Transcript:Bandit (Bandit Camp)

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Before Desert Treasure I

  • Bandit: Get out of this village. You are not welcome here.
  • (End of dialogue)

After completing Desert Treasure I

  • Bandit: So you're the one who freed Azzanadra from his prison? Thank you, kind [sir/lady]!
  • (End of dialogue)

Overhead dialogue

If the player is wearing a Saradomin item

  • Bandit: Time to die, Saradominist filth!

If the player is wearing a Zamorakian item

  • Bandit: Prepare to suffer, Zamorakian scum!

If the player attacks another bandit

  • Bandit: You chose the wrong place to start trouble!

If the player fails to pick a bandit's pocket

  • Bandit: You dare steal from me?