Transcript:Bartender (The Windbreaker)

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Standard dialogue

  • Bartender: Welcome to the Windbreaker. We've got the best drinks around.
  • Select an option
  • Let's see what you have.
  • What's with those big gates out there?
    • Player: What's with those big gates out there?
    • Bartender: I couldn't tell you to be honest. They've been here for a very long time. Apparently they came in quite useful during the war, and these days they do help stop any undesirable beasts wandering into town.
    • Bartender: Anyway, did you want to buy a drink?
    • (Same as above)
  • Nothing for me, thanks.
    • Player: Nothing for me, thanks.
    • Bartender: As you wish.
    • (End of dialogue)