 else
		thievingXP = xpAtLevel({args = {thievingLvl}}) end end
	if agilityType == "Level" then 
		if agilityLvl == 127 then agilityXP = 200000000 else
		agilityXP = xpAtLevel({args = {agilityLvl}}) end end
	tears = 0
	initialAgility = agilityXP
	initialThieving = thievingXP
	thieving = levelAtXp({args = {thievingXP}})
	agility = levelAtXp({args = {agilityXP}})

    if goalToggle == "Thieving" then
    	if thievingXP >= goalXP then
    		return "Your target must be higher than your level" end
		 tears = calculateTears(thievingXP, goalXP, thieving, 11)
		 thievingXP = goalXP
		time = tears / tearsHr
		agilityXP = calculateXp(agilityXP, agility, tears, 3)
		secondaryXP = agilityXP
		secondary = "Agility"
	    if agilityXP >= goalXP then
    		return "Your target must be higher than your level" end
		tears = calculateTears(agilityXP, goalXP, agility, 3)
		agilityXP = goalXP
		time = tears / tearsHr
		thievingXP = calculateXp(thievingXP, thieving, tears, 11)
		secondaryXP = thievingXP
		secondary = "Thieving"
	------EHP (TempleOsrs) ----will probably need updating every now and then-----
	agilityEhp = getAgilityEHP(0,13363,6000) + getAgilityEHP(13363,41171,15000) + getAgilityEHP(41171,449428,44000) + getAgilityEHP(449428,2192818,50000) + getAgilityEHP(2192818,6000000,55000) + getAgilityEHP(6000000,6517253,59000) + getAgilityEHP(6517253,200000000,95000)
	thievingEhp = getThievingEHP(0,61512,15000) + getThievingEHP(61512,166636,60000) + getThievingEHP(166636,449428,100000) + getThievingEHP(449428,5902831,220000) + getThievingEHP(5902831,13034431,255000) + getThievingEHP(13034431,200000000,280000)
	if (leagueMultiplier == null) then leagueMultiplier = 1 end
	time = time / leagueMultiplier
	agilityEhp = agilityEhp / leagueMultiplier
	thievingEhp = thievingEhp / leagueMultiplier
	if (secondaryXP == 200000000) then secondaryLvl = 127 else
	secondaryLvl = levelAtXp({args = {secondaryXP}}) end
	ehp = (agilityEhp + thievingEhp) / time
	timeSave = (agilityEhp + thievingEhp) - time
	if timeSave < 0 then 
		gain = "slower" 
		timeSave = timeSave * -1
		else gain = "faster" end
	-----Output Formatting----
	agilityXP = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", agilityXP))
	thievingXP = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", thievingXP))
	time = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", time))
	agilityEhp = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", agilityEhp))
	thievingEhp = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", thievingEhp))
	ehp = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", ehp))
	timeSave = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", timeSave))
	secondaryXP = tonumber(string.format("%.0f", secondaryXP))
	return "It will take you " .. time .. " hours to reach your goal of level " .. goal .. " ".. goalToggle.. " ("..goalXP.." xp). <br/> This will get you to level " .. secondaryLvl .." " .. secondary .. " ("..secondaryXP..
	" xp). <br/> Doing the most efficient Agility training method to gain that xp would take "..agilityEhp.. " hours. <br/> Doing the most efficient Thieving training method to gain that xp would take ".. thievingEhp .. " hours."..
	"<br/> This makes swimming "..timeSave.." hours "..gain..", and puts swimming at ".. ehp.. " EHP."

--Alternative output (less wordy)
--	return "Final Agility XP: "  .. agilityXP.. "<br/> Final Thieving XP: " .. thievingXP .. "<br/> Time taken: " .. time .. " hours <br/> Agility EHP: " .. agilityEhp.. " <br/> Thieving EHP: " .. thievingEhp ..  "<br/> Swimming EHP: " .. ehp
 ----Find amount of tears to reach goalXP-----
  function calculateTears(currentxp, goalXP, level, multiplier)
	while (currentxp < goalXP) do
		level = levelAtXp({args = {currentxp}})
		if level >= 99 then 
			xpreq = goalXP - currentxp
			level = 99
			xpreq = xpAtLevel({args = {level + 1}}) - currentxp
			if xpAtLevel({args = {level + 1}}) > goalXP then
				xpreq = goalXP - currentxp end
		tears = tears + xpreq / (multiplier * level * level * 9/1500)
		currentxp = currentxp + xpreq
	return tears
 ----Find how much xp you will get with that amount of tears-----
 function calculateXp(xp, level, tears, multiplier)
	while (tears > 0) do
		level = levelAtXp({args = {xp}})
		if level > 99 then level2 = 99 else level2 = level end
		xpPerTear = (multiplier * level2 * level2 * 9 /1500)
		if level >= 99 then break end
		xpreq = xpAtLevel({args = {level + 1}}) - xp
		tear2 = xpreq / xpPerTear
		if tear2 < tears then
			tears = tears - tear2
			xp = xp + tear2 * xpPerTear
		else break end 
	xp = xp + tears * xpPerTear
	if xp > 200000000 then xp = 200000000 end
	return xp
 ----Calculate EHP----
 function getAgilityEHP(low, high, rate)
 	if initialAgility <= high and initialAgility >= low and agilityXP <= high and agilityXP >= low then return (agilityXP - initialAgility)/rate end
	if initialAgility <= high and initialAgility >= low and agilityXP >= high then return (high - initialAgility)/rate end
	if initialAgility <= low and agilityXP <= high and agilityXP >= low then return (agilityXP - low)/rate end
	if initialAgility <= low and agilityXP >= high then return (high - low)/rate end
	return 0
  function getThievingEHP(low, high, rate)
 	if initialThieving <= high and initialThieving >= low and thievingXP <= high and thievingXP >= low then return (thievingXP - initialThieving)/rate end
	if initialThieving <= high and initialThieving >= low and thievingXP >= high then return (high - initialThieving)/rate end
	if initialThieving <= low and thievingXP <= high and thievingXP >= low then return (thievingXP - low)/rate end
	if initialThieving <= low and thievingXP >= high then return (high - low)/rate end
	return 0
 return p