Trailblazer Relic Hunter (T3)

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The Trailblazer Relic Hunter (T3) is a cosmetic set of clothing representing the Trailblazer League. It can be purchased for 15,000 League points from the Leagues Reward Shop. It consists of a hood, top, trousers, and boots.

Purchasing the tier 3 outfit from the Leagues Reward Shop comes with a Trailblazer cane. Wearing the tier 3 outfit is required to perform the Trailblazer cane's emotes.

The set can be stored in an armour case in a player-owned house – the Trailblazer cane is stored separately. It can also be displayed by using it on furniture built in the League hall's outfit stand space.


Item GE Price
Trailblazer hood (t3) 724,866
Trailblazer top (t3) 1,483,509
Trailblazer trousers (t3) 713,377
Trailblazer boots (t3) 799,310
Total 3,721,062
Trailblazer relic hunter (t3) armour set 7,244,720
Difference 3,523,658


See also