I can start this quest by talking to King Lathas in
Ardougne Castle.
This quest has the following requirements:
Underground Pass
If Underground Pass is completed: Underground Pass
Level 56 Agility
If the player has the skill requirement: Level 56 Agility
Level 10 Crafting
If the player has the skill requirement: Level 10 Crafting
The following are also recommended:
Combat Level 60
If the player has the level requirement: Combat Level 60
Upon receiving the King's message
I can start this quest by talking to King Lathas in
Ardougne Castle.
This quest has the following requirements:
Underground Pass
If Underground Pass is completed: Underground Pass
Level 56 Agility
If the player has the skill requirement: Level 56 Agility
Level 10 Crafting
If the player has the skill requirement: Level 10 Crafting
The following are also recommended:
Combat Level 60
If the player has the level requirement: Combat Level 60
After speaking to King Lathas, officially starting the quest
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time has come to deal with his brother, King Tyras,
who is currently building up his strength in the west. King
Lathas told me to travel through the recently repaired Well
of Voyage within the Underground Pass. Some
representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader who has
allied with King Lathas, will meet me on the other side.
Upon talking to Idris
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
who has allied with King Lathas. They told me to meet Lord
Iorwerth at his camp in the north west corner of the
Isafdar forest.
Upon talking to Lord Iorwerth
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He told me to meet one
of his Trackers at King Tyras's old camp. I can find the
camp in the southern part of the Isafdar forest, just
north of the Poison Waste.
After talking to Elf Tracker
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
However, he refused to talk to me without proof of my
allegiance. I will need to find a way to show him I am
After obtaining the Crystal pendant
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
However, he refused to talk to me without proof of my
allegiance. I returned to Lord Iorwerth who gave me a
Crystal Pendant. I should show it to the Tracker to
convince him that I am trustworthy.
After talking to the Elf Tracker with a Crystal pendant
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the western side of the camp for
traces of where King Tyras and his forces might have
After investigating the tracks
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I can't see a way to
follow them though. Maybe the Tracker can help with this.
After talking to the Elf Tracker about the tracks
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I should follow them and
see where they lead.
After encountering the Tyras Guard
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I was attacked by one
of King Tyras's guards while following them. His new camp
must be nearby.
UNSURE: After entering Tyras Camp
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I should return to Lord
Iorwerth and let him know.
After informing Lord Iorwerth about the camp
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I returned to Lord Iorwerth
and let him know.
I was given a book by Lord Iorwerth which details how to
make a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
If the bomb is made except for a fuse: (all other lines below are gone)
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I've managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
However, the Bomb still needs a Fuse. Lord Iorwerth
suggested I use some sort of fabric. I can use the Loom in
his camp if needed.
If the player has all the ingredients but the bomb is not made: (all other lines below are gone)
I was given a book by Lord Iorwerth which details how to
make a Bomb to use against King Tyras. I have everything
needed for this Bomb. Now I just need to make it.
If the player has made the bomb: (all other lines below are gone)
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I've managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
Now I just need to find a way to get it to him.
I need some Quicklime for the Bomb. Perhaps Lord Iorwerth
knows how I can get some.
If the player asks Lord Iorwerth about quicklime:
I need some Quicklime for the Bomb. Lord Iorwerth
informed me that I can mine some Limestone east of his
camp. I can then heat this Limestone to make Quicklime.
If the player has limestone:
I need some Quicklime for the Bomb. I have some
Limestone which I can heat to make Quicklime.
I have some Quicklime for the Bomb. However, it will need
crushing before it can be used.
If the player has uncrushed quicklime:
I have some Quicklime for the Bomb. However, it will need
crushing before it can be used.
If the player has a pot of quicklime: I have some Quicklime for the Bomb.
I need some Sulphur for the Bomb. Perhaps Lord Iorwerth
knows where I can find some.
If the player asks Lord Iorwerth about sulphur:
I need some Sulphur for the Bomb. According to Lord
Iorwerth, I can find some on the shores of the Poison
If the player has uncrushed sulphur:
I have some Sulphur for the Bomb. However, it will need
crushing before it can be used.
If the player has ground sulphur: I have some Sulphur for the Bomb.
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. Perhaps Lord Iorwerth
knows how I can get some.
If the player asks Lord Iorwerth about naphtha:
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. Lord Iorwerth told me
that I can collect Coal Tar on the shores of the Poison
Waste. However, I then need to fractionally distill it to get
Naphtha. Perhaps Elena in East Ardougne knows how to do
If the player has coal tar:
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. I have some Coal Tar.
