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Standard dialogue

  • Mofina: Do you seek guidance, traveller?
  • Sure, gimme your best advice.
    • Player: Sure, gimme your best advice.
    • Mofina: *sigh*
    • Mofina: You flesh-temples always assume you can receive guidance merely by asking someone for it. But in this land there is a power that can teach us far more than any mere teacher could.
    • Mofina: I speak of the Dark Altar. For generations our wisest scholars have studied it, yet still it has capacities beyond our comprehension.
    • Mofina: The Dark Altar can distort the dimensions, warping the fabric of reality as you perceive it, and even bridging the gap between life and death.
    • Mofina: But you are still a flesh-temple; you require a corporeal body to house your soul, and you perform disgusting bodily functions to maintain it.
    • Mofina: We of Arceuus have learnt, through the power of the Dark Altar, to move beyond the need for such a flesh- temple to house our souls.
    • Mofina: In the crypt below us, we freed our souls from the flesh-temples that had imprisoned them, and we took the form you see now.
    • Mofina: Perhaps, if you allow the Dark Altar to work on your mind, one day you too will be able to ascend to our higher form.
    • Thank you for explaining that.
      • Player: Thank you for explaining that.
      • Mofina: I fear you are far from comprehending it. Now, is there anything I can do for you?
      • (Shows other options)
    • No thanks, I like having a body. It's fun.
      • Player: No thanks, I like having a body. It's fun.
      • Mofina: How disgusting - a flesh-temple that worships itself. Now, do you want anything?
      • (Shows other options)
  • What god do you worship?
    • Player: What god do you worship?
    • Mofina: You sound like the Saradominist peasants from Hosidius, always assuming they must serve one god above all others.
    • Mofina: While the gods are useful for tedious matters such as granting prayers during combat, we of Arceuus have long moved beyond the need to pay them homage.
    • Mofina: This is a place of meditation, where a novice may contemplate the mysteries of the Dark Altar - without venturing too close to its power.
    • Mofina: Saradomin is popular with many uneducated citizens of Kourend, but you may use our church to worship any god you prefer. That would be an ecumenical matter.
    • Mofina: Now, do you require anything of me?
    • (Shows other options)
  • No, I'm fine.
    • Player: No, I'm fine.
    • (End of dialogue)

2021 Birthday event