Transcript:Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Pirate Pete
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Starting out
Inspecting Pirate Pete
- Player: How would I go about protecting this nautical fellow from the curse of the culinaromancer then?
- Aris: Hmmm... Wait a moment, my fortune-teller-sense is tingling...
- Player: Erm... okay...
- Aris: Ah yes. To immunise him from the culinaromancer's attack, you will need to feed him fishcakes.
- Player: Fishcakes? What, like chocolate cake with fish instead of chocolate?
- Aris: No... Like small bread crumbed fishy delicacies.
- Player: Um... So how would I make those then?
- Aris: I don't know. I am a fortune-teller, not a cook.
- Aris: I don't suppose it occurred to you to ask the actual cook in the room right next door to us?
- Player: Ooooh yeah... I'll be right back!
- (End of dialogue)
Inspecting Pirate Pete again
- Player: How would I go about protecting this nautical fellow from the curse of the culinaromancer then?
- Aris: Err... have you forgotten about the fishcakes already?
- Player: I might have, I might not have.
- Player: This time-travelling stuff just has me a little worn out ok?
- Aris: To immunise him from the culinaromancer's attack, you will need to feed him fishcakes.
- Player: Fishcakes? What, like chocolate cake with fish instead of chocolate?
- Aris: No... Like small bread crumbed fishy delicacies.
- Player: Um... So how would I make those then?
- Aris: I don't know. I am a fortune-teller, not a cook.
- Aris: I don't suppose it occurred to you to ask the actual cook in the room right next door to us?
- Player: Ooooh yeah... I'll be right back!
- Aris: And try not to forget this time!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the Cook
- Player: Can we talk about what happened in the dining room?
- Cook: Wow! You were incredible! The way you defeated the Culinaromancer, you made it seem so easy!
- Player: Uh... What?
- Cook: With the foods, and that big portal thingy, and everything!
- Cook: I'm just glad you were around, who knows WHAT could have happened if you weren't able to help us!
- Player: I'm sorry, I don't have any clue what you...
- Player: Oh. Oh, right. This must be part of that whole time-bubble thing that Aris told me about.
- Player: So the cook outside of the bubble remembers me having already saved the council members even though I haven't actually gone and done it yet...
- Player: Gah! This time travel stuff makes my head hurt!
- Player: So... I don't suppose you can remember exactly how I defeated him can you?
- Cook: Of course! Which bit can't you remember doing?
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Dwarf
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Goblins
- Protecting the Pirate
- Player: I can't quite remember how I managed to save that pirate...
- Cook: The pirate? Yes, you used fishcakes didn't you?
- Player: I did? Er... I mean I did.
- Player: Out of interest, could you just help me quickly with that?
- Player: Can you tell me how to make fishcakes?
- Cook: Fishcakes? As in with fish eggs and fish milk?
- Player: Don't be silly, that would never work.
- Player: Can you check to see if there is a recipe for them?
- Cook: Of course.
- The Chef checks one of his cookbooks.
- Cook: Found it!
- Cook: Apparently you need Ground Cod, Ground Kelp, Ground Giant Crab Meat and Breadcrumbs.
- Select an Option
- Where do I get Ground Cod?
- Player: Where do I get Ground Cod?
- Cook: Well, if you use a pestle and mortar on a raw cod that will grind it up nicely.
- (Shows other options)
- Where do I get Ground Kelp?
- Player: Where do I get Ground kelp?
- Cook: There are apparently some kelp patches off the coast near Rimmington. Murphy knows more about that.
- Cook: As for the grinding part, all you have to do is use a pestle and mortar on it, that ought to get it sorted.
- Cook: Murphy also used to bring in Giant Crabs occasionally. He hasn't had any of them in for a while though.
- Cook: You had best go and have a word with him to see if he can tell you what happened.
- (Shows other options)
- Where do I get Ground Giant Crab Meat?
- Player: Where do I get Ground Giant Crab meat?
- Cook: Well, Murphy used to bring in Giant Crabs occasionally. He hasn't had any of them in for a while though.
- Cook: You had best go and have a word with him to see if he can tell you what happened.
- Cook: Oh, and there are apparently some kelp patches off the coast near Rimmington. Murphy knows about that too.
- Cook: As for the grinding part, all you have to do is use a pestle and mortar on it, that ought to get it sorted.
- (Shows other options)
- Where do I get Breadcrumbs?
- Player: Where do I get Breadcrumbs?
- Cook: That's easy, all you do is use a knife to slice the bread up into tiny, tiny chunks.
- (Shows other options)
- What do I do with all of it?
- Player: What did I do with all of it?
- Cook: I'm not entirely sure. What am I, an encyclopedia?
