Transcript:Gallery 4 - ...and a Happy New Year!

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This official Players' Gallery was copied verbatim from the RuneScape website, but has since been removed.
It was added on [[{{#explode:10 January 2007| |0}} {{#explode:10 January 2007| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 January 2007| |2}}]].
...and a Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome to Postie Pete's Gallery of Pictures… this is dedicated to the art work I receive from you everyday. Some of it just made me laugh so much I felt I had to share it with you; other pictures, like those of new and exciting weapons, have been passed on to the royal armourer for consideration and stress testing (which normally involves seeing how long it takes Rantz to break it). I hope you enjoy looking at it all, I know I did.

'Chasing Breakfast'
From Bujin

From Arcangel_777

From Punisher 989

From Wilboy77

From DementedHero
'I recently had a little chat with my good friend Ramshack the Ogre Shaman, who had been enjoying the new Hunter skill alot. He even got up to the level to catch one of those pesky imps. Being an Ogre as he is, he did not make the Imp work for him, but put him under a spell and made him into a decoration! How rude. Nonetheless, this was quite interesting for me to see, because I knew of the recent makeover the Imps had gotten. We went to his place and he let me draw out the poor little Imp. Embedded in an odd enchanted Ogre-table, was the Imp. He seemed to enjoy it in an Imp-ish evil kinda way. Perhaps that was just the spell the Ogre put on him.'

From Cos Play War

'Self Portrait'
From Cat from tfc

From Misterxman

From Zana Taru

From Clearminded

Naturally, we love to receive your pictures just as much as we love passing your letters on to Bob, the Sandwich Lady and the KBD (our three most written-to celebrities) and all their friends, so please keep drawing, scanning and emailing them in.

Please make sure that you are the artist, though, because nothing makes the Chaos Elemental angrier than claiming someone else's work as your own! (You may think you've seen the Chaos Elemental in a bad mood, but you most certainly haven't, believe me!)

It's also really great if you tell us your character's name so you get all the credit you deserve.

-Postie Pete
Note that we can only accept artwork sent via email to yours truly, Postie Pete. Please send your pictures in any standard image format (e.g. .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, etc.).

Email your pictures to