Transcript:Captain Khaled

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Standard dialogue

Without 75% reputation

  • Captain Khaled: I've got nothing to say to you.
  • You do not have enough Piscarilius favour. Current favour: [X]% - Required: 75.0%
  • (End of dialogue)

With enough reputation

  • Captain Khaled: Eh, what do you want?
  • Select an Option
  • What's your story?
    • Player: What's your story?
    • Captain Khaled: Sea piracy just ain't what it used to be, so my crew and I have had to make do on land. We specialise in 'acquiring' valuable antiquities from around the city and shipping them to our friends overseas.
    • Player: And people just let you get away with this?
    • Captain Khaled: Of course they do, for the right price. That's just how things work around here, kid.
    • a previous option menu is displayed
  • Looking for any help?
    • Player: Looking for any help?
    • Captain Khaled: Yeah, you look like you might be able to help me out. If you think you've got what it takes, I might have a job for you.
    • Select an Option
    • I have what it takes.
      • Player: I have what it takes.
      • Captain Khaled: We'll see about that. (Khaled tells the player to obtain an artefact from a certain location.)
      • [Missed this part during the crash; going to need a little helpy here]
    • I'm not sure I have the time right now.
      • Player: I'm not sure I have the time right now.
      • Captain Khaled: Perhaps some other time.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • I'll be on my way.
    • Player: I'll be on my way.
    • (End of dialogue)

Before stealing/delivering an artefact

  • Captain Khaled: What are you playing at? I've given you a job, get it done.
  • Select an Option
  • What am I supposed to be doing?
    • Player: What am I supposed to be doing?
    • Captain Khaled: You need to recover an artefact for me. It can be found in the [location].
    • (for example: western house in the residential district over on the west side of the city.) - Teemupets/Rautapets
    • Captain Khaled: Watch yourself, if the guards catch you carrying hot goods they'll throw you in the brig.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • I'll get to it right away, boss.
    • Player: I'll get to it right away, boss.
    • (End of dialogue)

Getting caught or losing the artefact

  • Player: I've lost the artefact...
  • Captain Khaled: Congratulations, you're a failure. Come back to me when you think you've got what it takes to get the job done.
  • (End of dialogue)

Delivering the artefact

  • Captain Khaled: This is exactly what our friends overseas were looking for. Here's your cut. Let me know when you're ready for more work.
  • (Captain Khaled takes the stolen item and hands the player some coins.)
  • (End of dialogue)

(Transcript missing. edit)

Treasure Trails


  • Captain Khaled: Ah! Here you go!
  • Player: What?
  • Captain Khaled: I need you to answer this for me.
  • (Player receives a challenge scroll.)
  • Captain Khaled has given you a challenge scroll!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking again while holdiing the challenge scroll

  • Captain Khaled: Please give me your answer!
  • When given the wrong answer:
    • Captain Khaled: How can that be? Go check again!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • When given the correct answer:
    • Captain Khaled: Spot on!
    • (Player receives a [new clue/casket].)
    • Captain Khaled has given you another clue scroll!
    • (End of dialogue)