Transcript:'Beedy-eye' Jones
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Standard dialogue
- A random dialogue is selected from the following:
- Dialogue 1
- Player: Hello.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Ah, good day to you [milady/sirrah]! Your face is unfamiliar, did you perhaps join us aboard the ship at Lunar Isle?
- Player: No, Lokar offered me a lift in Rellekka actually.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Oh, really? You don't look like a Fremennik to me!
- Player: Well... I kind of am, and I kind of aren't. It's a long story.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Sorry I don't have time to hear it then! See you around young fremennik-who-is-not-really-a-fremennik!
- Player: 'Bye.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 2
- Player: Hello.
- Player: Aren't you a little short for a pirate?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: My mother was a gnome. Apparently it was a very painful birth.
- Player: More info than I wanted, thanks!
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 3
- Player: Hello.
- Player: No! I'm not a stowaway! Honest! I was invited here!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Oh, sorry, my mistake then.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: You must admit you do look a lot like a stowaway though.
- Player: Why, what do they usually look like?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Erm... I've never actually met one...
- Player: Okay then...
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 4
- Player: Hello.
- Player: Brrrr! Its cold up here!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: You think this is cold? Up by Acheron it gets so cold that when you talk you see the words freeze in the air in front of you!
- Player: REALLY?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Nah, not really. I was exaggerating for humourous effect. It is very very cold though!
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 5
- Player: Hello.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Hello.
- Player: So... You're a pirate, huh?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: It's what it says on my pay-packet at the end of the month.
- Player: How's that working out for you?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Pretty good so far. All the grog and loot that we can plunder, plus full medical including dental.
- Player: You mean you have insurance?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Not as such. If any of us get sick we kidnap a doctor and don't let him go until we're better.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: You'd be surprised what an incentive for expert health care that is.
- Player: I can imagine.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 6
- Player: Hello.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Hello there. So what brings you aboard the Lady Zay?
- Player: Well, I was planning on visiting the Moon Clan, but I have to say your ship is very impressive.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Aye, she's a beauty alright! The Lady Zay has been my home for many hard months, through storm and sun, and she always gets us to here we were headed!
- Player: Yes, she's certainly one of the finest boats I've seen on my travels!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: That she is [lad/lass], that she is.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 7
- Player: Hello.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Hello to you too.
- Player: Yar! We be pirates, yar! Avast, ye scurvy land-lubbing lychee!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Please don't talk like that, it is extremely irritating.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Also, please don't call me a lychee, whatever that may be.
- Player: Oh. Okay. Sorry.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 8
- Player: Hello.
- Player: So how's life as a pirate?
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: What kind of question is that? How's life as a... I dunno. Whatever it is that you do for a living.
- Player: I'm a freelance troubleshooter.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: What does that entail then?
- Player: Mostly killing things for money and delivering items around the planet for people.
- Player: I collect stuff.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: So how's that life?
- Player: Can't complain, can't complain...
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Well, there you go.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 9
- Player: Hello.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Sorry, can't stop, the Captain will have my guts for garters if he catches me slacking off talking to the stowaway.
- Player: I'm not a stowaway! I was invited aboard!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Yeah, whatever [guy/lady], it doesn't really matter who you are I'll get in trouble!
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 10
- Player: Hello.
- Player: You know, I've always wondered what life as a pirate actually entails.
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Well, at the moment it mostly involves being asked random questions by a stowaway.
- Player: I'm not a stowaway! I was invited aboard! By Lokar! Ask him!
- 'Beedy-eye' Jones: Hey, whatever [love/pal]. Just make sure the captain doesn't catch you, pirates don't like stowaways much.
- (End of dialogue)