- Cook: I'll have a look through my cookbook while I wait for the ingredients.
- Player: Ok, I'll go out and get all of the stuff and bring it to you.
- Cook: Ok.
- Cook: Is there anything else you need to know?
- (Shows other options)
- (If the player has asked at least one question) Thanks!
- Player: Thanks!
- Cook: No problem!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) More...
Asking about giant crabs
Talking to Murphy
- Select an Option
- Talk about Recipe for Disaster.
- Player: Murphy, what can you tell me about giant crabs?
- Murphy: Giant Crabs? Why, I used to haul up a few of those whenever I set my nets around Rimmington.
- Murphy: Why the interest?
- Player: I need to get some Giant Crab Meat and Kelp. Can you tell me where I can get some?
- Murphy: Well, the only thing I can think to do is to go down there and look to see if there are any left.
- Player: Go down there? What do you mean?
- Murphy: As in under the water!
- Murphy: Tell me, can you get your hands on a fishbowl?
- Player: I'm sure I will be able to if I put my mind to it, why do you ask?
- Murphy: Well, I know how to rig up a handy set of breathing gear that can allow you to keep air inside the fishbowl.
- Murphy: You just put the barrel of air on your back, with the fishbowl over your head, and then dive over the side.
- Murphy: It should hold enough air to keep you alive for quite some time.
- Player: That sounds pretty dangerous...
- Murphy: Not at all. I'll even weigh anchor with the chain somewhere easy to reach so you can climb out easily enough if you run into trouble.
- Player: I'm still not happy about this...
- Murphy: Well, I can't think of any other way to check. If you come up with a better plan then feel free to tell me.
- Murphy: In the meantime I'll wait, and if you want me to take you diving I'll be ready.
- Murphy: By the way, why are you so interested in crabs all of a sudden?
- Player: I can't tell you I'm afraid. The very fabric of space and time could collapse!
- Murphy: O...k...
- Murphy: Well, I guess some people will do anything for a bit of fresh seafood.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Talk about something else.
Talking to Murphy again
- Select an Option
- Talk about Recipe for Disaster.
- Murphy: Ahoy there! Up for a bit of a swim?
- If the player doesn't have a fishbowl:
- Player: Not just yet.
- Murphy: Well, whenever you want me to get you some diving gear, just come and see me with a fishbowl.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has a fishbowl:
- Player: I certainly am.
- Murphy: Great! I'll sort that fishbowl out for you.
- Murphy: There you go.
- Player: Are you sure this is safe?
- Murphy: Sure! It's as sound as my ship!
- Murphy: Want me to take you out now?
- Select an Option
- Yes, Let's go diving.
- Player: Yes, Let's go diving.
- Murphy: Well I can't take you out until you are properly geared up.
- Murphy: We lost three diving parties that way!
- Player: Ok, well I'll just put my diving helmet and diving backpack on.
- (End of dialogue)
- Not just yet.
- Player: Not just yet.
- Murphy: Ok, well I'll be here if you change your mind.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Murphy again again
- Select an Option
- Talk about Recipe for Disaster.
- If the player has lost their diving helmet:
- Player: Murphy, can I get another diving helmet?
- If the player has a full inventory:
- Murphy: Well sure, just as soon as you have some spare space for it.
- (End of dialogue)
- Murphy: Sure, here you go. Try not to lose this one, I'm not a very good glassblower.
- Player: What do you mean?
- Murphy: Well, the bowls I make tend to shatter under pressure into razor-sharp shards of lethal, face shredding shrapnel.
- Murphy: Don't let it bother you, I think I know what I'm doing wrong now.
- Player: O...k...
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has lost their diving apparatus:
- Player: Hello Murphy. Do you have a spare diving backpack?
- Murphy: Sure, I have plenty after the...little incident.
- Player: What 'little incident'?
- Murphy: Nothing to worry yourself about.
- If the player has a full inventory:
- Murphy: Well, I have plenty of them under the tap, getting sluiced off. When you have space for one come and see me.
- (End of dialogue)
- Murphy: Here, have this one. Only dropped once!
- Player: Is that blood?
- Murphy: No, no.
- Murphy: Well, yes.
- Murphy: But seriously, what are the chances of getting a jellyfish jammed in there again?
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has all their equipment:
- Murphy: Ahoy there! All set for a dive?
- Select an Option
- Yes, Let's go diving.
- Player: Yes, Let's go diving.
- If the player doesn't have the diving equipment on:
- Murphy: Well I can't take you out until you are properly geared up.
- Murphy: We lost three diving parties that way!
- Player: Ok, well I'll just put my diving helmet and diving backpack on.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player weighs more than 27kg:
- Murphy: Well that's the sort of spirit I like to see. However you are far too heavy to go diving right now.
