This poll is copied verbatim from the
Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
This poll opened
3 August 2017 and closed on
9 August 2017
This week we offer a plethora of quality of life updates. Let us know what you think!
This poll will close on Wednesday 9th August.
Total Number of Votes: 33,012
Should you be able to recolour individual pieces of graceful after the initial set recolouring purchase from Brimhaven Agility Arena? For example: if you previously recoloured graceful equipment and then lost it, you'd now be able to recolour individual pieces rather than have to recolour an entire set. There would still be a cost attached to individual pieces.Yes | | 93.9% (28,480 votes) |
No | | 6.1% (1,844 votes) |
Skip question |  | 2,688 votes |
When on task, should the Slayer helmet effect be applied when attacking respiratory systems encountered during the fight with the Abyssal Sire? This would apply the accuracy and damage boost of the Slayer helmet.Yes | | 94.3% (28,136 votes) |
No | | 5.7% (1,688 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,188 votes |
When hovering over the special bar of a weapon with a special attack, should a textbox appear which details the effect of the special attack?Yes | | 84.3% (26,809 votes) |
No | | 15.7% (4,993 votes) |
Skip question |  | 1,210 votes |
Should the stock of teleport cards in Diango's Toy Store be increased from 10 to 100? Teleport cards are used to charge the Chronicle which provides teleports to the Champions' Guild.Yes | | 84.9% (24,783 votes) |
No | | 15.1% (4,393 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,836 votes |
Should a second barbarian fishing spot be added to the top of the waterfall near the Chambers of Xeric?Yes | | 87.3% (26,174 votes) |
No | | 12.7% (3,793 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,045 votes |
When picking up ammunition which you already have equipped, should that ammunition be automatically equipped rather than going into your inventory?Yes | | 93% (30,331 votes) |
No | | 7% (2,298 votes) |
Skip question |  | 383 votes |
When picking up runes found within your rune pouch, should the runes automatically be placed into the rune pouch rather than going into your inventory?Yes | | 91.8% (29,415 votes) |
No | | 8.2% (2,643 votes) |
Skip question |  | 954 votes |
Should the capacity of the bolt pouch be increased from 255 per slot to 10,000 per slot?Yes | | 91.7% (27,480 votes) |
No | | 8.3% (2,485 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,047 votes |
Should the 'Glider' option on gnome pilots be moved to become the first option? Currently the first option is 'Talk'.Yes | | 82.9% (25,954 votes) |
No | | 17.1% (5,345 votes) |
Skip question |  | 1,713 votes |
Should a chatbox message be added which will inform you that the effects of a super-antipoison/antidote++ are about to expire, and another added to inform you when it has expired?Yes | | 93.7% (29,586 votes) |
No | | 6.3% (1,992 votes) |
Skip question |  | 1,434 votes |
Should a right-click 'Chase' option be added to all cats?Yes | | 86.5% (24,943 votes) |
No | | 13.5% (3,899 votes) |
Skip question |  | 4,170 votes |
Should a left-click option be added to the animation room of the Warriors' Guild which would automatically place the highest-tier armour to be animated?Yes | | 90.4% (26,622 votes) |
No | | 9.6% (2,840 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,550 votes |
Should we remove the retreat of the animated suits of armour within the Warriors' Guild?Yes | | 80.6% (22,757 votes) |
No | | 19.4% (5,487 votes) |
Skip question |  | 4,768 votes |
Currently when withdrawing doses of potions from the barrels in the Nightmare Zone it will provide you with new potions in your inventory. Should we change this so that it will fill up already existing potions of a lower dosage? For example: if you had a (1) Overload in your inventory, and you withdrew 3 more doses, you would currently be given an additional (3) Overload. With this change your original (1) potion will be made a (4) potion.Yes | | 94.1% (26,295 votes) |
No | | 5.9% (1,650 votes) |
Skip question |  | 5,067 votes |
Should an additional option be added to the Ring of Dueling which would teleport you closer to the lobby of the Duel Arena? The existing teleport to the entrance would remain.Yes | | 69% (21,386 votes) |
No | | 31% (9,626 votes) |
Skip question |  | 2,000 votes |
Should the high gamble option at Barbarian Assault offer a chance at rewarding players with Elite clue scrolls?Yes | | 88% (26,298 votes) |
No | | 12% (3,601 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,113 votes |
Should the dark mage, found near the Underground Pass, offer an option to recharge Iban's staff for a fee? An uncharged staff would cost 100,000gp to recharge, and an upgraded staff would cost 250,000gp to recharge. It would still be possible to recharge the staff for free inside Underground Pass.Yes | | 88.4% (26,300 votes) |
No | | 11.6% (3,458 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,254 votes |
Should elemental rune packs be added to the TzHaar-Mej-Roh's store in Mor Ul Rek?Yes | | 84.9% (23,542 votes) |
No | | 15.1% (4,181 votes) |
Skip question |  | 5,289 votes |
Should Brian O'Richard automatically give players a Mystic jewel when entering Rogue's Den?Yes | | 84.5% (23,073 votes) |
No | | 15.5% (4,230 votes) |
Skip question |  | 5,709 votes |
Should the appearance of the quest list interface be recoloured slightly to aid colour-blind players?Yes | | 89.6% (27,489 votes) |
No | | 10.4% (3,202 votes) |
Skip question |  | 2,321 votes |
Should successfully defeating the Champion of Champions, Leon d'Cour, be rewarded with a cape similar to Toby's in Varrock?Yes | | 93.3% (27,965 votes) |
No | | 6.7% (2,007 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,040 votes |
Should a grapple shortcut be added to the Observatory to allow ease of access once players have completed Observatory Quest?Yes | | 95.7% (29,763 votes) |
No | | 4.3% (1,343 votes) |
Skip question |  | 1,906 votes |
Should a separate tracker be added for lizardmen shamen[sic]? This will be separate from lizardmen, but lizardmen shamen[sic] kills will also contribute to the lizardmen tracker. It cannot track kills in retrospect.Yes | | 92.1% (25,413 votes) |
No | | 7.9% (2,175 votes) |
Skip question |  | 5,424 votes |
Should we change jewelery[sic] placeholders so that fully-charged, and completely depleted placeholders have a distinct placeholder, whilst all other states share a placeholder? For example: A ring of dueling (8) would have a placeholder, and another placeholder for charges 1-7. An Amulet of glory would behave in the same manner, but would also have a placeholder for a depleted amulet.Yes | | 87.2% (25,321 votes) |
No | | 12.8% (3,701 votes) |
Skip question |  | 3,990 votes |
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