(Redirected from Transcript:Jal-nib-rek)
Standard dialogue
- A random dialogue is selected from the following:
- Dialogue 1
- Player: Yo Nib, what's going on?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Nibnib? Kl-Rek Nib?
- Jal-Nib-Rek nips you.
- Player: What'd you do that for?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Heh Nib get you.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 2
- Player: What'd you have for dinner?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Nibblings!
- Player: Nibblings of what exactly?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Nib.
- Player: Oh no! That's horrible.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 3
- Player: Can you speak like a human can Nib?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: No, I most definitely can not.
- Player: Aren't you speaking like a human right now...?
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Jal-Nib-Rek Nib Kl-Jal, Zuk is mum.
- Player: Interesting.
- (End of dialogue)
Overhead dialogue
Battling another pet in the arena in the Menagerie
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Kl-NibNib!
- Jal-Nib-Rek: Nib Jal!
Standard dialogue
- A random dialogue is selected from the following:
- Dialogue 1
- Player: What's up Zuk?
- TzRek-Zuk: Feeling a bit down to be honest.
- Player: Why's that?
- TzRek-Zuk: Well...
- TzRek-Zuk: Not so long ago, I was a big fearsome boss, Now I'm just another pet.
- Player: Indeed, and you're going to follow me everywhere I go.
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 2
- Player: Why have you got lava around your feet?
- TzRek-Zuk: Keeps me cool.
- Player: But... lava is hot?
- TzRek-Zuk: No no, I wasn't referring to the temperature.
- Player: Ah...
- (End of dialogue)
- Dialogue 3
- If the player is wielding Dinh's blazing bulwark:
- TzRek-Zuk: That shield won't protect you forever mortal.
- Player: It might actually.
- TzRek-Zuk: We shall see about that.
- Player: Ouch! What the...
- TzRek-Zuk: He he.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player is not:
- Player: You're a lot smaller now, I don't even need a shield.
- TzRek-Zuk: Mere mortal, you only survived my challenge because of that convenient pile of rock.
- Player: Well, you couldn't even break that pile of rock to get at me!
- TzRek-Zuk: ...
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player is wielding Dinh's blazing bulwark:
Overhead dialogue
Battling another pet in the arena in the Menagerie
- TzRek-Zuk: Kal-Zuk!
- TzRek-Zuk: Zukkkkkk!