- Player: What do you mean?
- Murphy: Well, I can't take you diving if you are carrying more than 27kg worth of equipment.
- Murphy: We arrived at that number through trial and error, and the errors were not pretty let me assure you.
- Player: So what can I do?
- Murphy: Well, if you pop over to a bank and leave all your heavy equipment behind then I'll take you out.
- Murphy: See you then!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has a cat following them:
- Murphy: You want that cat of yours to drown or something?
- Player: You mean you can't make them an adorable set of tiny diving gear?
- Murphy: No.
- Murphy: I'm not taking you out for a dive with that cat following you.
- Murphy: I'm not a cat person, and it'd have to stay on the ship while you were down.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player is properly equipped:
- Murphy: Ok, let's be off then.
- (Cutscene plays of Murphy taking the player out on a boat.)
- Player: Ok, see you soon Murphy!
- Murphy: Good luck, I'll weigh anchor. Climb up the chain to get aboard.
- (End of dialogue)
- Not just yet.
- Player: Not just yet.
- Murphy: Ok, well I'll be here if you change your mind.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has lost their diving helmet:
- (Non-quest dialogue) Talk about something else.
Trying to enter the Underwater Cavern Entrance early
- You have no idea what is in there, best leave it for the time being.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to a Mogre Guard
- Mogre Guard: Silly fishy! You lookin' like likkle Mogre wid your likkle arms an' wid your likkle legs!
- Mogre Guard: Swim along silly round head fishy!
- Mogre Guard: Dont let dem big skippies eat you!
- (End of dialogue)
Trying to open the Pen Door early
- Mogre Guard: Hey! Nung says no fishies in da big crunchy claws!
- Mogre Guard: You want crunchies, you talk to him, an' hope he not hungry!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Nung
- Nung: Hey, silly fishy wit da round head!
- Player: Me?
- Nung: Ya! What kinda fishy you's tinkin you are?
- Player: I'm not any kind of fishy, err, fish.
- Nung: Well what you doin' here if you's no a fishy?
- Player: Well I'm trying to get some Giant Crab meat.
- Nung: Dis fishy is a funny fishy!
- Nung: Whats this fishy wanting?
- Player: You see those big crabs? I want one of those.
- Nung: You's here to stealin' my big crunchy claws?
- Nung: Nung should smash your stoopid round head!
- Nung: Always the big nettings was taking my big crunchy claws, I put them in the cages, and now you's come to get them.
- Nung: Swim away little fishy or I eat you till you's dead!
- Player: Wait, could I buy some of the crab meat?
- Nung: Silly round head fishy want to swaps big crunchy claws?
- Nung: no real deal. I bet you no do Nung big favour.
- Player: Seriously, I need to get that meat. I'll do your big favour if you want.
- Nung: Hah! Silly round head fishy! If you get Nung 5 big skippy skins, den maybe Nung thinking you ok.
- Player: Big skippy skins?
- Nung: Ya, da big skippies live over dere.
- (Cutscene highlighting the Underwater Cavern Entrance plays.)
- Nung: You need lotsa big big stones to get down dere. Den you kill da big skippies and bring da skins to Nung.
- Nung: You do dis, den maybe Nung let you swaps da big crunchy claws.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Nung again
- Nung: Hey fishy! You gots da skippy skins?
- Player: Not yet.
- Nung: Den no crunchy claws for you!
- (End of dialogue)
Picking up rocks
- If the player is holding less than 5 rocks:
- You pick up a rock and put it in your pocket.
- If the player picks up a 6th rock:
- You have enough rocks to stand on the sea bed if you need to.
- (End of dialogue)
Picking kelp
- You take some Kelp.
- (End of dialogue)
Entering the Underwater Cavern Entrance
- If the player hasn't collected 5 rocks:
- You need to collect 5 rocks to get into the pen.
- If the player has enough rocks:
- You enter the cave...
- (End of dialogue)
Exit the Underwater Cavern Entrance
- You exit the cave.
- You kick off the sea bed and begin swimming again.
- (End of dialogue)
Bringing Nung the Mudskipper hides
- Player: Nung, I have your giant Mudskipper Skins.
- Nung: What you say? Has da silly round headed fishy got da big skippy skins?
- Player: Sigh...
- Player: Yes, I have the big skippy skins.
- Nung: Silly round head fishy done good! Gimme!
- If the player has given Nung fewer than 5 hides:
- Nung: Ya, dis fishy is a good fishy, but it no count good like Nung! Nung say dere are dis many hides left for da fishy to get.
- Nung holds up [number] of his fingers.
- Nung: Go get me da hides little fishy!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has given Nung 5 hides:
- Nung: Ya, da round head fishy does a good big favour for Nung.
