Transcript:Sergeant Ricardo

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Standard dialogue

  • Sergeant Ricardo: Ah, hello! Isn't it a wonderful day?
  • Player: You seem happy.
  • Sergeant Ricardo: And why wouldn't I be? I'm part of the best fighting force in the world! The Shayzien Army!
  • Player: The best?
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Of course!
  • Player: So the Shayzien Army has no weaknesses at all?
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Well... I suppose we don't really have any magical capabilities. That's more an Arceuus thing. Though of course, they're mostly pacifists. Apparently they didn't even properly fight in the War of the Five Houses.
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Still, I guess 'War of the Four Houses while House Arceuus watched' isn't as catchy a name.
  • Player: Right... But apart from magic, the Shayzien Army has no weaknesses?
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Well... we are just an army. We don't have a navy, so can't really deal with any threats at sea. Lady Piscarilius is meant to be in charge of the Kourend Navy. Problem is, it doesn't actually exist.
  • Player: How come?
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Lady Piscarilius has little interest in that sort of thing. Lord Shayzien wants to establish a Shayzien Navy instead, but there's a lot of pushback from the rest of the kingdom.
  • Sergeant Ricardo: They worry about Shayzien having too much power. It does mean we'll have big problems against any enemy navy, but on their heads be it I suppose.
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Anyway, apart from those minor issues, the Shayzien Army has absolutely no weaknesses!
  • Player: If you say so. See you later.
  • Sergeant Ricardo: Goodbye!
  • (End of dialogue)