Transcript:Observatory professor

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Before Observatory Quest

  • Observatory professor: Hello.
  • Select an Option
  • Talk about the Observatory quest.
    • Player: Hi, I was...
    • Observatory professor: Welcome to the magnificent wonder of the Observatory, where wonder is all around you, where the stars can be clutched from the heavens!
    • Player: Wow, nice intro.
    • Observatory professor: Why, thanks! How might I help you?
    • Select an Option
    • I'm totally lost.
      • Observatory professor: Lost? It must have been those pesky goblins that led you astray.
      • Observatory professor: Head north-east to find the city of Ardougne.
      • Player: I'm sure I'll find the way.
      • Player: Thanks for all your help.
      • Observatory professor: No problem at all. Come and visit again!
      • The professor carries on with his studies.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • An Observatory?
      • Player: An Observatory?
      • Observatory professor: Of course. We have a superb telescope up in the Observatory, on the hill.
      • Observatory professor: A truly marvellous invention, the likes of which you'll never behold again.
      • Observatory assistant: Well, it would be if it worked.
      • Observatory professor: Don't interrupt!
      • Player: What? It doesn't work?
      • Observatory professor: Oh, no, no, no. Don't listen to him, he's joking. Aren't you, my FAITHFUL assistant?
      • Observatory assistant: Nope, dead serious. Hasn't been working for a long time.
      • Observatory professor: Arghhh! Get back to work and stop sticking your nose in!
      • Player: So, it's broken. How come?
      • Observatory professor: Oh, I suppose there's no use keeping it secret. Did you see those houses outside?
      • Player: Up on the hill? Yes, I've seen them.
      • Observatory professor: It's a horde of goblins.
      • Observatory professor: Since they moved here they have caused nothing but trouble.
      • Observatory professor: Last week, my telescope was tampered with.
      • Observatory professor: Now, parts need replacing before it can be used again. They've even been messing around in the dungeons under this area. Something needs to be done.
      • Observatory assistant: Strikes me that this visitor could help us.
      • Observatory professor: Stop being so rude.
      • Observatory professor: ...
      • Observatory professor: Although, he has a point. What do you say?
      • Player: What, me?
      • Start the Observatory Quest?
      • Yes.
        • Player: Sounds interesting, what can I do for you?
        • Observatory professor: Oh, thanks so much.
        • Observatory professor: I shall need some materials for the telescope, so it can be used again.
        • Observatory professor: Let's start with three planks of wood for the telescope base. My assistant will help with obtaining these, won't you?
        • Observatory assistant: As if I don't have enough work to do. Seems I don't have a choice.
        • Observatory professor: Go talk to him if you need some advice.
        • Player: Okay, I'll be right back.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • No.
        • Player: Oh, sorry, I don't have time for that.
        • Observatory professor: Oh dear. I really do need some help.
        • Observatory professor: If you see anyone who can help then please send them my way.
        • (End of dialogue)
    • I'm just passing through.
      • Player: I'm just passing through.
      • Observatory professor: Fair enough. Not everyone is interested in this place, I suppose.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Talk about Treasure Trails.
    • Observatory professor: Welcome back! How can I help you today?
    • Player: Can you teach me to solve treasure trail clues?
    • Observatory professor: Ah, I get asked about treasure trails all the time! Listen carefully and I shall tell you what I know...
    • Observatory professor: Lots of clues have degrees and minutes written on them. These are the coordinates of the place where the treasure is buried.
    • Observatory professor: You have to walk to the correct spot, so that your coordinates are exactly the same as the values written on the clue scroll.
    • Observatory professor: To do this, you must use a sextant, a watch and a chart to find your own coordinates.
    • Observatory professor: Once you know the coordinates of the place where you are, you know which way you have to walk to get to the place where the treasure is!
    • Player: Riiight. So where do I get those items from?
    • Observatory professor: I think Murphy, the owner of the fishing trawler moored south of Ardougne, might be able to spare you a sextant. Then the nearest Clock Tower is south of Ardougne - you could probably get a watch there. I've
    • Observatory professor: got plenty of charts myself, here have one.
    • If the player has inventory space:
      • The professor has given you a navigation chart.
      • Player: Thanks, I'll see you later.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • If the player does not have inventory space:
      • Observatory professor: You don't have enough space for the chart. Come back to me when you do.
      • (End of dialogue)

Talking to him after claiming a chart once

  • Observatory professor: Hello.
  • Select an Option
  • Talk about the Observatory quest.
    • (Same as above)
  • Talk about Treasure Trails.
    • Pick an option.
    • I've lost my chart.
      • If the player has the chart in the inventory or stored somewhere:
        • Observatory professor: Um... Are you sure? I think you've got one stored somewhere.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • If the player has lost the chart:
        • Player: I've lost my chart.
        • Observatory professor: That's not a problem, I've got lots of copies.
        • If the player has inventory space:
          • The professor has given you a navigation chart.
          • Player: Thanks, I'll see you later.
          • (End of dialogue)
        • If the player does not have inventory space:
          • Observatory professor: You don't have enough space for the chart. Come back to me when you do.
          • (End of dialogue)
    • How do these work again?
      • Observatory professor: Certainly. It's not difficult.
      • Observatory professor: Lots of clues have degrees and minutes written on them. These are the coordinates of the place where the treasure is buried.
      • (Same as above)

Observatory Quest

After Observatory Quest

  • Observatory professor: Welcome back.
  • Select an Option
  • Talk about the Observatory quest.
    • Observatory professor: Thanks for all your help with the telescope. What can I do for you?
    • Select an Option
    • Do you need any more help with the telescope?
      • Observatory professor: Not right now,
      • Observatory professor: but the stars may hold a secret for you.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • (If the player has asked the Observatory assistant about his real name:) Is it true your name is Mambo-duna-roona?
      • Player: Is it true your name is Mambo-duna-roona?
      • Observatory professor: How do you know tha-
      • Observatory professor: I mean, of course not, what a silly idea.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Nothing, thanks.
      • Player: Nothing, thanks.
      • Observatory professor: Okay, no problem. See you again.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • Talk about Treasure Trails.
    • (Same as above)

Viewing the telescope another time

  • Observatory professor: What do you see now?
  • Player: I can see a constellation through the telescope. It looks like Scorpio.
  • Observatory professor: Scorpio? Interesting. How very fitting.
  • Player: What do you mean?
  • Observatory professor: Scorpius, the founder of all we know relating to astronomy. There's a book about him in the reception. Perhaps you should check it out, you might learn something.
  • Player: Then perhaps I shall.
  • (End of dialogue)

Using any item on the professor

  • Player: What do you think of this!
  • Observatory professor: Wonderful. You must be very proud to have it.
  • (End of dialogue)

Using any noted item on the professor

  • Player: What do you think of this?
  • Observatory professor: I'd rather you show me the actual item, as opposed to the note form.
  • (End of dialogue)