Transcript:Commorb v2
Solus Dellagar
Dossier on Solus Dellagar
Solus Dellagar
Place of Birth:
Known aliases:
Solus Darkheart
The Murder-mage
'Mad Solus'
Stealthy Pete
Known affiliates:
Solus Dellagar has shown time and time again that he
considers others to be mere pawns in his schemes, and will
discard them at the first viable opportunity.
Despite having been associated with many criminal and
undesirable elements known to us, these will not be listed
as affiliates, because as a general rule, if you have
worked with Solus once you are unlikely to ever do so
The only loyalty he has ever managed to inspire in others
is through threat of force, and he is indeed powerful, but
the general hatred of him amongst those he has
encountered means that an experienced field operative
will find opportunities to turn associates against him.
Known History:
Solus' exact history is still unknown to us, but we suspect
he originated in or close to the city of Ardougne.
He was first brought to our attention as a possible threat
in the infamous zombie attack of Varrock masterminded
by the Mahjarrat Lucien, but did not serve a particularly
key role.
Reports of his whereabouts after that are somewhat
sketchy, but he seems to have trained a quite formidable
magical aptitude in the decades immediately following.
Although he has kept a low profile from conventional
authorities, he has made quite a name for himself
amongst various underworld circles, especially amongst
Zamorakians, where his particularly brutal method have
been cause from some concern.
He earned the nickname 'Murder-mage' and 'Mad Solus' in
the incident at Edgeville where he was eventually
apprehended by one of our field teams, but not after the
wilful[sic] slaughter of over 800 civilians, as well as an equal
number of White and Black Knights - we are still unsure as
to why Lord Daquarius allowed his men to be involved in
this affair ,[sic] because it was distinctly against his usual
methods, and this is the only report on file of him making
an action under someone else's direct command.
Solus' reputation as an evil, bloodthirsty, greedy and
dangerous individual is well deserved, and field
operatives should avoid direct confrontation at all costs.
Standard observation rules apply, and if you find
yourself in a position where confrontation seems likely,
then guidelines suggest you immediately contact your
handler who will provide you ample backup - your chances
of surviving a one on one assault are slim to none.
End of Report.
Solus Observation Record 1
- Observation Orb #BK-LD-577786 Record begins...
- Solus approaches Lord Daquarius, who is guarded by two Black Knights.
- Solus Dellagar: Lord Daquarius!
- Solus Dellagar: Still festering in your pathetic little dungeon, I see.
- Lord Daquarius: Solus.
- Lord Daquarius: I thought you dead many moons past...
- Solus Dellagar: Ha!
- Solus Dellagar: Wishful thinking, perhaps?
- Lord Daquarius: Cut the banter, Solus.
- Lord Daquarius: What do you want?
- Lord Daquarius: You know you are not welcome here.
- Solus Dellagar: Now is that any way to talk to a fellow Zamorakian?
- Lord Daquarius: You are not a Zamorakian! You worship nothing but your own selfish greed.
- Solus Dellagar: Ah...
- Solus Dellagar: Such mistrust of your forgotten ally!
- Solus Dellagar: Why did I ever leave these lands?
- Lord Daquarius: You left because your own stupidity brought the wrath of the Temple Knights upon you.
- Lord Daquarius: Now I ask you a final time before I draw my blade:
- Lord Daquarius: WHAT do you WANT?
- Solus Dellagar: Oh... nothing much.
- Solus Dellagar: I just thought you would like to know that I have returned as your new master.
- Lord Daquarius: The Kinshra are not your personal soldiers Solus!
- Lord Daquarius: I will not waste any of my warriors in your foolish schemes!
- Solus Dellagar: And is that your final answer Daquarius?
- Lord Daquarius: Leave.
- Lord Daquarius: Now.
- Lord Daquarius: Or there will be blood shed between us.
- Solus Dellagar: You would threaten Solus Dellagar?
- Solus Dellagar: Have you forgotten just who I am?
- Solus Dellagar: Perhaps you need reminding!
- Solus casts Ice Barrage, killing the two Black Knights next to Lord Daquarius, and leaving him barely alive.
- Solus Dellagar: Still alive Daquarius?
- Solus Dellagar: Good!
- Solus Dellagar: I won't have to remind you of my power again next time!
- Solus Dellagar: Make sure you are more prepared to follow orders next time I come to your little Taverley hideout!
- Solus teleports away.
- Lord Daquarius: I swear... in the name of *cough* Zamorak... I will see you rot for this Solus...
- (End of dialogue)
Solus Observation Record 2
- Observation Orb #VA-ZM-000964 Record begins...
- Solus teleports to the Chaos altar in the middle of Varrock.
- Mage of Zamorak: What?
- Mage of Zamorak: Who dares...
- Mage of Zamorak: Oh.
- Mage of Zamorak: Oh no.
- Mage of Zamorak: Oh no, no, no...
- Solus Dellagar: Well, what have we here?
- Solus Dellagar: A shrine to Zamorak in the middle of Varrock?
- Mage of Zamorak: S-S-Solus???
- Solus Dellagar: I assume my reputation precedes me!
- Mage of Zamorak: Please...
- Mage of Zamorak: Please don't kill me...
- Mage of Zamorak: I have no riches, I am but a magical researcher...
- Solus Dellagar: Kill you?
