Transcript:Ali the Snake Charmer

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Standard dialogue

Talking to the snake charmer

  • Player: Wow, a snake charmer! Can I have a go? Can I have a go? Please?
  • The snake charmer is focusing intently on his music and doesn't seem to notice you.
  • (End of dialogue)

Using a coin on the money pot

  • The snake charmer snaps out of his trance and directs his full attention to you.
  • Select an Option
  • Wow, a snake charmer! Can I have a go? Can I have a go? Please?
    • Player: Wow, a snake charmer! Can I have a go? Can I have a go? Please?
    • If the player does not have enough space in the inventory:
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: If it means that you'll leave me alone, I will happily give you my snake charming super starter kit, complete with flute and basket. But you're clearly over burdened as it is.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player already owns a flute:
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: Ah, I see you've lost your basket. Here you are, now leave me alone! You're ruining the show.
      • (Player receives a snake basket.)
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player already owns a basket:
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: Ah, I see you've lost your snake charming flute. Here you go, now leave me alone! You're distracting my punters... er, I mean, crowd.
      • (Player receives a snake flute.)
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player does not own either:
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: If you're that desperate to try, have my patented snake charming starter kit. It comes with a special snake charming flute and a basket to keep your charmed snakes in. Now, leave me alone!
      • The snake charmer gives you a snake charming flute and a basket.
      • (Player receives a snake flute and snake basket.)
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player already owns both the flute and basket:
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: I'm not stopping you! You have your own snake charming flute.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • I want to talk to you about animal charming.
    • Player: I want to talk to you about animal charming.
    • If the player no longer owns a music scroll:
      • Player: I've lost some of the gear you gave me.
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: What do you need?
      • Player: I've lost the music.
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: There you go. Now if you don't mind I'm busy trying to charm this here snake.
      • (Player receives a music scroll.)
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player already owns a music scroll:
      • Player: Hello.
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: Yes?
      • Player: Can you teach me any more about animal charming.
      • Ali the Snake Charmer: No, I doubt it. I believe your talents lie in other areas.
      • (End of dialogue)