Trailblazer (Shattered Relics League)

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Released 19 January 2022 (Update)
Members Yes
League Shattered Relics League
Tier Set Effect

Trailblazer is a set effect in the Shattered Relics League. Activating it will allow players to receive a portable waystone from The Sage in Catherby. The portable waystone allows players to teleport to all waystones.

3 of the following fragments are required to activate Trailblazer:

Fragment details

Arcane Conduit

Level Effect
1 Runes and magic weapon charges have a 40% chance to be saved.
2 Save chance is increased to 60%.
3 Save chance is increased to 90%.

Bottomless Quiver

Level Description
1 Ranged ammunition and ranged weapon charges have a 40% chance to be saved, excluding chinchompas.

The chances to save ammunition and charges are rolled separately.

2 Save chance is increased to 60%.
3 Save chance is increased to 90%.

Chef's Catch

Level Effect
1 Players have a 20% chance of cooking a raw fish upon catching them.

When this occurs, Cooking experience is granted, even if players do not have the level required to cook them normally.

2 Chance is increased to 35%.
3 Chance is increased to 50%.

Golden Brick Road

Level Effect
1 When a mark of grace appears when training on a Rooftop Agility Course, 4,000 coins will appear alongside it.
2 The amount of coins received is increased to 7,000.
3 The amount of coins received is increased to 15,000.

Seedy Business

Level Effect
1 Players have a 10% chance to save their seed upon planting it in a farming patch.
2 Chance is increased to 25%.
3 Chance is increased to 50%.

Smooth Criminal

Level Effect
1 The chance to successfully pickpocket NPCs is increased by 15%.

The gloves of silence and Ardougne Diary bonus will stack.

2 Chance is increased to 25%, and players will no longer take damage when stunned by a failed pickpocket attempt.
3 Chance is increased to 50%.

Unholy Warrior

Level Effect
1 The player's accuracy for melee weapons is increased by 12% when they have no prayer points remaining.
2 Accuracy is increased by 20%.
3 Accuracy is increased by 30%.