Transcript:King Narnode Shareen

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Standard dialogue

(Transcript missing. edit)

Before starting Monkey Madness I I

  • King Narnode Shareen: Adventurer! It is good to see you again.
  • Player: And you too, King. How fares the tree?
  • King Narnode Shareen: The tree? It is fine, as it has always been since we foiled Glough's plans.
  • Player: Good. What ever did happen to Glough?
  • King Narnode Shareen: Oh, I forced him to resign. I have now appointed a new Head Tree Guardian, Daero. He is learning quickly and serves me well.
  • Player: King, you look worried. Is anything the matter?
  • King Narnode Shareen: Nothing in particular ... Well actually, yes - there is.
  • Player: What is it?
  • King Narnode Shareen: Well, do you remember Glough's ship building facilities in Karamja?
  • Player: Yes, they were on the eastern coast. What of them?
  • King Narnode Shareen: After you defeated Glough's demon I sent an envoy of my Royal Guard, the 10th squad, to oversee the decommission of the shipyard. They were ordered to use force if necessary.
  • Player: I see ... Were they successful?
  • King Narnode Shareen: I ... I don't know. I have heard nothing from them. I do not even know if they reached the shipyard!
  • Player: It is a long way...
  • King Narnode Shareen: But I need to know what happened. These are elite soldiers - their disappearance cannot simply be ignored. I cannot wait any longer.
  • King Narnode Shareen: And so I ask you: would you visit Glough's old shipyard in Karamja and find out if the 10th squad ever managed to reach?
  • Start the Monkey Madness I quest?
  • Yes.
    • Player: Ok, I'll do it.
    • Narnode hands you a copy of the Royal Seal.
    • King Narnode Shareen: Thank you very much. You may need this Royal Seal to identify yourself as my envoy.
    • King Narnode Shareen: Please report to me as soon as you have any information.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • No.
    • Player: I'm afraid I am too busy right now.
    • King Narnode Shareen: As you wish. Return to me when you have the time.
    • (End of dialogue)

Before accepting the quest

  • King Narnode Shareen: Are you ready to investigate the shipyard for me?
  • Player: What do I have to do?
  • King Narnode Shareen: Go to Glough's old shipyard on the eastern coast of Karamja. Find out what happened to the 10th squad of my Royal Guard.
  • King Narnode Shareen: As I said, they were sent to oversee the decommission of the ship building facilities, but I have heard nothing from them.
  • Start the Monkey Madness I quest?
  • Yes.
  • No.
    • (same as above)

After starting Monkey Madness I

  • King Narnode Shareen: Welcome back, adventurer.
  • Select an Option
  • What am I meant to do?
    • Player: What am I meant to do?
    • King Narnode Shareen: Go to Glough's old shipyard on the eastern coast of Karamja. Find out what happened to the 10th squad of my Royal Guard.
    • King Narnode Shareen: As I said, they were sent to oversee the decommission of the ship building facilities, but I have heard nothing from them.
    • (shows previous questions)
  • How did the 10th squad travel?
  • Player: How did the 10th squad travel?
  • King Narnode Shareen: They would have each flown a Gnome Glider.
  • (previous)
  • If the player has lost the Royal Seal
    • I've lost my copy of the Royal Seal...
    • Player: I've lost my copy of the Royal Seal...
    • King Narnode Shareen: What?! Do you realise the consequences if it falls into the wrong hands?
    • King Narnode Shareen: However, this mission is of paramount importance. I shall give you a spare in the meantime.
    • Narnode hands you a copy of the Royal Seal.
    • (other options)
  • I'll be back later.
  • Player: I'll be back later.
  • (End of dialogue)

After completing Monkey Madness 2

  • Player: Hello, King Narnode.
  • King Narnode Shareen: Good to see you again, [player name].
  • Select an Option
  • Have you any more Royal Seed Pods?
  • How fares the kingdom today?
    • Player: How fares the kingdom today?
    • King Narnode Shareen: All is well in the Stronghold thanks to you, [player name].
    • (End of dialogue)