Transcript:Dwarf (Mining Guild)
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Standard dialogue
- Dwarf: Welcome to the Mining Guild. Can I help you with anything?
- Select an Option
- What have you got in the Guild?
- Player: What have you got in the guild?
- Dwarf: All sorts of things! There's plenty of coal rocks along with some iron, mithril and adamantite as well.
- Dwarf: Deeper in the guild you'll find even more rocks including some runite! The best bit though is our amethyst mine, the only one in the land!
- Dwarf: There's no better mining site anywhere!
- (Shows other options)
- What do you dwarves do with the ore you mine?
- Player: What do you dwarves do with the ore you mind?
- Dwarf: What do you think? We smelt it into bars, smith the metal to make armour and weapons, then we exchange them for goods and services.
- Player: I don't see many dwarves selling armour or weapons here.
- Dwarf: No, this is only a mining outpost. We dwarves don't much like to settle in human cities. Most of the ore is carted off to Keldagrim, the great dwarven city. They've got a special blast furnace up there - it makes
- Dwarf: smelting the ore so much easier. There are plenty of dwarven traders working in Keldagrim. Anyway, can I help you with anything else?
- (Shows other options)
- No thanks, I'm fine.
- Player: No thanks, I'm fine.
- (End of dialogue)
Attempting to go down the ladder, or through the door into the Mining Guild without 60 Mining.
- Dwarf: Sorry, but you're not experienced enough to go in there.
- You need a Mining level of 60 to access the Mining Guild.
- (End of dialogue)