- Solus Dellagar: HAH HAH HAH!
- Solus Dellagar: My dear fellow, if I wanted you dead, you ALREADY WOULD BE!
- Mage of Zamorak: I... I don't know w-what you want Solus, but whatever it is, please, just t-take it and leave, please...
- Solus Dellagar: Well I am particularly interested in your brains at the moment!
- Solus Dellagar: But you wouldn't want me taking those and leaving, now would you?
- Mage of Zamorak: My b-brains?
- Mage of Zamorak: I... I don't understand...
- Solus Dellagar: I am interested in your research!
- Mage of Zamorak: My... r-research?
- Mage of Zamorak: I...
- Mage of Zamorak: I c-cannot let you have my research, it is being done in order to assist my lord Zamorak...
- Solus Dellagar: Ah!
- Solus Dellagar: But he is not here, is he?
- Mage of Zamorak: No... I...
- The Mage of Zamorak attempts to teleport away, but Solus stops him with a binding spell.
- Solus Dellagar: Ah-ah-ah!
- Solus Dellagar: You are going nowhere just yet sir
- Mage of Zamorak: P-please...
- Mage of Zamorak: I meant no disrespect Solus, please do not kill me...
- Solus Dellagar: If I killed you then you would no longer continue with your most interesting research!
- Solus Dellagar: No, I will be content with simply taking your money sir!
- Mage of Zamorak: Take it, take it all!
- Solus Dellagar: Well, a most productive trip on all accounts!
- Solus Dellagar: I will see you again...
- Solus Dellagar: Very soon!
- (End of dialogue)
Related Dossiers
Lord Daquarius
Lord Daquarius
Place of Birth:
Known aliases:
Lord of the Kinshra
Daquarius Rennard
Known affiliates:
Leader of the Kinshra, commonly known as the Black
Has occasional ties to various other Zamorakian agencies.
Has been linked with the Witch Lensig and her familiar
Greebo most recently.
Has a number of jail guard in his employ deep in the
Taverley dungeon, where enemies of the Kinshra are often
Known History:
The charismatic Lord Daquarius was the youngest Black
Knight to ever take lead of the Kinshra, being unanimously
voted into leadership after the death of Lord Shadwell in
the infamous incident at Edgeville.
As leader of the Kinshra, he has been a high priority
threat to the White Knights, and his activities with the
Black Knights have been a constant thorn in both the side
of the White Knights and of the Temple Knights.
However, while the White Knights still actively seek his
capture and execution for crimes against the state,
the Temple Knights have taken a more reactive position of
Those of us who survived the Edgeville incident and recall
what the Black Knights activities under Lord Shadwell were
like, can see that Lord Daquarius is better to keep around
than risk another fanatical extremist taking his place.
For all of his misguided belief in Zamorak, Daquarius is an
undeniably noble man; we have numerous reports of him
risking personal injury so that he may save a fellow
Kinshra from harm or death.
His belief in his men as more than simply subjects to be
used in war against the White Knights makes him a
predictable and easily manipulated enemy that is worth
keeping in place, and also accounts for the high regard
in which he is held by the rest of the Kinshra.
End of Report.
Zamorakian Research Mage
Name Unknown
Place of Birth:
Known aliases:
Known affiliates:
The Zamorakian Magical Institute, a research group that
we have classified as fairly innocuous that primarily
focuses on magical research dedicated to assisting
Observation suggests that the Z.M.I. is the same faction
of Zamorakians that burnt down the Wizards[sic] Tower in
Operation: Phoenix, but firm conclusions as to the reason
for this remain at best sketchy and unsupported by
It is certainly worthwhile to keep any known members of
the Z.M.I. under observation, however.
Known History:
Recently this unidentified mage has begun to base his
activities in and around the area of Varrock, specifically
the Temple to Zamorak that was foolishly allowed to be
built there.
We have some evidence that this Mag also works as a
rune-dealer in the vicinity of Edgeville, but preventing his
operations in the Wilderness is far beyond our
jurisdiction, and any actions taken there would bring
unwanted attention to our own order by various entities.
We have installed standard observation devices in the
Zamorakian temple, but his activities have apparently
been limited to a small degree of smuggling and the
purchasing and resale of various pieces of contraband.
Although no obvious threat from his presence has been
detected, we will continue standard observation in case he
turns out to be a bigger fish than he at first glance
End of Report.
Dossier on Witchaven
Southeast of Ardougne.
Fishing 20%, Cooking 5%, Smithing 5%, Theological 5%,
Unemployment 65%
Area History:
Witchaven was once a prosperous fishing town on the
coast of Ardougne. With the construction of the Fishing
Platform, most of this trade has been diverted to
Catherby, Brimhaven and Rimmington.
Historically, this area has *CLASSIFIED* with
*CLASSIFIED*. It should also be noted that *CLASSIFIED*
and under no circumstances should *CLASSIFIED*.
End of Report.
Related Information
Col O'Niall
Col O'Niall
Place of Birth:
Draynor Village.
Clearance Level:
Known History:
Col. Jake O'Niall is one of the longest serving officers
within the Temple Knights.
Recruited from the White Knights at the age of 15, he has
served with distinction in over thirty separate campaigns.
Forced into retirement due to *CLASSIFIED* incident,
he assists in an information gathering role.
Security clearance : Revoked
End of Report.