Money making guide/High alching unfinished runite crossbows at the fountain of rune

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High alching runite crossbow (u)s at the Fountain of Rune
Magic 55
Runite crossbow (u)
ProfitExperience gained
177,600, after tax None
Inputs (11,462,400)Outputs (11,640,000, after tax)
1,200 × Runite crossbow (u) (11,462,400)11,640,000 × Coins (11,640,000)

The maximum amount of casts of High Alchemy per hour is 1,200. Unfinished runite crossbows have a high alchemy value of 9,700 and a Grand Exchange value of 9,552, making the profit equal to 148 each.

Due to the Fountain of Rune being in the Wilderness, you may want to limit the amount of unfinished runite crossbows that you take with you per trip. Since the fountain is a fairly great distance away from a non-wildy bank, you may want to bring a few nature and fire runes with you on your way to it, so you can high alch additional runes. This will cut into profits slightly but grant Magic experience, and can be considered 0-time exp as a result.