Transcript:Sir Prysin

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Standard dialogue

  • Sir Prysin: Hello. I've heard you stopped the demon, well done.
  • Yes, that's right.
    • Player: Yes, that's right.
    • Sir Prysin: A good job well done then.
    • Player: Thank you.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • Yes, although I'm afraid I've lost Silverlight.
    • Player: Yes, although I'm afraid I've lost Silverlight.
    • Sir Prysin: Yes, news of your carelessness is almost as widespread as knowledge of your victory. Fortunately for you, Silverlight has come back into my possession.
    • Phew, that's a relief.
      • Player: Phew, that's a relief.
      • (End of dialogue)
    • Is there any chance of me borrowing it again?
      • Player: Is there any chance of me borrowing it again?
      • Sir Prysin: I'm not going to give it away that easily again, it's far too important to be treated so disrespectfully. Especially now its powers have increased after your fight with Agrith-Naar!
      • Sir Prysin: If you wish to make use of Silverlight again, it will cost you 1000 gold pieces. Maybe that will encourage you to look after it.
      • No way, it's not worth that much.
        • Player: No way, it's not worth that much.
        • (End of dialogue)
      • Ok, I'll pay.
        • Player: Ok, I'll pay.
        • If the player has at least 500 coins.
          • Sir Prysin: May you make good use of it.
          • (Player receives Silverlight.)
          • (End of dialogue)
        • If the player does not have at least 500 coins.
          • Player: But I don't have that much money.
          • (End of dialogue)
        • If the player lacks sufficient inventory space:
          • Sir Prysin: You don't even have enough free space to carry it. Stop wasing[sic] my time!
          • (End of dialogue)

Pre Demon Slayer dialogue

  • Sir Prysin: Hello, who are you?
  • I am a mighty adventurer. Who are you?
    • Player: I am a mighty adventurer, who are you?
    • Sir Prysin: I am Sir Prysin. A bold and famous knight of the realm.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • I'm not sure, I was hoping you could tell me.
    • Player: I was hoping you could tell me.
    • Sir Prysin: Well I've never met you before.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • (If Demon Slayer is started:) Aris said I should come and talk to you.
    • Player: Aris said I should come and talk to you.
    • Sir Prysin: Aris? Is she still alive? I remember her from when I was pretty young. Well what do you need to talk to me about?
    • I need to find Silverlight.
      • Player: I need to find Silverlight.
      • Sir Prysin: What do you need to find that for?
      • Player: I need it to fight Delrith.
      • Sir Prysin: Delrith? I thought the world was rid of him, thanks to my great-grandfather.
      • Well, Aris' crystal ball seems to think otherwise.
        • Player: Well Aris' crystal ball seems to think otherwise.
        • Sir Prysin: Well if the ball says so, I'd better help you.
        • Sir Prysin: The problem is getting Silverlight.
        • Player: You mean you don't have it?
        • Sir Prysin: Oh I do have it, but it is so powerful that the king made me put it in a special box which needs three different keys to open it. That way it won't fall into the wrong hands.
        • So give me the keys!
          • Player: So give me the keys!
          • Sir Prysin: Um, well, it's not so easy.
          • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys. I gave the other two to other people for safe keeping.
          • Sir Prysin: One I gave to Rovin, the captain of the palace guard.
          • Sir Prysin: I gave the other to the wizard Traiborn.
          • Select an Option
          • Can you give me your key?
            • Player: Can you give me your key?
            • Sir Prysin: Um.... ah....
            • Sir Prysin: Well there's a problem there as well.
            • Sir Prysin: I managed to drop the key in the drain just outside the palace kitchen. It is just inside and I can't reach it.
            • Select an Option
            • So what does the drain lead to?
              • Player: So what does the drain connect to?
              • Sir Prysin: It is the drain for the drainpipe running from the sink in the kitchen down to the palace sewers.
              • Select an Option
              • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
                • (Same as below)
              • Where does the wizard live?
                • (Same as below)
              • Well I'd better go key hunting.
                • Player: Well I'd better go key hunting.
                • Sir Prysin: Ok, goodbye.
                • (End of dialogue)
            • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
              • (Same as below)
            • Where does the wizard live?
              • (Same as below)
          • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
            • Player: Where can I find Captain Rovin?
            • Sir Prysin: Captain Rovin lives at the top of the guards' quarters in the north-west wing of this palace.
            • Select an Option
            • Can you give me your key?
              • (Same as above)
            • Where does the wizard live?
              • (Same as below)
            • Well I'd better go key hunting.
              • (Same as above)
          • Where does the wizard live?
            • Player: Where does the wizard live?
            • Sir Prysin: Wizard Traiborn?
            • Sir Prysin: He is one of the wizards who lives in the tower on the little island just off the south coast. I believe his quarters are on the first floor of the tower.
            • Select an Option
            • Can you give me your key?
              • (Same as above)
            • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
              • (Same as above)
            • Well I'd better go key hunting.
              • (Same as above)
        • And why is this a problem?
          • Player: And why is this a problem?
          • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys. I gave the other two to other people for safe keeping.
          • (Same as above)
      • He's back and unfortunately I've got to deal with him.
        • Player: He's back and unfortunately I've got to deal with him.
        • Sir Prysin: You don't look up to much. I suppose Silverlight may be good enough to carry you through though.
        • Sir Prysin: The problem is getting Silverlight.
        • Player: You mean you don't have it?
        • (Same as above)
    • Yes, she is still alive.
      • Player: Yes she is still alive. She lives right outside the castle!
      • Sir Prysin: Oh, is that the same Aris? I would have thought she would have died by now. She was pretty old when I was a lad.
      • Sir Prysin: Anyway, what can I do for you?
      • Player: I need to find Silverlight.
      • (Same as above)

