Total Number of Votes: 117,752
How often do you see a Player Moderator in the game?Several times in one gameplay session | | 4.7% (5,567 votes) |
Every time I play | | 6.8% (7,962 votes) |
Frequently | | 27.9% (32,910 votes) |
Rarely | | 35.6% (41,909 votes) |
Very rarely | | 18.9% (22,254 votes) |
I've never seen one | | 4.4% (5,156 votes) |
I am a player moderator! | | 1.7% (1,994 votes) |
What has been your experience of Player Moderators?They are always polite and happy to help | | 19.7% (23,235 votes) |
They are usually polite and happy to help | | 26.7% (31,445 votes) |
Some are polite and helpful | | 25% (29,403 votes) |
They are rude and unhelpful | | 5.6% (6,585 votes) |
They don't talk to me at all | | 17% (20,036 votes) |
I have never seen a Player Moderator | | 4% (4,711 votes) |
I am a player moderator! | | 2% (2,337 votes) |
What do you think being a Player Moderator entails? (Pick all the options that apply to you)They work for, and are paid by, Jagex | | 2.1% (8,696 votes) |
They enforce the rules | | 19.9% (81,996 votes) |
They are volunteer players | | 13.5% (55,814 votes) |
They moderate the Forums | | 9.5% (39,362 votes) |
They help the community by reporting rule-breakers to Jagex | | 23.9% (98,830 votes) |
They help players in game and answer questions | | 18.2% (75,046 votes) |
They can ban other players for breaking rules | | 8.7% (35,731 votes) |
They are Jagex staff who go in game to have fun | | 2.7% (11,340 votes) |
I've never seen one | | 1.5% (6,203 votes) |
How often do you see a Jagex Staff Moderator in game?Several times in one gameplay session | | 1.2% (1,402 votes) |
Every time I play | | 1.3% (1,484 votes) |
Frequently | | 3.8% (4,423 votes) |
Rarely | | 10.7% (12,559 votes) |
Very rarely | | 28% (32,988 votes) |
I've never seen one | | 55.1% (64,896 votes) |
What has been your experience of Jagex Staff Moderators in game?They are always polite and happy to help | | 20.3% (23,945 votes) |
They are usually polite and happy to help | | 8% (9,435 votes) |
Some are polite and helpful | | 5.6% (6,604 votes) |
They are rude and unhelpful | | 2.4% (2,787 votes) |
They don't talk to me at all | | 11.9% (13,954 votes) |
I have never seen a Jagex Staff Mod in game | | 51.8% (61,027 votes) |
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