Trailblazer Reloaded League/Areas/Misthalin/Summary
(Redirected from Trailblazer League/Areas/Misthalin/Summary)
The Misthalin Area covers the Kingdom of Misthalin as well as Fossil Island, Zanaris, and some Realms accessible by Fairy Rings (Abyssal Area, Abyssal Nexus, Cosmic Entity's Plane, Enchanted Valley, Gorak Plane). The Abyss is not included within Misthalin despite the Leagues interface stating otherwise. Underground areas and instanced areas with an entrance in Misthalin are also included. Magical barriers prevent access to Al Kharid, Port Sarim, the western exit of Barbarian Village, the Kalphite Hive and Kalphite Lair, the underground sections of the Paterdomus Temple, and Canifis.