- Nung: I am thinkin you's ok enough to swaps the giant crunchy claws now.
- Player: Great! How much do you want for them?
- Nung: You's gotta get me somefing to make dese hides to a cloak and flippers and hat, den I lets you have all the big crunchy claws you can get.
- Nung: But it not be easy
- Player: Well I'll do it. What do I need? An item of ancient power? Something from the deepest, darkest dungeon in the world?
- Player: What sort of monsters will I need to fight? I'd best grab myself some potions too.
- Player: Will there be traps? Should I bring cakes?
- Nung: Ya, it real dangerous for a fishy.
- Nung: You's gotta go up to da topsies, and your gotta get a needly-thing and some wirey stuff.
- Player: A needle.
- Nung: Ya.
- Player: And bronze wire.
- Nung: Ya. Tree wirey stuffs.
- Player: So, all I have to do is bring you three rolls of bronze wire and a needle, and I can have all the Giant Crabs I can kill?
- Nung: Ya, but be a sneaky round head fishy. Da topsies has not water for a little fishy like you to breathing.
- Nung: It REAL dangerous.
- Player: Yeah, sounds it.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Nung without the wire and needle
- Nung: Has da fish brung Nung the wiry stuff and the needly thing?
- Player: Not yet.
- Nung: Nung not supprised, the upsies is real scaredy for da little fishies like you.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Nung with the wire and needle
- Player: Nung, I have the needle and wire.
- Nung: Nung thinks this is a useful fishy he finds. Gimme!
- Nung: Nung have all da wiry stuff and needly things he needs to make da biggestest skippy skin hat ever!
- Nung: You's a good little fishy, you eat as many big crunchy claws as you want.
- Nung: Maybe you get big and strong like Nung!
- Player: Thanks!
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Nung again
- Nung: Hey fishy. If you's a good fishy I might sell yous bitses of skippy skin clothes.
- Nung: But Nung needs time to makes them first.
- (End of dialogue)
Trying to enter the crab pen
- Mogre Guard: Hey! Nung says no fishies...
- Player: I just spoke to Nung, he said it was ok.
- Mogre Guard: Well...if Nung say it ok, den go ahead.
- If the player does not have enough rocks:
- You try to enter the pen, but the current is too strong.
- You need to collect 5 rocks to get into the pen.
- (End of dialogue)
- With the rocks in your pocket you can quite easily land on the sea bed.
- It is a little slippery, but you should be able to fight normally.
- (End of dialogue)
Exiting the crab pen
- You kick off from the sea bed and begin swimming again.
- (End of dialogue)
Climbing the anchor
- If the player is holding any rocks:
- You have to drop all of your rocks to surface.
- Murphy: How did it go?
- Player: Not too bad.
- Murphy: Great, I'll take us back in.
- You return to port.
- (End of dialogue)
Finishing up
Using raw cod oon a pestle and mortar
- You grind the Cod into a paste.
Using crab meat on a pestle and mortar
- You grind the Giant Crab meat into a paste.
Using a knife on bread
- You slice the bread into breadcrumbs.
Using kelp on a pestle and mortar
- You grind the Kelp into flakes.
Trying to combine the ingredients early
- You do not yet know how to make fishcakes.
Talking to the Cook
- Player: Can we talk about what happened in the dining room?
- Cook: Wow! You were incredible! The way you defeated the Culinaromancer, you made it seem so easy!
- Player: So... I don't suppose you can remember exactly how I defeated him can you?
- Cook: Of course! Which bit can't you remember doing?
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Dwarf
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Goblins
- Protecting the Pirate
- Player: I can't quite remember how I managed to save that pirate...
- Cook: The pirate? Yes, you used fishcakes didn't you?
- Player: I did? Er... I mean I did.
- Player: Out of interest, could you just help me quickly with that?
- Player: I have all the ingredients for fishcakes!
- Cook: Great! Just like before! I've been reading the recipe and I know how to make the fishcakes now.
- Cook: It's pretty simple actually. All you have to do is use the ingredients on each other and then cook the fishcakes on a range.
- Player: That's it?
- Cook: Yes. I thought that there was a page missing from the cookbook because it seemed so easy, but it turns out it really IS that easy!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) More...
Combining the ingredients
- You mix all the ingredients together to make an uncooked fishcake.
Cooking a fishcake
- You manage to cook a fishcake.
Inspecting Pirate Pete while holding fishcakes
- Aris: Stop messing about and use the fishcakes on him!
- (End of dialogue)
Using the fishcake on Pirate Pete
- Quest complete!
- Aris: Good work adventurer, I've teleported them away to safety! You only have [number] council members left to protect!
- (End of dialogue)