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Standard dialogue
- Player: Hello there.
- Sigurd: Ha Ha! Hello!
- Select an Option
- Who are you?
- Player: Who are you?
- Sigurd: I'm Sigurd the Great and Brainy.
- Player: Why do they call you the Great and Brainy?
- Sigurd: Because I invented the Log Canoe!
- Player: Log Canoe?
- Sigurd: Yeash! Me and my cousins were having a great party by the river when we decided to have a game of 'Smack The Tree'
- Player: Smack the Tree?
- Sigurd: It's a game were you take it in turnsh shmacking a tree. First one to uproot the tree winsh!
- Sigurd: Anyway, I won the game with a flying tackle. The tree came loose and down the river bank I went, still holding the tree.
- Sigurd: I woke up a few hours later and found myself several miles down river. And thatsh how I invented the log canoe!
- Player: So you invented the 'Log Canoe' by falling into a river hugging a tree?
- Sigurd: Well I refined the design from the original you know!
- Sigurd: I cut all the branches off to make it more comfortable. I could tell you how to if you like?
- Select an Option
- Yes
- (Same as below)
- No
- Player: No thanks, not right now.
- (End of dialogue)
- Can you teach me about Canoeing?
- Player: Can you teach me about canoes?
- If the player has 1-11 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: Well, you don't look like you have the skill to make a canoe.
- Sigurd: You need to have at least level 12 woodcutting.
- Sigurd: Once you are able to make a canoe it makes travel along the river much quicker!
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has 12-99 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: It's really quite simple. Just walk down to that tree on the bank and chop it down.
- Sigurd: Then take your axe to it and shape it how you like!
- (Continues below)
- If the player has 12-26 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: You can make a log canoe like mine! It'll get you 1 stop down the river.
- Sigurd: There's some snooty fella down near the Champions Guild who reckons his canoes are better than mine. He's never said it to my face though.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has 27-41 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: You could make a Dugout canoe with your woodcutting skill, but I don't see why you would want to.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has 42-56 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: Well, you're pretty handy with an axe!
- Sigurd: You could make Stable Dugout canoes, like that snooty fella Tarquin.
- Sigurd: He reckons his canoes are better than mine. He's never said it to my face though.
- (End of dialogue)
- If the player has 57-99 Woodcutting:
- Sigurd: You look like you know your way around a tree, you can make a Waka canoe.
- Player: What's a Waka?
- Sigurd: I've only ever seen Hari using them. People say he's found a way to canoe the river underground and into the Wilderness[sic]
- Sigurd: Hari hangs around up near Edgeville[sic]
- Sigurd: He's a nice bloke.
- (End of dialogue)