Transcript:Rick (2020 Halloween event)

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Standard dialogue

  • Player: Hey there, Rick.
  • Rick: Hello, [player name]. It's nice to see you again!
  • How are you feeling?
    • Player: How are you feeling?
    • Rick: Better now that my head's back in place. Thanks again for helping me with that!
    • Player: You're very welcome. It was a night to remember, that's for sure.
    • Rick: Indeed. How are you finding the helm that I gave you? Does the headless illusion still work?
    • Player: Yes it does. I've been told it looks terrifying - especially when I eat or drink.
    • Rick: I can imagine!
    • Talk about what Rick is doing.
      • (Same as below)
    • Goodbye.
      • (Same as below)
  • Do you have anything to sell?
    • Player: Do you have anything to sell?
    • Rick: As a matter of fact, I do! I was recently doing some research on cabbages. I was able to extract their essence and combine it with a t-
    • Player: You're not a very good salesman, are you? Just tell me what you're selling!
    • Rick: Oh. Right! I have these crystal shards that will let you escape from particularly dangerous situations. They only work in certain places. I call them Escape crystal.
    • Player: Why would I want that?
    • Rick: Sometimes you get caught in places that won't let you teleport out by normal means. These crystals are specially crafted to let you escape those scenarios.
    • Rick: So, would you like to buy one? They cost 75000 gold each!
    • Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
      • Player: Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
      • If the player has at least 75,000 coins:
        • Player is prompted to select how many to purchase.
      • If the player does not have at least 75,000 coins:
        • Rick: It looks like you can't afford any Escape crystals. They cost 75000 each.
        • (End of dialogue)
    • Which places can the Escape crystal teleport me out of?
      • Player: Which places can the Escape crystal teleport me out of?
      • Rick: The crystals currently work in the Theatre of Blood, the Chambers of Xeric, TzHaar-Ket-Rak's Challenges, the Inferno, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault and the Tombs of Amascut.
      • Rick: So, would you like to buy one? They cost 75000 gold each!
      • Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
        • (Same as above)
      • No way, that's too expensive!
        • (Same as above)
    • No way, that's too expensive!
      • Player: No way, that's too expensive!
      • Rick: Well, there's a lot that goes into it to drive the price up that high. But I understand why you feel that way.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • What are you up to?
    • Player: What are you up to now that your head is back where it belongs?
    • Rick: I still study. I'm changing my field of study though. Hopefully if I don't mess up more spells, one day I can become the head wizard.
    • Player: I think that would suit you very well!
    • Talk about how Rick is feeling.
      • (Same as above)
    • Goodbye.
      • (Same as below)
  • Goodbye.
    • Player: Goodbye, Rick.
    • Rick: Take care, [player name].
    • (End of dialogue)

Dialogue for accounts that have not completed the 2020 Halloween event

  • Player: Hey there.
  • Rick: Hello.
  • Who are you?
    • Player: Who are you?
    • Rick: My name is Rick. I'm a wizard student. I used to study magical farming, but I don't like it anymore.
    • Player: Why don't you like it anymore?
    • Rick: It's a bit embarassing, but... I got my head swapped with a pumpkin. Luckily an adventurer came along and helped me get it back in place.
    • Player: That is indeed lucky.
  • Do you have anything to sell?
    • Player: Do you have anything to sell?
    • Rick: As a matter of fact, I do! I was recently doing some research on cabbages. I was able to extract their essence and combine it with a t-
    • Player: You're not a very good salesman, are you? Just tell me what you're selling!
    • Rick: Oh. Right! I have these crystal shards that will let you escape from particularly dangerous situations. They only work in certain places. I call them Escape crystals.
    • Player: Why would I want that?
    • Rick: Sometimes you get caught in places that won't let you teleport out by normal means. These crystals are specifically crafted to let you escape those scenarios.
    • Rick: So, would you like to buy one? They cost 75000 gold each!
      • Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
        • Player: Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
        • Rick: Wonderful!
          • If on a free-to-play world
            • Rick: The Members objects I'm selling are quite delicate. I'd feel more comfortable selling them on a member's world.
          • If on a member's world
            • If the player has at least 75,000 coins:
              • Player is prompted to select how many to purchase.
            • If the player does not have at least 75,000 coins:
              • Rick: It looks like you can't afford any Escape crystals. They cost 75000 each.
      • No way, that's too expensive!
        • Player: No way, that's too expensive!
        • Rick: Well, there's a lot that goes into it to drive the price up that high. But I understand why you feel that way.
          • (End of dialogue)
      • Which places can the Escape crystal teleport me out of?
        • Player: Which places can the Escape crystal teleport me out of?
        • Rick: The crystals currently work in the Theatre of Blood, the Chambers of Xeric, TzHaar-Ket-Rak's Challenges, the Inferno, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault and the Tombs of Amascut.
        • Rick: So, would you like to buy one? They cost 75000 gold each!
          • Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
            • Player: Sure - I'd like to buy a crystal.
            • Rick: Wonderful!
              • If on a free-to-play world
                • Rick: The Members objects I'm selling are quite delicate. I'd feel more comfortable selling them on a member's world.
                • If on a member's world
                  • If the player has at least 75,000 coins:
                    • Player is prompted to select how many to purchase.
                  • If the player does not have at least 75,000 coins:
                    • Rick: It looks like you can't afford any Escape crystals. They cost 75000 each.
          • No way, that's too expensive!
            • Player: No way, that's too expensive!
            • Rick: Well, there's a lot that goes into it to drive the price up that high. But I understand why you feel that way.
              • (End of dialogue)
  • What are you doing here?
    • Player: What are you doing here?
    • Rick: I'm a student here at the tower. I don't know what I'll do now. Maybe I'll go home to Ardougne. Or maybe I'll pick up a new magical field to study.
    • Player: What kinds of magical fields are we talking about?
    • Rick: Anything but pumpkin fields.
  • Goodbye.
    • Player: Goodbye.
    • Rick: Bye.