Talking to him again before getting keys

  • Sir Prysin: So how are you doing with getting the keys?
  • Player: I haven't found any of them yet.
  • Can you remind me where all the keys were again?
    • Player: Can you remind me where all the keys were again?
    • Sir Prysin: I kept one of the keys. I gave the other two to other people for safe keeping.
    • Sir Prysin: One I gave to Rovin, the captain of the palace guard.
    • Sir Prysin: I gave the other to the wizard Traiborn.
    • Can you give me your key?
      • (Same as above)
    • Where can I find Captain Rovin?
      • (Same as above)
    • Where does the wizard live?
      • (Same as above)
  • I'm still looking.
    • Player: I'm still looking.
    • Sir Prysin: Ok, tell me when you've got them all.
    • (End of dialogue)

Returning with at least one key

  • Sir Prysin: So how are you doing with getting the keys?
  • Player: I've got the key from Captain Rovin and the one that you dropped down the drain.
  • (End of dialogue)

Returning with all the keys

  • Player: I've got all three keys!
  • Sir Prysin: Excellent! Now I can give you Silverlight.
  • Sir Prysin: That sword belonged to my great-grandfather. Make sure you treat it with respect!
  • Sir Prysin: Now go kill that demon!
  • (End of dialogue)

Talking to him before fighting Delrith and losing Silverlight

  • Sir Prysin: Have you sorted that demon out yet?
  • Player: Not yet. And I, um, lost Silverlight.
  • Sir Prysin: Yes, I know, someone returned it to me. Take better care of it this time.
  • (End of dialogue)

First conversation after killing Delrith

  • Sir Prysin: Hello. I've heard you stopped the demon, well done.
  • Player: Yes, that's right.
  • Sir Prysin: A good job well done then.
  • Player: Thank you.
  • (End of dialogue)

Defender of Varrock

During the zombie invasion

  • Sir Prysin: Where did all these zombies come from?
  • Player: It's an invasion by Zemouregal.
  • Sir Prysin: The gods preserve us!
  • Player: Don't worry, I'm working on a plan to get rid of them.
  • Sir Prysin: We're doomed!

(End of dialogue)

Treasure Trails


  • Sir Prysin: You've come to the right place, well done!
  • When given another clue scroll:
    • Sir Prysin has given you another clue scroll!
    • (Player receives another clue scroll.)
    • (End of dialogue)
  • When given a reward casket:
    • You've obtained a casket!
    • (Player receives a reward casket.)
    • (End of dialogue)