Transcript:Friendly Forester

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Standard dialogue

  • Player: Hello there.
  • Friendly Forester: Greetings! Have you come to talk forestry?
  • Player: Forestry? Don't you look after pheasants as well?
  • Friendly Forester: In a way, though I find them a little freaky!
  • Friendly Forester: You see, the forests have woken up and we need those trained in the way of the forester now more than ever!
  • Player: Way of the forester? What do you mean?
  • Friendly Forester: You know, tending to the woodland with your fellow foresters so it may flourish!
  • Friendly Forester: And, of course, drinking plenty of tea to fuel yourself!
  • Player: Sounds interesting, how can I get started?
  • If the player does not have level 15 Woodcutting:
    • Friendly Forester: I'd recommend spending some more time in the forests before embarking on your forestry journey.
    • Friendly Forester: Come back when you can fell a mighty oak!
    • Player: I'll bear that in mind. Thanks for the information.
    • Friendly Forester: Good luck out there!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • If the player has at least level 15 Woodcutting:
    • Friendly Forester: You seem like you know your way around the forests.
    • Friendly Forester: To get started with forestry, I can sell you a Forestry kit for a reasonable price.
    • Friendly Forester: Need to make sure our foresters are committed, you know?
    • Friendly Forester: Then all you need to do is chop some trees while you have the kit on you and the woodland will do the rest!
    • Friendly Forester: Oh, and if you find any anima-infused bark while tending to the forests, I'll gladly trade with you.
    • Player: I'll have a look at your shop, thanks.
    • Friendly Forester: Good luck on your adventure!
    • (End of dialogue)

Using Pheasant tail feathers or a fox whistle on the Friendly Forester

  • Friendly Forester: I'll happily buy those off you in my shop.