Transcript:Louie Legs

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Standard dialogue

  • Louie Legs: Hey, wanna buy some armour?
  • What have you got?
  • No, thank you.
    • Player: No, thank you.
    • (End of dialogue)

Claiming Corrupted Platelegs/Plateskirt

  • Louie Legs: This is just what I needed for my special secret... err... I've said too much! Take this and get out of here quickly!
  • Louie quickly takes an acorn and the bones in exchange for some mysterious legwear.
  • (Player receives Corrupted platelegs and Corrupted plateskirt..)
  • (End of dialogue)

Using Al kharid flyer on Louie Legs

  • Player: Hi! I have this money off voucher!
  • Louie Legs: So I see! Unfortunately it seems to have expired yesterday! Nevermind.
  • Player: But I only just got it!
  • Louie Legs: I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.
  • Louie Legs: Goodbye.
  • (End of dialogue)