Transcript:Recipe for Disaster/Freeing Skrach Uglogwee
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Inspecting Skrach Uglogwee
- Player: How can I help Skrach?
- Aris: Skrach! He'd be un-frozen in a jiffy if he just had some Jubbly.
- Player: And once again, but in English this time?
- Aris: Sorry...Skrach, being an ogre likes Chompies, and a real delicacy is Jubbly Chompy bird. Do you think you could get some?
- Select an Option
- Yes, I'm sure I can get some Jubbly Chompy.
- Player: Yes, I'm sure I can get some Jubbly Chompy.
- Aris: That's the spirit!
- Player: Ok then, what's do I get this Jubbly chompy?
- Aris: Ah, well, that's where it breaks down a bit you see. The only 'thing' alive which might help you get the Jubbly Chompy is the most confusing beast that Gielinor has ever known.
- Aris: The situation is lost I am afraid and I understand totally if you decide not to help Skrach.
- Player: Oh come can't be that difficult..
- Aris: I'm afraid it is. You need to go and speak to an Ogre called Rantz over in the Feldip hills.
- Player: Ahh right...I see..
- Aris: How do you feel about getting Jubbly Chompy now and freeing Skrach?
- Select an Option
- No way am I going to talk to Rantz.
- Player: No way am I going to talk to Rantz.
- Aris: I quite understand...
- Aris: I really do...
- Aris: There's no excuse for him really...
- Aris: Poor old Skrach...
- (End of dialogue)
- Oh Ok then, I guess I'll talk to Rantz.
- Player: Oh Ok then, I guess I'll talk to Rantz.
- Aris: Well, I do pity you, and wish you the best of luck!
- (End of dialogue)
- Nah, leave that Ogre in the frozen dimension!
- Player: Nah, leave that Ogre in the frozen dimension!
- Aris: Alas, I can certainly relate to what you say. However, he deserves to be set free, the same as everyone else.
- (End of dialogue)
Inspecting Skrach Uglogwee again
- Player: What should I do now to help Skrach?
- Fortuneteller: Skrach needs Jubbly chompy in order to be unfrozen, you'll need to talk to Rantz about how to get that. Perhaps the cook can be more helpful.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to the cook
- Player: Can we talk about what happened in the dining room?
- Cook: Wow! You were incredible! The way you defeated the Culinaromancer, you made it seem so easy!
- Player: So... I don't suppose you can remember how I defeated him can you?
- Cook: Of course! Which bit can't you remember doing?
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Dwarf
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Goblins
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Pirate
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Lumbridge Guide
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting Evil Dave
- Protecting the Ogre
- Player: Just remind me again how I managed to unfreeze Skrach?
- Cook: Certainly. Everyone knows that Skrach loves Jubbly Chompy, preferably roasted on a spit! The bird's carcass is so big, it can't be cooked any other way.
- Player: And how do I get one of those?
- Cook: I wouldn't know much about that, but I believe you talked to Rantz quite a bit over in the Feldip hills. Apparently, he got you to do him quite a few favours before you actually got the Jubbly.
- Player: Oh yeah... I remember now...
- Cook: Did you want a reminder on any other of your brave exploits?
- (Shows previous options)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Sir Amik Varze
- (Non-quest dialogue) Protecting the Monkey
- (Non-quest dialogue) Defeating the Culinaromancer
Talking to Rantz
- Rantz: Hey deyr, t'anks for da chompy, it was scrumbly!
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Hey, I wanted to ask about hats...
- I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Player: I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Rantz: Skrach...he big boss? Skrach like da Jubbly bestest yums like chompy.
- Player: Ok, so can you help me get some Jubbly Chompy?
- Rantz: Rantz tell creature hows to stick da Jubbly...just like da Chompy...
- Rantz: Soon, creature be da ogre too like Rantz! Harr, har, har!
- Player: A nice thought, but unlikely...
- Rantz: But creature do Rantz stuffsies first...yous creature gets Rantz to other lands over 'der so Rantz gets da stuffsies for da glugs-glugs.
- Rantz points to the North East, in the direction of Karamja.
- Rantz: Yous do dis creature for da Jubbly?
- Select an Option
- What's involved?
- Player: What's involved?
- Rantz: You's creature gets Rantz to other lands over 'der so Rantz gets da stuffsies for da glug-glugs.
- (Shows previous options)
- What do I get in return?
- Player: What do I get in return?
- Rantz: Me's shows da creatures how to sneaky, sneaky stick da Jubbly!
- (Shows previous options)
- Ok, I'll do it.
- Player: Ok, I'll do it.
- Rantz: Dat's da good fing, you's creature goes down by da watery place, over near da cabbage! Me's says more der'.
- Rantz points to the south east near a largish tree.
- Player: Ok, will do!
- (End of dialogue)
- No way am I doing that!
- Player: No way am I doing that!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Talking to Rantz after refusing to help him
- Rantz: Hey deyr, t'anks for da chompy, it was scrumbly!
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Hey, I wanted to ask about hats...
- I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Player: I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Rantz: You's creatures says dis before! Skrach big boss? Skrach like da Jubbly bestest yums like chompy.
- (Same as above)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Talking to Rantz near his cave after agreeing to help him
- Rantz: Hey deyr, t'anks for da chompy, it was scrumbly!
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Hey, I wanted to ask about hats...
- I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Player: I'm trying to free Skrach, can you help?
- Rantz: Dat's da good fing, you's creature goes down by da watery place, over near da cabbage! Me's says more der'.
- (Same as above)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Talking to Rantz near the large tree
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Ok, here I am...I guess this is the watery place? What now?
