Transcript:Candle seller

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Standard dialogue

  • Candle seller: Do you want a lit candle for 1000 gold?
  • Select an Option
  • Yes please.
    • Player: Yes please.
    • If the player does not have 1000 coins:
      • Player: But I don't have that kind of money on me.
      • Candle seller: Well then, no candle for you!
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player has at least 1000 coins:
      • Candle seller: Here you go then.
      • Candle seller: I should warn you, though, it can be dangerous to take a naked flame down there. You'd be better off making a lantern.
      • Select an Option
      • What's so dangerous about a naked flame?
        • Player: What's so dangerous about a naked flame?
        • Candle seller: Heh heh... You'll find out.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • How do you make lanterns?
        • (Same as below)
      • Thanks, bye.
        • Player: Thanks, bye.
        • (End of dialogue)
  • One thousand gold?!
    • Player: One thousand gold?!
    • Candle seller: Look, you're not going to be able to survive down that hole without a light source.
    • Candle seller: So you could go off to the candle shop to buy one more cheaply. You could even make your own lantern, which is a lot better.
    • Candle seller: But I bet you want to find out what's down there right now, don't you? And you can pay me 1000 gold for the privilege!
    • Select an Option
    • All right, you win, I'll buy a candle.
      • Player: All right, you win, I'll buy a candle.
      • (Same as above)
    • No way.
      • Player: No way.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • How do you make lanterns?
      • Player: How do you make lanterns?
      • Candle seller: Out of glass. The more advanced lanterns have a metal component as well.
      • Candle seller: Firstly you can make a simple candle lantern out of glass. It's just like a candle, but the flame isn't exposed, so it's safer.
      • Candle seller: Then you can make an oil lamp, which is brighter but has an exposed flame. But if you make an iron frame for it you can turn it into an oil lantern.
      • Candle seller: Finally there's the bullseye lantern. You'll need to make a frame out of steel and add a glass lens.
      • Candle seller: Once you've made your lamp or lantern, you'll need to make lamp oil for it. The chemist near Rimmington has a machine for that.
      • Candle seller: For any light source, you'll need a tinderbox to light it. Keep your tinderbox handy in case it goes out!
      • Candle seller: But if all that's too complicated, you can buy a candle right here for 1000 gold!
      • Select an Option
      • All right, you win, I'll buy a candle.
        • Player: All right, you win, I'll buy a candle.
        • (Same as above)
      • No thanks, I'd rather curse the darkness.
        • (Same as below)
  • No thanks, I'd rather curse the darkness.
    • Player: No thanks, I'd rather curse the darkness.
    • (End of dialogue)

After learning about lanterns from the candle seller

  • Candle seller: Do you want a lit candle for 1000 gold?
  • Select an Option
  • Yes please.
    • (Same as above)
  • One thousand gold?!
    • (Same as above)
  • No thanks, I'd rather curse the darkness.
    • (Same as above)
  • How do you make lanterns?
    • (Same as above)