Raging Echoes League/Areas/Kebos and Kourend

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The Kebos and Kourend area covers the entirety of Kebos and Kourend. Instances of areas in Kebos and Kourend and underground areas with an entrance in Kebos and Kourend will also be included.

Overview of area

Notable settlements

Notable combat-related activities

Chambers of Xeric: Challenge mode has the following changes:

  • Damage & Defence increased by 25%
  • 50% increased hitpoints on monsters
  • Unique chance further multiplied by 3.

Notable non-combat activities

Notable shops


Konar will assign Slayer tasks based on the areas you have unlocked.


The following quests and achievement diary tasks are automatically completed after unlocking the area.


Achievement diary tasks

Automatically completed diary tasks upon area unlock
Kourend & Kebos Diary
Easy Tasks


Medium Tasks


Hard Tasks
  • Cast Monster Examine on a mountain troll south of Mount Quidamortem.
Elite Tasks


Notable Drops

These items are highlighted as key drops from the area which are affected by the boosted drop rate granted by passive relics.

Item Source Base
2x Drop
3x Drop
4x Drop
5x Drop
Unique reward[d 1]Chambers of Xeric1/1001/501/331/251/20
Warm gloves and bruma torchWintertodt1/1501/751/501/371/30
Pyromancer outfitWintertodt1/1501/751/501/371/30
Tome of fire (empty)Wintertodt1/1,0001/5001/3331/2501/200
Dragon axeWintertodt1/10,0001/5,0001/3,3331/2,5001/2,000
Burnt pageWintertodt1/451/221/151/111/9
Dragon sword and dragon harpoonWyrm[d 2]1/10,0001/5,0001/3,3331/2,5001/2,000
Dragon knifeDrake and Wyrm[d 2]1/10,0001/5,0001/3,3331/2,5001/2,000
Dragon thrownaxeDrake and Wyrm[d 2]1/10,0001/5,0001/3,3331/2,5001/2,000
Hydra's fang, heart, and eyeAlchemical Hydra1/1811/901/601/451/36
Hydra's fang, heart, and eyeHydra[d 3]1/1,8001/9001/6001/4501/360
Hydra tailAlchemical Hydra1/5131/2561/1711/1281/102
Hydra leatherAlchemical Hydra1/5141/2571/1711/1281/102
Hydra's clawAlchemical Hydra1/1,0011/5001/3331/2501/200
Dragon thrownaxeAlchemical Hydra1/2,0001/1,0001/6661/5001/400
Dragon knifeAlchemical Hydra1/2,0011/1,0001/6671/5001/400
Drake's claw and toothDrake[d 4]1/2,5601/1,2801/8531/6401/512
Dragon warhammerLizardman shaman1/3,0001/1,5001/1,0001/7501/600
Draconic visageDragons in the Catacombs of Kourend1/10,0001/5,0001/3,3331/2,5001/2,000
Sarachnis cudgelSarachnis1/3841/1921/1281/961/76
Bottomless compost bucketHespori1/351/171/111/81/7
Broken dragon hastaBrimstone chest1/2001/1001/661/501/40
Dusk MysticBrimstone chest1/1,0001/5001/3331/2501/200
Abyssal whipAbyssal demon1/5121/2561/1701/1281/102
Abyssal daggerAbyssal demon1/32,0001/16,0001/10,6661/8,0001/6,400
Dragon chainbodyDust devil1/32,7681/16,3841/10,9221/8,1921/6,553
Uncut onyxSkotizo1/1,000N/AN/AN/AN/A
  1. ^ For every 8,676 total points obtained there is a 1% chance to roll the unique table. The listed rate is for a raid with 8,676 points.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Base rarity is 1/2,000 when on a Slayer task
  3. ^ Base rarity is ~1/360 when on a Slayer task
  4. ^ Base rarity is 1/512 when on a Slayer task
