Transcript:Ironman tutor

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Standard dialogue

First time dialogue

The following dialogue is dependent on the player's gender:

  • Iron Man tutor: Hello, [player name]. I'm [Paul/Adam], the Iron [Man/Woman] tutor. What can I do for you?
  • Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Player: Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Iron Man tutor: When you play as an Iron [Man/Woman], you do everything for yourself. You don't trade with other players, or take their items, or accept their help.
    • Iron Man tutor: As an Iron [Man/Woman], you choose to have these restrictions imposed on you, so everyone knows you're doing it properly.
    • Iron Man tutor: If you think you have what it takes, you can choose to become a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman].
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] only have one life. In the event of a dangerous death, your Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] status will be downgraded to that of a standard Iron [Man/Woman], and your
    • Iron Man tutor: stats will be frozen on the Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] hiscores.
    • Iron Man tutor: For the ultimate challenge, you can choose to become an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a game mode inspired by the player IronNoBank.
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] are blocked from using the bank, and they drop all their items when they die.
    • Iron Man tutor: While you're on Tutorial Island, you can switch freely between being a standard Iron [Man/Woman], an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] or a normal player.
    • Iron Man tutor: Once you've left this island, you'll be able to find my colleague Adam in Lumbridge, but he'll only let you switch your restrictions downwards, not upwards.
    • Iron Man tutor: So he will let Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] or Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] downgrade to standard Iron [Men/Women], and he'll let all types of Iron [Man/Woman] become normal players.
    • I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
      • Player: I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
      • No, I don't want a Bank PIN.
        • (Shows previous options)
      • Okay, let me set a PIN.
        • Iron Man tutor: Make sure you've got your Iron [Man/Woman] settings all sorted before you leave Tutorial Island. Some things can't be changed later.
        • (End of dialogue)
    • I'm fine, thanks.
      • Player: I'm fine, thanks.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • I'm fine, thanks.
    • Player: I'm fine, thanks.
    • (End of dialogue)

Dialogue with Iron [Man/Woman] status

The following dialogue is dependent on the player's gender:

  • Player: Hey there [Paul/Adam].
  • Iron Man tutor: Hail, Iron [Man/Woman]! What can I do for you?
  • Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Player: Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Iron Man tutor: When you play as an Iron [Man/Woman], you do everything for yourself. You don't trade with other players, or take their items, or accept their help.
    • Iron Man tutor: As an Iron [Man/Woman], you choose to have these restrictions imposed on you, so everyone knows you're doing it properly.
    • Iron Man tutor: If you think you have what it takes, you can choose to become a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman].
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] only have one life. In the event of a dangerous death, your Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] status will be downgraded to that of a standard Iron [Man/Woman], and your
    • Iron Man tutor: stats will be frozen on the Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] hiscores.
    • Iron Man tutor: For the ultimate challenge, you can choose to become an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a game mode inspired by the player IronNoBank.
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] are blocked from using the bank, and they drop all their items when they die.
    • If talking to Paul on Tutorial Island:
      • Iron Man tutor: While you're on Tutorial Island, you can switch freely between being a standard Iron [Man/Woman], an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] or a normal player.
      • Iron Man tutor: Once you've left this island, you'll be able to find my colleague Adam in Lumbridge, but he'll only let you switch your restrictions downwards, not upwards.
      • Iron Man tutor: So he will let Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] or Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] downgrade to standard Iron [Men/Women], and he'll let all types of Iron [Man/Woman] become normal players.
    • If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:
      • Iron Man tutor: You're a standard Iron [Man/Woman]. You can downgrade yourself to a normal player if you like.
    • I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
      • (Same as below)
    • (If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:) Have you any armour for me, please?
      • (Same as below)
    • I'm fine, thanks.
      • (Same as below)
  • (If talking to Paul on Tutorial Island:) I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Player: I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Iron Man tutor: Make sure you've got your Iron [Man/Woman] settings all sorted before you leave Tutorial Island. Some things can't be changed later.
  • (If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:) I'd like to review my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Player: I'd like to review my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:) Have you any armour for me, please?
    • Player: Have you any armour for me, please?
    • Iron Man tutor: There you go. Wear it with pride.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • I'm fine, thanks.
    • Player: I'm fine, thanks.
    • (End of dialogue)

Dialogue without Iron [Man/Woman] status

The following dialogue is dependent on the player's gender:

  • Iron Man tutor: Hello, [player name]. I'm the Iron [Man/Woman] tutor. What can I do for you?
  • Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Player: Tell me about Iron [Men/Women].
    • Iron Man tutor: When you play as an Iron [Man/Woman], you do everything for yourself. You don't trade with other players, or take their items, or accept their help.
    • Iron Man tutor: As an Iron [Man/Woman], you choose to have these restrictions imposed on you, so everyone knows you're doing it properly.
    • Iron Man tutor: If you think you have what it takes, you can choose to become a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman].
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] only have one life. In the event of a dangerous death, your Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] status will be downgraded to that of a standard Iron [Man/Woman], and your
    • Iron Man tutor: stats will be frozen on the Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] hiscores.
    • Iron Man tutor: For the ultimate challenge, you can choose to become an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a game mode inspired by the player IronNoBank.
    • Iron Man tutor: In addition to the standard restrictions, Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] are blocked from using the bank, and they drop all their items when they die.
    • If talking to Paul on Tutorial Island:
      • Iron Man tutor: While you're on Tutorial Island, you can switch freely between being a standard Iron [Man/Woman], an Ultimate Iron [Man/Woman], a Hardcore Iron [Man/Woman] or a normal player.
      • Iron Man tutor: Once you've left this island, you'll be able to find my colleague Adam in Lumbridge, but he'll only let you switch your restrictions downwards, not upwards.
      • Iron Man tutor: So he will let Hardcore Iron [Men/Women] or Ultimate Iron [Men/Women] downgrade to standard Iron [Men/Women], and he'll let all types of Iron [Man/Woman] become normal players.
    • If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:
      • Iron Man tutor: You can choose to become an Iron [Man/Woman] while you're on Tutorial Island. Although you can't do that on this account, you might like to bear it in mind for the future.
    • I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
      • (Same as below)
    • Have you any armour for me, please?
      • (Same as below)
    • I'm fine, thanks.
      • (Same as below)
  • (If talking to Paul on Tutorial Island:) I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Player: I'd like to change my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Iron Man tutor: Make sure you've got your Iron [Man/Woman] settings all sorted before you leave Tutorial Island. Some things can't be changed later.
  • (If talking to Adam in Lumbridge:) I'd like to review my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • Player: I'd like to review my Iron [Man/Woman] mode.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Have you any armour for me, please?
    • Player: Have you any armour for me, please?
    • Iron Man tutor: You're not an Iron [Man/Woman]. This armour is only for them.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • I'm fine, thanks.
    • Player: I'm fine, thanks.
    • (End of dialogue)

Deadman mode dialogue

  • Iron Man tutor: Sorry, Iron Man mode isn't available on Deadman worlds.
  • (End of dialogue)

Trailblazer League dialogue

  • Iron Man tutor: Hello there, [player name]. Everyone taking part in the Leagues II - Trailblazer is under Iron [Men/Women] restrictions once they leave Tutorial Island.
  • (End of dialogue)

Treasure Trails

  • Iron Man tutor: Ah! Here you go!
  • Player: What?
  • Iron Man tutor: I need you to help me with this.
  • Iron Man tutor has given you a challenge scroll!
  • Iron Man tutor: Please give me your answer!
  • If answered correctly:
    • Iron Man tutor: Correct - I despise snakes!
    • Iron Man tutor has given you another clue scroll!