Transcript:Penance statue

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Inspecting a Penance statue

Penance Fighter statue

  • There seems to be a plaque on the statue. It says:
  • 'The Penance Fighter - With the single goal to attack all that may threaten its Queen, this monster uses it's giant claws to shred its prey, and can only be stopped with brute force. Sharing the telekinetic trait of the other Penance monsters, the Penance Fighter can anticipate and adapt to
  • defend itself. Bearing this in mind, it's important when fighting this monster to change attack style periodically to ensure damage is dealt. Most combatants will be glad to notice this creature (like the other Penance) has only one eye, and hence its depth perception is not all that it could be! Otherwise, those claws would soon destroy the most
  • experienced of warriors!'
  • (End of dialogue)

Penance Healer statue

  • There seems to be a plaque on the statue. It says:
  • 'The Penance Healer - This monster could have arguably been called a 'Penance Poisoner', for it has a dual role - both healing other Penance and poisoning any creature it sees as a threat. It performs these roles with equal importance and switches from one to the other as soon as it has the
  • chance of finding a target. The best way to stop a Penance Healer is fighting it at its own game. The Penance Healer is partial to food, which it uses to create its own chemicals for curing and poisoning. As a result it has to be very careful what it eats, and has a mechanism by which it will be immune to certain types of poisonous foods at
  • different times. With this information in mind, it is in fact possible to poison the Penance Healer by using the right type of food at the right time.'
  • (End of dialogue)

Penance Runner statue

  • There seems to be a plaque on the statue. It says:
  • 'The Penance Runner - These creatures are attracted to the scent of their Queen - charging to her aid in the hope of creating a barrier to protect her from threat. Their slender legs aid in motion, and their bulky bodies are effective shields and a strong barrier when linked together. And so,
  • they are willing to waste their own lives in the simple interest of protecting their Queen. Using this interesting trait against them, Penance Runners are lured in the arena by the exit cave, which is doused with this scent. This is used to test combatants in how many Penance Runners manage to get past and how many are stopped
  • with the use of the traps. Penance Runners are an energetic group, and therefore take any opportunity to eat and restore energy. With this in mind, laying down food within smelling distance of the Runners will lure them along. However, they are not stupid, and look for different food to ensure they are not so easily tricked... Hence,
  • giving them the wrong food will send them running back to their caves. It's an interesting evolutionary trait, which is transmitted telepathically between Penance Runners... One which we carefully intercept.'
  • (End of dialogue)

Penance Ranger statue

  • There seems to be a plaque on the statue. It says:
  • 'The Penance Ranger - These creatures store a highly corrosive liquid in the abdomen at the base of their bodies. It is believed that this was initially used for breaking up food matter to be passed on to the Queen for digestion. With the increase of easily digestible food sources (e.g. 'daring'
  • adventurers), this functionality has been removed. It now seems to be used for offensive means in the form of projectiles. The only way to defeat this monster is to confront it with brute force, as it has no convenient weakness. That being said, the Penance Ranger can anticipate and adapt to attacks using the telekenisis common between
  • all Penance, and hence, when taking on this monster, it is important to change attack style periodically to perform damage.'
  • (End of dialogue)

Penance Queen spawn statue

  • There seems to be a plaque on the statue. It says:
  • 'The Penance Spawn - You're only likely to see these creatures in close proximity to their creator - the dreaded Penance Queen. All Penance begin their lives in this form, mutating into the seperate classes of Penance depending on the lack or abundance of other classes in the local environment.
  • Through telepathic communication, the Queen is able to determine the number of each class of Penance (Fighter, Ranger, Healer or Runner) and communicate to her spawn the form they should take on to fill any gaps in numbers. If the spawn receives no communication from a Queen, it turns into a Queen itself, because
  • of the evident neccessity of such a role. These spawn will attack on sight, but a few hits by any means should stop these slimy creatures.'
  • (End of dialogue)