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Standard dialogue
Before starting Ratcatchers
- Grimesquit: 'Ello 'Ello!
- Phingspet: Who's this then?
- Grimesquit: I don't know any more than you do!
- Phingspet: Well ask them!
- Grimesquit: You ask them!
- Phingspet: No! I'm not talking to some stranger in a sewer.
- Grimesquit: Go away, weirdo! We're busy!
- (End of dialogue)
After the completion of Ratcatchers
- Grimesquit: Would you look at that!
- Player: At what?
- Grimesquit: It's [player name] again!
- Player: What do you want?
- Select an Option
- Jimmy Dazzler
- Player: Where can I find Jimmy Dazzler again?
- Grimesquit: Didn't you find him in Ardougne?
- Phingspet: He's normally in the Flying Horse Inn.
- Grimesquit: Give him a kiss from me!
- Phingspet: I will absolutely not be doing that.
- (End of dialogue)
- Hooknosed Jack
- Player: Can you tell me where I can find Hooknosed Jack?
- Grimesquit: He's here in Varrock!
- Phingspet: Who 'nose' where, though!
- Grimesquit: Ha! I'm sure you can 'scent' him out, [player name][sic]
- The Sisters Grime: Hahahaha!
- Phingspet: Come on, it's not that funny.
- Grimesquit: You think our nose jokes are bad? Well...
- Phingspet: Our eye jokes are even cornea!
- (End of dialogue)
- Smokin' Joe
- Player: Can you tell me where I can find Smokin' Joe?
- Grimesquit: Last we heard he was in Keldagrim.
- (End of dialogue)
- The Face
- Player: Can you tell me where I can find the Face?
- Grimesquit: She was in Port Sarim last we heard.
- Phingspet: You can't miss her!
- (End of dialogue)
- Felkrash
- Player: Can you tell me where I can find Felkrash?
- Grimesquit: We shouldn't say, but-
- Phingspet: She's got a secret den in Port Sarim!
- Grimesquit: Not secret now, is it?!
- (End of dialogue)
Historical dialogue
After the completion of Ratcatchers
- Phingspet: Eh? Would you credit da.
- Grimesquit: Wha?
- Phingspet: It's [player name] again init?
- Grimesquit: Wha?
- Phingspet: [player name] has come back again.
- Grimesquit: S' wha does 'ey want?
- Player: Oh come on, stop the act. It's just not funny anymore.
- Phingspet: Ya it is.
- Grimesquit: Ha! Ha!
- Phingspet: Ha! Ha!
- Jimmy Dazzler
- Player: Can you tell me where I would find Jimmy Dazzler?
- Phingspet: 'Ees in Ardougne. In ee?
- Grimesquit: 'e is, e is. He stays in the Flying Horse dun 'e?
- Phingspet: Tell 'im we said 'ello. Will ye? She then breaks out in a burst of girly giggles.
- (End of dialogue)
- Hooknosed Jack
- Player: Can you tell me where I would find Hooknosed Jack?
- Phingspet: Da big ugly's ere in Vu'rock.
- Grimesquit: Da big ugly! Ha that's a good one. 'E is big n ugly though isn't e, serve him right for all the fights e get's in.
- Phingspet: Ha! I nose the truth when I 'ears it! Get it? Get it? Nose the truth?
- Grimesquit: Ha, ha, ha ah ha.....
- You leave the sisters grime mid cackle.
- (End of dialogue)
- Smokin' Joe
- Player: Can you tell me where I would find Smokin' Joe?
- Phingspet: Short stuff's out in Keldagrime.
- (End of dialogue)
- The face
- Player: Can you tell me where I would find the Face?
- Phingspet: Hey features? Where is she?
- Grimesquit: Port Sarim last I 'eard.
- (End of dialogue)
- Felkrash
- Player: Can you tell me where I would find Felkrash?
- Phingspet: She's travels about a bit, but I reckon Port Sarim.
- (End of dialogue)