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Standard dialogue
- Hans: Hello. What are you doing here?
- I'm looking for whoever is in charge of this place.
- Player: I'm looking for whoever is in charge of this place.
- Hans: Who, the Duke? He's in his study, on the first floor.
- (End of dialogue)
- I have come to kill everyone in this castle!
- Player: I have come to kill everyone in this castle!
- Hans runs away from the player screaming
- Hans: Help! Help!
- (End of dialogue)
- I don't know. I'm lost. Where am I?
- Player: I don't know. I'm lost. Where am I?
- Hans: You are in Lumbridge Castle.
- (End of dialogue)
- Can you tell me how long I've been here?
- Player: Can you tell me how long I've been here?
- Hans: Ahh, I see all the newcomers arriving in Lumbridge, fresh-faced and eager for adventure. I remember you...
- Hans: You've spent [amount] days, [amount] hours, [amount] minutes in the world since you arrived [amount] days ago.
- (End of dialogue)
- Nothing.
- Player: Nothing.
- (End of dialogue)
Contacting through NPC Contact's Random option
- Player: Hiya.
- Hans: Oooh! Who are you?
- Player: I'm a brave knight! I am coming to kill anyone in the vicinity of Lumbridge Castle!
- Hans: Aaaaargh! Run away, run away!
- Player: Hehe. Fool!
- (End of dialogue)
During the 2016 Birthday event
- Hans: Hello. What are you doing here?
- Gnomechild's missing hat.
- Player: Hans! Hans! You've been walking around this courtyard since we were two dimensional, have you seen the Gnome Child's hat? He has lost it.
- Hans: Ummm... a little green hat? Yes, a seagull picked it up and flew off.
- Player: Really? A seagull picked up a hat? Can they do that?
- Hans: So it seems! I'm afraid I didn't happen to see which way it went.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-event dialogue) Talk about something else.
During the 2018 Christmas event
Giving Hans the chair
- If the player is not close enough to Hans:
- Player: I should probably go somewhere that Hans might actually see me.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player is close enough to Hans:
- You place the chair on the ground and wait for Hans to notice you...
- Hans: Oh my aching feet! A chair! Just what I've been needing! I'm going to go sit by the fountain, so pretty this time of year.
- Hans takes the chair and teleports away with it.
- Player: I think he hasn't sat down for a while!
- (End of dialogue)
Treasure Trails
- Hans: Well done.
- (Player receives a [new clue/casket].)
- You've [found a new clue/obtained a casket]!
- (End of dialogue)
- When given another clue scroll:
- (Transcript missing. edit)
- When given a reward casket:
- (Player receives a reward casket.)
- (End of dialogue)
- Hans: Well done, here you go.
- When given another clue scroll:
- (Transcript missing. edit)
- When given a reward casket:
- (Player receives a reward casket.)
- (End of dialogue)
During the 2020 Birthday event
- Player: Hey Hans, you look like you're enjoying the party!
- Hans: Of course *hic* I love a good *hic* party.
- Hans: I have a *hic* great party trick *hic*
- Player: Does it include guessing my age?
- Hans: Exactly *burp* that!
- Hans: You've probably spent *hic* [amount] days, [amount] hours, [amount] minutes in the world since you arrived [amount] days ago.
- (End of dialogue)