Transcript:Rat Burgiss

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Standard dialogue

  • Player: Hello there!
  • Rat Burgiss: Oh, hello. I'd love to chat right now, but I'm a bit busy. Perhaps you could come back and chat another time?
  • Player: Of course. Sorry to bother you!
  • Rat Burgiss: Not at all! Farewell!
  • (End of dialogue)

Standard dialogue on free-to-play worlds

  • Player: Hello!
  • Rat Burgiss: Oh, hello. I'd love to chat right now, but I'm a bit busy. Perhaps you could come back and chat another time?
  • Player: Of course. Sorry to bother you!
  • Rat Burgiss: No problem! Say, have you been to see the wizard's[sic] tower in the south yet? It's an amazing sight! You should go and see it!
  • Player: Thanks! I will!
  • (End of dialogue)