However, I need to fractionally distill it to get Naphtha.
Perhaps Elena in East Ardougne knows how to do this.
If the player talks to Elena: (Missing? After talking to elena but not having coal tar?)
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. I have some Coal Tar.
However, I need to fractionally distill it to get Naphtha. I
spoke to Elena. She suggested I ask the Chemist in
Rimmington about this.
If the player has talked to Chemist but does not have coal tar:
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. Lord Iorwerth told me
that I can collect Coal Tar on the shores of the Poison
Waste. However, I then need to fractionally distill it to get
Naphtha. The Chemist in Rimmington has given me
permission to use his Fractionalising Still to do this.
If the player has talked to the Chemist:
I need some Naphtha for the Bomb. I have some Coal Tar.
However, I need to fractionally distill it to get Naphtha. The
Chemist in Rimmington has given me permission to use his
Fractionalising Still to do this.
If the player has barrel of naphtha: I have some Naphtha for the Bomb.
I need a Barrel for the Bomb. Perhaps Lord Iorwerth knows
where I can find one.
If the player asks Lord Iorwerth about barrels:
I need a Barrel for the Bomb. Lord Iorwerth told me that I
should be able to find some in his camp.
If the player has barrel: I have a Barrel for the Bomb.
I need a Fuse for the Bomb. Perhaps Lord Iorwerth knows
how to make one.
If the player asks Lord Iorwerth about a fuse:
I need a Fuse for the Bomb. Lord Iorwerth suggested I use
some sort of fabric. I can use the Loom in his camp if
If the player has the item required: I have a Fuse for the Bomb.
After using the bomb on the catapault
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I returned to Lord Iorwerth
and let him know.
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
I used a Catapult near King Tyras's camp to fire the Bomb
into his tent, dealing with him once and for all. I should
return to Lord Iorwerth and let him know.
After telling Lord Iorwerth and getting Iorwerth's message
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I returned to Lord Iorwerth
and let him know.
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
I used a Catapult near King Tyras's camp to fire the Bomb
into his tent, dealing with him once and for all.
With my work done, I can now return to King Lathas. Lord
Iorwerth gave me a letter to deliver to him, verifying that
King Tyras is dead.
After Arianwyn shows you the contents of Iorwerth's message
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I returned to Lord Iorwerth
and let him know.
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
I used a Catapult near King Tyras's camp to fire the Bomb
into his tent, dealing with him once and for all.
With my work done, Lord Iorwerth gave me a letter to
deliver to King Lathas, verifying King Tyras's death.
On my way back to King Lathas, I was met by a member of
the Elven Resistance named Arianwyn. He broke the seal
on the letter I was carrying and used it to show me the
truth. While I was led to believe that King Tyras is evil, it is
in fact King Lathas and Lord Iorwerth who serve the Dark
Lord. To avoid suspicion, I should deliver the letter to King
Lathas as if nothing unusual has happened.
After completing the quest
I spoke to King Lathas in Ardougne Castle. He informed me
that the time had come journey into the west and deal with
his brother, King Tyras. To get there, King Lathas told me
to travel through the recently repaired Well of Voyage
within the Underground Pass.
I travelled through the Well of Voyage and into the
western lands of Tirannwn. Upon my arrival, I was met by
some representatives of Lord Iorwerth, an elven leader
allied with King Lathas. They directed me to Lord Iorwerth.
I met with Lord Iorwerth at his camp. He offered me his
support in my endeavour and told me to meet with one of
his Trackers.
I met with Lord Iorwerth's Tracker at King Tyras's old camp.
He told me to search the camp for traces of where King
Tyras and his forces might have gone.
While searching King Tyras's old camp, I found some
footprints leading into the forest. I followed them and
found King Tyras's new camp. I returned to Lord Iorwerth
and let him know.
Using information from a book that Lord Iorwerth gave me,
I managed to create a Bomb to use against King Tyras.
I used a Catapult near King Tyras's camp to fire the Bomb
into his tent, dealing with him once and for all.
With my work done, Lord Iorwerth gave me a letter to
deliver to King Lathas, verifying King Tyras's death.
On my way back to King Lathas, I was met by a member of
the Elven Resistance named Arianwyn. He broke the seal
on the letter I was carrying and used it to show me the
truth. While I was led to believe that King Tyras is evil, it is
in fact King Lathas and Lord Iorwerth who serve the Dark
Lord. To avoid suspicion, I delivered the letter to King
Lathas as if nothing unusual had happened. He thanked
me for killing his brother and rewarded me.