- Player: Ok, here I am...I guess this is the watery place? What now?
- Rantz: You's creatures says what Rantz need for da going over da big water to da over'der place.
- Rantz points to the North East...
- Player: Oh, so you want to go to Karamja...hmmmm, it's a bit of a long walk. You'd probably be better off with a boat!
- Rantz: Is what me's's creature no helpsies...just says Rantz saysies back!
- Player: Ohhhh...sorry! Ok, for a boat you'll need something that floats in order to make a hull.
- Rantz: Uh rocksie?
- Player: Close!... But perhaps a tree would be better?
- Screen fades to a cutscene.
- Rantz: Me finks me has found one...
- Rantz kicks over the old tree.
- Player: ...very good...
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Talking to Rantz again
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Can you tell me how to get Jubbly now?
- Player: Can you tell me how to get Jubbly now?
- Rantz: You's creatures not done for Rantz fingies yet! Da boatsie is da guddun...will carry rantz[sic] to da over place?
- Player: You can't use that as a boat! The roots are still hanging off it.
- Rantz: Ok, you's creature makes it better!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Trimming the log's roots
- You trim the roots of the tree back.
Talking to Rantz after trimming the log's roots
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Now can you please tell me how to get Jubbly?
- Player: Now can you please tell me how to get Jubbly?
- Rantz: Creatures not done yet! Da boatsie not good for da stuffsies! Da stuffsies for da glug-glugs goes in da watery stuffs.
- Player: Well, yes, you've got no space to put anything in there... it needs to be hollowed out a bit.
- Rantz: Ok, you's creature makes it better!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Hollowing out the boat
- You hollow out a bit of the boat...
Talking to Rantz after hollowing out the boat
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Ok, the boat's ready, now tell me how to get a Jubbly?
- Player: Ok, the boat's ready, now tell me how to get a Jubbly.
- Rantz: Yous do other stuffsies for Rantz first. We's needs da bestest groundy for da walking on new land.
- Player: Bestest groundy? New land?
- Rantz: Rantz use stabbie chucker and stick da dirt for da over der' place. You's creature make da chompy by da stabber so Fycie and Bugs sniffs da bestest yumms and splosh over wiv da boatsie!
- Player: ???
- Rantz prepares to shoot the bow...
- Rantz shoots an arrow out to sea.
- Rantz: Ok you's person...goes find da stabber!
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Talking to Rantz again
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Ok, now tell me how to get Jubbly!
- Player: Please, can you just show me how to catch a Jubbly!
- Rantz: Creatures not done Rantz stuffsies yet!
- Player: Ok, what do you need me to do now?
- Rantz: Rantz done used da stabbie chucker and stock da dirt for da over der' place. You's creature make da chompy by da stabber so Fycie and Bugs sniffs da bestest yumms and splosh over wiv da boatsie!
- Player: Huh?
- Rantz: You's creature...goes to da over der' place and cook da chompy by da stabber!
- Rantz points over to the north east, in the dim distance you can see a beach near Tai Bwo Wannai.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
After cooking the chompy on the beach
- You hear a commotion out to sea...
- Fycie and Bugs swim to shore with the ogre boat.
- Bugs: Hey there...we's could smell da Chompy from ages smells lish!
- Bugs: Dad says you can get a lift back with us if you want?
- (End of dialogue)
Boarding the ogre boat
- Bugs: Dad says you can get a free lift back with us if you want?
- Select an Option
- Yes please, I'll get a lift back with you.
- Player: Yes please, I'll get a lift back with you.
- You accept a free ride from Fycie and Bugs on the makeshift boat.
- You're ogre-propelled to the Feldip Hills!
- The barely sea-worthy log arrives at the Feldip Hills.
- (End of dialogue)
- No thanks.
- Player: No thanks.
- (End of dialogue)
Talking to Rantz after arriving on the ogre boat
- Select an Option
- (Non-quest dialogue) Ask about hats...
- Ok, now tell me how to get Jubbly!
- Player: Ok, now tell me how to get Jubbly!
- Rantz: What's creature's say?
- Player: I've helped with your scheme to get over to Karamja, now help me by telling me how to get Jubbly!
- Rantz: Ohhh, get's Jubbly...dat's da easy's creature is a bit stoopid for not know dat!
- Player: Just tell me!
- Rantz: Okays creature's keeps hairsies on...
- Rantz: Ok then you's's use da big blowers on da fatsie toady. Creature makes da fatsie toady and den needs da rocksie an da wooly fing to stick it down da ground.
- (End of dialogue)
- (Non-quest dialogue) Actually, I don't need to talk to you...sorry.
Mining a rock
- You swing your pick at the rock.
- You manage to mine a rock.
Creating a balloon toad
- You manage to inflate a bloated toad with the swamp gas.
- You blow the bloated toad up into a balloon toad.
Placing the balloon toad
- You carefully place the balloon toad bait.
Killing a jubbly
- You scratch a notch on your bow for the jubbly bird kill.
Plucking a jubbly
- You start plucking the Jubbly bird.
Attempting to use an iron spit on a raw jubbly
- Player: I saw some large static ogre spits near Jiggig and Rantz. Perhaps I can cook this jubbly meat there?
- (End of dialogue)
Cooking a jubbly
- You carefully place the Jubbly on the spit-roast.
- You start to cook the takes some time.
- Eventually the Jubbly is nicely cooked.
Freeing Skrach Uglogwee
- Aris: Good work adventurer, I've teleported them away to safety! You only have [number] council members left to protect!
- (End of dialogue)